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Hymnal, Number:phss1758

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A Psalm of Asaph

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Sure God is good to Israel Lyrics: 1 Sure GOD is good to Israel, to those in heart sincere: 2 But as for me, my feet had slipt, and nigh to falling were. 3 For I was envious and griev'd, the foolish ones to see; And the ungodly, while they liv'd in great prosperity. 4 When they seem'd free from bands of death; their strength seem'd firm and sure; 5 No plagues had they, nor griefs, nor pains, As other men endure. 6 With pride as with a chain of gold encompassed they are; And cloath'd with violence, the same as a rich vest they wear. 7 Out of the fulness of their fat extended are their eyes: And they more prosp'rous state enjoy, than what their hearts devise. 8 Corrupted are they, and by words in malice out they break; Oppression openly maintain, and loftily they speak. 9 Against the heav'ns they set themselves, with daring mouths they talk; And with mischeivous, lawless tongues, throughout the earth they walk. [2 Part] 10 From hence his people hither turn; to this perplexing doubt; When waters of full bitter cups are to themselves wrung out. 11 And in their folly thus they say; 'How does God all things know? 'Does the most High look down and see, 'all things done here below?' 12 'Behold these the ungodly are, 'who live in ease and peace; 'And they who prosper in the world, 'whose riches still increase. 'Sure I have wash'd my heart and hands 'in innocence in vain: 14 For ev'ry day I plagu'd have been, 'each morning scourg'd with pain. 15 But if to speak at such a rate I rashly should pretend, Of thy dear children I the race should grievously offend. 16 When this I thought to understand, it was too hard for me; 17 Till to the house of God I went, where I their end did see. 18 For sure on places slippery, these men dispos'd Thou hast; And down into destruction deep, Thou dost them quickly cast. 19 How in a moment unawares to ruin brought are they? And how with terrors utterly shall they consume away? 20 Like a vain dream when one awakes, away their glory flies; And when O Lord, Thou risest up, Thou wilt their shade despise. [3 Part] 21 So weak and troubled was my heart, my reins were pierc'd in me; 22 So foolish I, and ignorant, ev'n as a beast with Thee. 23 Nevertheless continually, before Thee yet I stand; Thou hast me also stedfastly upheld by my right hand. 24 Thou with thy constant counsel wilt direction to me give; Up afterward Thou wilt on high to glory me receive. 25 In heav'n above but Thee alone, who is it that I have? And there is nothing on the earth besides Thee that I crave. 26 My flesh and heart intirely fail, but Thou wilt me restore; For of my heart GOD is the strength, my portion evermore. 26 But lo, they that are far from Thee, shall utterly decay: And all who faithless stray from Thee, Thou wilt consume away. 28 Whereas for me, 'tis good that I still near to GOD repair; I on the Lord JEHOVAH trust, thy works all to declare. Scripture: Psalm 73
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A Psalm of David

Author: John Keble Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: The earth is all the Lord's Lyrics: 1 The earth is all the LORD's, it's fulness all is his; The world and all who dwell therein his own possession is. 2 For its foundation He upon the seas hath laid; And it on the unstable floods hath firm established. 3 But who JEHOVAH's hill shall happily ascend? And in his place of sanctity, who shall on Him attend? 4 The man whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure; and he Who hath not lift his soul to lies, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 The benediction he shall from the LORD receive, And righteousness shall from the God of his salvation have. 6 Of those who seek for Him, this is the blessed race; And they are Jacob's genuine seed who chiefly seek thy face. (Selah) [2 Part] 7 Ye gates lift up your heads, eternal doors give way; Lift up on high, that enter in the king of glory may. 8 Who is this glorious king? we beg you now declare! He is JEHOVAH great in pow'r, the mighty LORD of war. 9 Ye gates lift up your heads, eternal doors give way; Lift up on high, that enter in the king of glory may. 10 Who is this glorious king? reveal and let us see! He's the triumphant LORD of hosts: this glorious king is He. (Selah) Scripture: Psalm 24
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A Psalm of Asaph

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: The God of gods, the Lord doth speak Lyrics: 1 The God of GOD's, the LORD doth speak, and to the earth proclaim; Ev'n from the rising of the sun to setting of the same. 2 From out of Zion's sacred hill, which, by his dwelling there, Of beauty the perfection is, GOD shining doth appear. 3 Behold our God in glory comes, nor silent, in the skies; Before Him goes devouring fire, great* storms around him rise. 4 To heav'n He calls out from on high, and to the earth below, That all his equal judgment may on his own people know. 5 Gather to me, says he, my saints, bring them before mine eyes; Who have a covenant confirm'd, with me by sacrifice. 6 And now the heav'ns most clearly shall his righteousness make known; Because the might GOD Himself, is sov'reign judge alone. (Selah) [2 Part] 7 Hear O my people Israel! and I will speak on high; Yea I will testify to thee, that GOD, thy God, am I. 8 For what of sacrifices I will find no fault with thee, Or that burnt off'rings have not been, continually with me. 9 I'll take no bullocks from thy stalls nor goats from folds of thine: 10 For forrest-beasts and cattle on a thousand hills are mine. 11 The fowls that on the mountains fly, are all to me well known; And all wild beasts which range the fields, are with me as my own. 12 If hunger ever could me seize, I would not tell it thee; For the whole world and fulness of the whole belong to me. 13 Or eat the flesh of beeves, or drink the blood of goats shall I? 14 Thanks offer thou to GOD, and pay thy vows to the most high. 15 And in the day of thy distress, confiding, tome cry; And I'll deliver thee, and then thou shalt me glorify. [3 Part] 16 But to the wicked GOD doth say; "how dar'st thou to proclaim My statutes? or with thy vile mouth my covenant to name? 17 Whereas thou hatest discipline, nor wilt instructed be; And all my words, as nothing worth, thou castest off from thee. 18 When thou dost see a thief, with him, thou joinest with thy heart; Yea with unclean adulterers thou a partaker art. 19 Thy mouth to evil thou dost give, thy tongue deceit to frame, 20 Against thy brother sit and speak, thy mother's son defame. 21 These things thou didst: I silent was: and thou didst me surmise: Quite like thy self; I'll thee reprove, and rank them in thine eyes. 22 O now consider this all ye who God forgotten have; Lest I should you in pieces tare, and there be none to save. 23 But he whose sacrifice is praise, great glory yields to me; And he who orders right his way shall GOD's salvation see. Scripture: Psalm 50
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The heavens on high abroad declare

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The heav'ns on high abroad declare the majesty of God; And forth the firmament doth show, his handy work abroad. 2 Day speaks to day, and night to night, the knowledge that declar'd. 3 There neither speech nor language is where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line thro' all the earth is gone; and to the utmost end Of all the world, their sounding words, their clear instruction send. 5 In them a vast pavilion he hath spread around the sun; A bridegroom from his chamber goes, strong, his glad race to run. 6 From the east end of heav'n he goes, ascends, and round he flies, To the west end; and from his heat there nothing hidden lies. [2 Part] 7 JEHOVAH's law most perfect is, and does the soul convert: JEHOVAH's testimony sure makes wise the simple heart. 8 The statutes of the LORD are right, and they rejoyce the heart; the LORD's commands are clear; and they light to the eye impart. 9 Both pure and everlasting is JEHOVAH's sacred fear: JEHOVAH's judgments are the truth, and wholly righteous are. 10 Than gold, than much refined gold, more to be prized far; Sweeter than honey, or the juice in honey-combs they are. 11 By them thy servant warned is, [his heart and life to guard:] In carefully observing them, there is a great reward. 12 Who can his errors fully know? from secret faults cleanse me; And from presumptuous sins do Thou, keep me thy servant free. 13 O never suffer them to have dominion over me; Then I shall rightly walk, and from great sin preserved be. 14 LORD let the speeches of my mouth, and thoughts within my heart, To Thee be pleasing; who my rock and my redeemer art. Scripture: Psalm 19
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The Responsive Song of the Four Living Creatures, The Twentyfour Elders, and Multitudes of Angels

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: The Lamb is worthy that was slain Lyrics: The Lamb is worthy that was slain, all might and wealth to have, And wisdom, honour, glory, pow'r, and praises to receive. Scripture: Revelation 5:12
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The Lord himself my shepherd is

Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The LORD himself my shepherd is, want therefore shall not I 2 He in the folds of tender grass soft makes me down to lie; He leads me to the waters still: 3 Restore my soul does He: In paths of righteousness He will for his name sake lead me. 4 Tho' in death's gloomy vale I walk, yet I will fear no ill; For Thou art with me; and thy rod and staff me comfort will. 5 Thou hast for me a table spread in presence of my foes: Thou dost my head with oil anoint and my cup overflows. 6 Goodness and mercy all my days shall surely follow me; And in the LORD's house I shall dwell as long as days shall be. Scripture: Psalm 23
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A Song and Psalm for the Sons of Korah

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: The Lord his sacred house doth on Lyrics: 1 The LORD his sacred house doth on the holy mountains found; 2 The gates of Zion loves more than, all Jacob's dwellings round. 3 Exceeding great and glorious things, are spoken all abroad, Concerning thee, O thou the seat, the city of our GOD. (Selah) 4 In those who know me I will name Tyre, Rahab, Babylon, In Ethiopia, Palestine, were born some of renown; 5 But this of Zion shall be said, there many such are born; And the most High himself will her, establish and adorn. 6 Yea when the LORD enrolls their names who His own people are, To Zion's honour He will say, 'THIS MAN WAS BORN IN HER. (Selah) 7 Both those who sing and those who play on musick there shall be: Yea all my springs of life and grace and comfort are in Thee. Scripture: Psalm 87
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A Psalm of David

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: The LORD my light and SAFETY is Lyrics: 1 The LORD my light and SAFETY is: who shall make me dismay'd? The LORD is of my life the strength: who shall make me afraid? 2 For when my spiteful enemies me to devour drew near; To stumble and fall down at once by Him they forced were. 3 Against me tho' an host encamp, my heart undaunted is: If war against me should arise, I am secure in this; 4 One thing I asked of the LORD, which still I will request; That in the LORD's house all my days I happily may rest; That I the beauty of the LORD may view, and there admire; And in his holy temple may continually enquire 5 For He in his pavilion will me hide in evil days; In secret of his tent me hide, And on a rock me raise: 6 Moreover at this time my head on high shall lifted be, Above my num'rous enemies, who round encompass me. Therefore a sacrifice of joy, and shouting I will bring Into his tent; and sing aloud, praise to JEHOVAH sing. [2 Part] 7 While with my earnest voice I cry, me O JEHOVAH hear; O have Thou mercy upon me, and to me give thine ear. 8 When Thou to seek thy blessed face, me kindly dost advise; Thy blessed face, LORD, I will seek," my grateful heart replies." 9 O hide not Thou thy countenance, away from me therefore; Thy servant put thou not away in thy displeasure sore. My helper Thou hast ever been, do not from me depart; Nor me forsake, for Thou the God of my salvation art. 10 My father and my mother both, tho' they from me remove; Yet then the LORD will take me up, and a kind father prove. 11 JEHOVAH teach Thou me thy way, and be a guide to me, In righteous paths, because of those who watch my faults to see. 12 O give me not up to their will, who are mine enemies: Against me rise false witnesses, who breath out cruelties. 13 I should have fainted, had not I believ'd that I should see, Ev'n in the land of living ones the LORD's benignity. 14 Wait on the LORD, coragious be; and He will strength afford To thy faint heart: I say again, wait still upon the LORD. Scripture: Psalm 27
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The Song of Zacharias at the Circumcision of John the Baptist

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: The LORD, the GOD of Israel Lyrics: 68 The LORD, the GOD of Israel Be greatly bless'd! for He Hath now his people visited, redeem'd, and made them free. 69 Who our salvation's' mighty Horn, foretold in ancient days, Out of his servant David's house, hath now been pleas'd to raise. 70 According to his promises proclaim'd by holy men, Who ever since the world began by Him inspir'd have been. 71 That we from all our enemies by Him may saved be; And from the cruel hands of all who hate us may be free. 72 to grant the mercy promised our fathers; and to mind His holy covenant, (73) His oath to Abraham his friend. 74 That us from fear and foes hand freed, to serve Him He would give; 75 In holiness and righteousness, before Him, while we live. 76 And with his prophets, THE MOST HIGH, dear Child, will number thee; Before the LORD, to clear the way, thou shalt employed be. 77 the doctrines of salvation thou shalt make his people know: And how He will forgive their sins thou shalt them clearly show. 78 Thro' tender mercies of our GOD; whereby the springing day Begins to rise and visit us, and chase the night away. 79 To light those who in darkness sit, and in death's shade reside; And in the way to endless peace our foot-steps safely guide. Scripture: Luke 1:68-79
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Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: The mercies of Jehovah sing Lyrics: 1 The mercies of JEHOVAH sing for evermore will I: I'll with my mouth thy truth make known to all posterity. 2 For I have said, Thy mercy shall for ever built remain; Thou in the heav'ns thy faithfulness wilt stedfastly maintain. 3 For with the man whom I did chose a covenant I made, And to my servant David sware, to what I promised; 4 That I thy seed establish will for ever to endure, And will to generations all, build up thy throne most sure. 5 And so the heav'ns thy wonders, LORD, shall with thy praises ring; While thine assembled saints on earth, thy faithfulness shall sing. 6 For with JEHOVHAH, who is he, in heav'n we can compare? Who like the LORD among the sons of earthly GODS is there? [2 Part] 7 God greatly in the church of saints, is to be had in fear, And to be reverenc'd of all that round about him are. 8 O LORD of hosts, O mighty JAH, who like Thee can there be? Thy faithfulness on ev'ry side, does round encompass Thee. 9 Over the raging of the sea, Thou dost dominion bear; When as the waves thereof arise, by Thee they stilled are. 10 Rahab Thou hast in pieces broke, and like one slain she lies; And with thy mighty arm hast Thou, dispers'd thine enemies. 11 The heav'ns are thine, the earth is thine, which Thou alone hast made; The world with all it's fulness; thou hast it's foundations laid. 12 The north and south sides of the world, Thou didst extend and frame. Tabor and Hermon, mountains high, shall triumph in thy name. [3 Part] 13 Thou hast an arm of mighty pow'r, thy hand in strength is great, And that supreme right hand of thine aloft on high is set. 14 Justice and judgment on thy throne, have their sure dwelling place: Mercy and truth join'd hand in hand, shall go before thy face. 15 O blessed are the people who the joyful sound do know; LORD, in Thy countenance's light, they up and down shall go. 16 They in thy name shall, all the day, rejoyce exceedingly; And in thy righteousness shall they Be lifted up on high. 17 Because the glory of their strength they yield alone to Thee; And in thy favour shall our horn of pow'r exalted be. 18 Because JEHOVAH is our shield, who safety gives alone; And He who is our sov'reign King is Isr'ls HOLY ONE. [4 Part] 19 In vision then Thou to thy saints, didst speak, 'I'll help impose, 'On One's that mighty, whom i rais'd, 'and from the people chose. 20 'Among them David I have found, 'a servant true to Me; 'And with my holy oyl my King 'anointed him to be. 21 'With whom my hand shall firmly be 'mine arm shall make him strong; 22 'On him the foe shall not exact, 'nor son of mischief wrong. 23 'And I'll beat down before his face 'all his malicious foes; 'And will them greatly plague who shall 'in hatred him oppose. 24 'But lo, my mercy and my truth 'with him shall be the same; 'His horn of pow'r shall be on high 'exalted in my name. 25 'His hand of pow'r shall reach afar; 'I'll set it on the sea: 'And on the rivers his right hand, 'extended wide shall be. 26 'To me, my father, God, and rock 'of safety, he shall cry: 27 'I'll place him my first born, above 'all kings in dignity. 28 'My mercy I will keep for him 'to times which eve last; 'Also my covenant with him, 'shall be establish'd fast. 29 'His offspring also will I make 'ev'n to remain always; And I establish will his throne, 'as heav'ns eternal days. 30 'But if his sons forsake my law, 'and from my judgments swerve; 31 'If they my statutes violate, 'my precepts not observe; 32 'Their bold transgressions with the rod, 'then visit sore will I, 'and I with scourges visit will 'their cross iniquity. 33 'My loving kindness yet from him 'I'll take not utterly, 'Nor suffer will in any wise 'my faithfulness to lie. 34 'The covenant I made with him 'by me shall not be broke: 'and what my lips have once pronounc'd, 'I never will revoke. 35 'Can I to David lie, when by 'my holiness I've sworn. 36 'Before me last his seed and throne, 'perpetual as the sun; 37 'And as the moon by my decree, 'on high establish'd fast, 'In heav'n a faithful witness set, 'for evermore to last. (Selah) [5 Part] 38 But not Thou seem'st to cast me off, and to abandon me; And with thine own anointed one, exceeding wroth to be. 39 Thou seem'st to null thy covenant with him thy servant made: His diadem Thou hast profan'd, and in the dust hast laid. 40 His hedges all hast broken down, his fortresses laid waste; 41 He's spoil'd by every passenger, by neighbours round disgrac'd. 42 His foes right hand Thou hast advanc'd, and made them all be glad; 43 Turn'd his sword's edge, and him to stand, in battle hast not made. 44 His glory Thou hast made to cease, his throne cast to the ground; 45 His youthful days made short to be, with shame dost him confound. [6 Part] 46 How long, LORD, wilt Thou hide thy self shall it for ever be? How long like as a burning fire shall we thine anger see? 47 O call to mind how short a time, I shall on earth remain. Wherefore hast Thou employ'd thy pow'r, to make all men in vain? 48 What man is he that lives on earth, who death shall never see? Or from the graves prevailing pow'r, what man his soul can free? 49 Thy former loving kindnesses, Lord, where do they appear, Which in thy truth and faithfulness, to David Thou didst sware? 50 Remember Lord, with what reproach, they servants treated are; How all the mighty people's scoffs, I in my bosom bear. 51 The scoffs wherewith thy foes, O LORD, reproach have laid upon the steps of thy MESSIAH* dear, thine own anointed one. 52 But bless'd for ever be the LORD who doth for ever reign; And let the world with one accord resound, AMEN, AMEN. Scripture: Psalm 89


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