1 Fools in their heart say, there's no GOD;
and so corrupt they grow:
Abominable sins commit,
and nothing good they do.
2 GOD from the heav'ns hath looked down
the sons of men to see,
If any that does understand,
That seeks to GOD there be.
3 They altogether filthy are,
they all are backward gone;
There is not any that does good
no not so much as one.
4 The workers of iniquity
do they not know at all?
That they my people east as bread,
on God they never call.
5 There they shall fear where no fear is:
For GOD will scatter them
Who thee beset: them He disdains,
and thou shalt put to shame.
6 O when will He salvation give
to his poor Israel,
From out his own Zion, where
He graciously does dwell?
When GOD his people shall return,
who have been captive led,;
Then Jacob will be mov'd with joy
And Isr'el greatly glad.