1 The heavens on high abroad declare
the majesty of God;
And forth the firmament doth show,
his handy work abroad.
2 Day speaks to day, and night to night,
the knowledge that declared.
3 There neither speech nor language is
where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line through all the earth is gone;
and to the utmost end
Of all the world, their sounding words,
their clear instruction send.
5 In them a vast pavilion he
hath spread around the sun;
A bridegroom from his chamber goes,
strong, his glad race to run.
6 From the east end of heaven he goes,
ascends, and round he flies,
To the west end; and from his heat
there nothing hidden lies.
[2 Part]
7 Jehovah's law most perfect is,
and does the soul convert:
Jehovah's testimony sure*
makes wise the simple heart.
8 The statutes of the LORD are right,
and they rejoice the heart;
the Lord's commands are clear; and they
light to the eye impart.
9 Both pure and everlasting is
Jehovah's sacred fear:
Jehovah's judgments are the truth,
and wholly righteous are.
10 Than gold, than much refined gold,
more to be prized far;
Sweeter than honey, or the juice
in honey-combs they are.
The Psalm, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament,1742
11 By them thy servant warned is,
[his heart and life to guard:]
In carefully observing them,
there is a great reward.
12 Who can his errors fully know?
from secret faults cleanse me;
And from presumptuous sins do Thou,
keep me thy servant free.
13 O never suffer them to have
dominion over me;
Then I shall rightly walk, and from
great sin preserved be.
14 LORD let the speeches of my mouth,
and thoughts within my heart,
To Thee be pleasing; who my rock
and my redeemer art.