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Hymnal, Number:phss1758

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CHRIST's Compassion at the Weak and Tempted

Appears in 421 hymnals First Line: With joy we meditate the Grace Lyrics: 1 With Joy we meditate the Grace Of our High Priest above; His Heart is made of Tenderness, His Bowels melt with Love. Touch'd with a Sympathy within, He knows our feeble Frame; He knows what sore Temptations mean, For he hath felt the same. 2 But spotless, innocent and pure The great Redeemer stood, While Satan's fiery Dartsv he bore, And did resist to Blood. He in the Days of feeble Flesh Pour'd out his Cries and Tears, And in his Measure feels afresh What every Member bears. 3 He'll never quench the smoaking Flax, But raise it to a Flame; The bruised Reed he never breaks, Nor scorns the meanest Name. Then let our humble Faith address His Mercy and his Pow'r, We shall obtain deliv'ring Grace In the distressing Hour.
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Ye people all abroad

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Ye people all abroad! clap hands and voices raise In honour to our GOD, and loudly sing his praise. 2 The LORD most high a dreadful King, rules ev'ry thing With majesty. 3 Whose nations of our foes beneath our feet has thrown: 4 A fair possession chose for us who are his own: The dignity of Israel belov'd so well By the most High (Selah) 5 GOD is gone up on high, The LORD with trumpets sound, With shouts triumphantly: 6 O praise our GOD renown'd: His praises sing, yea loudly raise your voice to praise Our sov'reign king. 7 For GOD is sov'reign King of all the spacious earth: With understanding sing his praise with sacred mirth: 8 GOD reigns alone, the nations stills; GOD sits, and fills His holy throne. 9 The princes gath'red are, the princes of all lands, And people far and near whom Abr'ham's God commands: The shields of all The earth abroad belong to GOD; Him high extol! Scripture: Psalm 47
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Ye righteous, in the Lord

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Ye righteous in the Lord, exceedingly rejoyce; For it is comely for th' upright, with praise to lift their voice. 2 With psaltries, harps and lutes, sing praises to the LORD; 3 A new song loudly sing to Him, with skill and sweet accord; 4 Because JEHOVAH's word is altogether right; And all his work is done in truth, and brings his truth to light. 5 He loves all righteousness, judgment and equity: And all the earth is filled with the LORD"s benignity. 6 For by JEHOVAH's word the heav'ns had all their frame; And by the spirit of his mouth all armies of the same. 7 The waters of the sea he gathers as an heap; In channels as in treasuries he lays up all the deep. 8 Let all throughout the earth, the great JEHOVAH fear, Let all the dwellers of the world to Him deep rev'rence bear: 9 Because he did but speak the word; and it was made; He did but his commandment give, and it was firmly staid. 10 JEHOVAH brings to nought the schemes of nations wise; He renders all in vain the plots the subt'lest men devise. 11 The counsel of the LORD abide for ever shall; The cogitations of his heart, to generations all. [2 Part] 12 O blessed nation they, whose God JEHOVAH is; That people, for an heritage He chosen hath as his. 13 The LORD from heav'n looks down, on all the human race: 14 He all who dwell around the earth views from his dwelling place. 15 He fashions at his will the hearts of all mankind; And all their operations he attentively does mind. 16 By multitudes of hosts no king himself can save, The mighty by their greatest strength, can not deliv'rance have. 17 A horse a vain thing is to save one in the fight; Neither can he deliv'rance give by greatness of his might. 18 But lo, who fear the LORD, on them, He sets his eye; On them who place their lively hope in his benignity. 19 To save our souls from death by war and famine free; 20 Our souls will for JEHOVAH wait; our help and shield is he. 21 We trust his holy name; so our heart in Him joy. 22 LORD, let thy mercy be on us, as we on Thee rely.
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Ye servants of the Lord

Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Ye servants of the LORD, who in the LORD's house wait, And keep your watch before the threshold of his gate; The LORD's praise sing by silent night 'till cheerful light Of morning spring. 2 Lift in his holy place, your joyful hands on high; And say, the LORD we bless. who made the earth and skie/ 3 And may he srill thee greatly bless with joy and grace, From Zion-hill. Scripture: Psalm 134
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O God! have mercy upon me

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O God! have mercy upon me, According to thy bounteous grace; And in thy mercies multitude My many trespasses efface. 2 O wash me throughly from my guilt, And from my sin me purify: 3 For all my sins I freely own; My sin is always in mine eye. 4 Against Thee, Thee alone I sinn'd, This crime committed in thy sight; So when Thou speakest, Thou art just, Thy judgment stands intirely right. 5 Behold, I with abasement own, I shap'd was in iniquity; And that my mother stain'd with sin, She ev'n in sin conceived me. 6 Behold, it is the truth that Thou Desirest in the inward part: O do Thou make me wisdom know Within the secret of my heart. 7 With sprinkling hyssop cleanse Thy me, And I will pure and spotless grow; O wash and make me wholly clean; And I shall whiter be than snow. [2 Part] 9 Of joy and gladness make Thou me, To hear again the welcome voice; That so the bones which Thou hast broke May happily again rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my sins For ever turn away thine eyes; And do Thou utterly efface All my abhor'd iniquities. 10 O GOD, create in me an heart Both clean and holy in thy sight, And in me, O do Thou renew A spirit steady and upright. Cast me not from thy face; nor take Thy Holy Spirit now from me; 12 Restore me thy salvation's joy: Uphold me with thy spirit free. 13 Then from a bless'd experience I Will sinners teach thy happy ways; And sinners shall converted be, To Thee, to love, obey and praise. [3 Part] 14 O GOD! of my salvation God! Deliver me from guilt of blood; And of thy saving righteousness My joyful tongue will sing aloud. 15 Lord, open Thou these lips of mine, Which by my sin fast closed are: And then will my enlarged mouth thy praises publickly declare 16 For Thou desir'st not sacrifice Of beast, that I might bring to Thee; Nor in burnt off'rings dost delight, That Thou should'st them accept of me. 17 But 'tis a spirit broke for sin, Is GOD's approved sacrifice: A broken and a contrite heart O GOD, Thou never wilt despise. 18 And now to Zion, O do good In thy good pleasure bounteously; And of our dear Jerusalem, Do Thou build up the walls on high. 19 Then Thou shalt with the sacrifice Of righteousness well pleased be; Burnt off'rings, whole burnt off'rings, calves, They'll at thine altar offer Thee. Scripture: Psalm 51
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A Psalm of David

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Fools in their heart say, there's no God Lyrics: 1 Fools in their heart say, there's no GOD; and so corrupt they grow: Abominable sins commit, and nothing good they do. 2 GOD from the heav'ns hath looked down the sons of men to see, If any that does understand, That seeks to GOD there be. 3 They altogether filthy are, they all are backward gone; There is not any that does good no not so much as one. 4 The workers of iniquity do they not know at all? That they my people east as bread, on God they never call. 5 There they shall fear where no fear is: For GOD will scatter them Who thee beset: them He disdains, and thou shalt put to shame. 6 O when will He salvation give to his poor Israel, From out his own Zion, where He graciously does dwell? When GOD his people shall return, who have been captive led,; Then Jacob will be mov'd with joy And Isr'el greatly glad. Scripture: Psalm 53
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A Psalm for Solomon

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O God, Thy judgments give the King Lyrics: 1 O GOD, Thy judgments give the KING, Thy righteousness give to his SON: 2 Then he'll thy people rightly judge And to thy poor see justice done. 3 The mountains shall abundantly To all the people bring forth peace; The little hills abound With joyful fruits of righteousness. 4 Poor of the people he will judge, And children of the needy save: He will to pieces break all those Who with their fraud oppressed have. 5 They shall Thee fear while sun and moon Endure, thro' generations all: 6 Like rain on mown grass he will come, As show'rs on earth distilling fall. 7 The righteous shall lift up their heads, Rejoyce and flourish in his reign; And till the moon to shine shall cease, He will abundant peace maintain. 8 His great and bless'd dominion shall Abroad from sea to sea extend; and from the river it shall reach Quite to the earth's remotest end. 9 They in the wilderness who dwell, In homage bow before him must; His foes shall, falling at his feet, In low prostration lick the dust. 10 The kings of Tarshish and the Isles, To him shall costly presents bring; Sheba's, and Seba's kings their gifts To him as their superior King. 11 Yea all the kings throughout the earth, To him shall bow, and homage pay; And all the nations of the world Shall Him as the supream obey. 12 Because he will the needy save, When they to him for succour call, Those who afflicted are, and those, Who have no human help at all. 13 The feeble and necessitous, He will in tender pity spare; He will preserve and save the souls Of those who poor and needy are. 14 Their souls from fraud and violence His pow'r and mercy will redeem; And in his eyes their blood shall be Of precious worth and high esteem. 15 Long shall he live; and they shall bring To him of Sheba's finest gold: Pray'rs shall be always made for him, And daily he shall be extoll'd. 16 Of corn an handful in the earth Tho' on the tops of mountains sown, The fruit shall rise, increase and wave Like the tall trees of Lebanon. And they who in the city dwell Shall greatly flourish and abound, In numbers like the fertile grass, Which grows upon the richest ground. 17 His name for ever shall endure, And shall continue as the sun; In him all nations shall be blest, And him proclaim the BLESSED ONE. 18 O let JEHOVAH blessed be, The GOD, the God of Israel: For by Himself alone he works Such things as wond'rous are to tell. 19 O let his glorious name be bless'd Eternal as his happy reign: And let his glory fill the earth: Repeat aloud, AMEN, AMEN. [Common Metre] 18 O let the LORD GOD blessed be, the GOD of Israel: For by Himself alone he works, things wonderful to tell. 19 O let his glorious name be bless'd, eternal as his reign; And let his glory fill the earth: repeat, AMEN, AMEN. Scripture: Psalm 72
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A Psalm of David

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O thou my soul, Jehovah bless Lyrics: 1 O Thou my soul, JEHOVAH bless, his praise aloud proclaim, Let all my pow'rs in me conspire, to bless his holy name. 2 Still O my soul, JEHOVAH bless, and ne'r do thou forget His benefits so undeserv'd so num'rous and so great. 3 He who most graciously forgives all thine iniquities; He all thy sicknesses removes, and thine infirmities. 4 Who from the pit thy life redeems, when ready to go down; Does thee with loving-kindnesses, and tender mercies crown. 5 Who with good things abundantly doth satisfy thy mouth; That like reviving eagles, so renewed is thy youth. [2 Part] 6 Judgment and justice still the LORD, for all th' oppress'd will do: 7 His ways to Moses, and his acts to Isra'ls race did shew. 8 Most merciful JEHOVAH is, most gracious to be found; To anger He is very slow, in mercy does abound. 9 Tho' He contend with us a while, He will not always chide; Nor keep his anger in his breast for ever to abide. 10 He hath not dealt with us in wrath according to our sin; Nor has He recompenced us as our deserts have been. 11 But as the heav'n above the earth in height surpasses far; His mercy so transcends to all who Him supreamly fear. 12 As far as east is from the west in their vast distances, So far hath He remov'd away from us our trespasses. [3 Part] 13 The pity of a father's heart which he his sons doth bear, The LORD such pity has for all Who Him, as children, fear: 14 Because He knows this frame of ours, He minds that dust are we: 15 Man's days like grass; like a field flow'r, so flourishing is he; 16 Rut as the wind swift o'er it moves, so quick away it goes; And thence the place where it appear'd no mere it ever knows, 17 But yet on them who fear the LORD, His mercy ever is; And on their children's children, so descends his righteousness. 18 On such as keep his covenant with strict integrity, And his commandments bear in mind, to do them faithfully. [4 Part] 19 The LORD hath in the heav'ns on high established his throne: And as the world his kingdom is. He reigns o'er all, alone. 20 O ye his angels that excel in strength, bless ye the LORD; Who his commandments always do and hearken to his word. 21 O all ye armies of the LORD, to bless JEHOVAH join; His ministers, who to perform his will, with joy combine. 22 O praise the LORD, all ye his works, with which the world is full, In his dominion every where: the LORD bless, O my soul! Scripture: Psalm 103
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How bless'd is he who fears the Lord

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 How bless'd is he who fears the LORD And walks in his appointed ways. 2 For thy hands labour thou shalt eat, And shalt be happy all thy days. 3 Thy wife shall like a goodly vine By thy house side be fruitful found: Thy children like fair olive plants, Adorn thy cheerful table round. 4 Lo thus the man who fears the LORD, With earthly good shall blessed be: 5 Yea more, the LORD from Zion hill Will heav'nly blessings send to thee. The good of our Jerusalem, Thou all thy happy life shalt view. 6 Thy children's children thou shalt see, And peaceful times on Isr'el too. Scripture: Psalm 128
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Lord, from the deeps I cry to Thee

Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 LORD, from the deeps I cry to Thee; 2 My voice, Lord, do Thou kindly hear! And to my supplications voice, O give Thou an attentive ear. 3 O JAH! if Thou shouldst mark our sins, Who can before Thee stand, O Lord? 4 But there forgiveness is with Thee, That Thou may'st humbly be ador'd. 5 I for the LORD wait; my soul waits, And I hope in his faithful word: 6 Than watchers for the dawning look, My soul more looks out for the Lord. 7 Let Isr'el then wait hopefully, And ever on the LORD confide; For boundless mercies with the LORD To perpetuity abide. 8 Yea plenteous redemption is Ev'n to eternity with him; And Isr'el He from all their sins Will to eternity redeem. Scripture: Psalm 130


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