Appears in 32 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 Lyrics: 1 Defend me, Lord, from Shame,
for still I trust in Thee:
As Just and Righteous is thy Name,
from Danger set me free.
2 Bow down thy gracious Ear,
and speedy Succour send:
Do Thou my stedfast Rock appear,
to shelter and defend.
3 Since Thou, when Foes oppress,
my Rock and Fortress art,
To guide me forth from this Distress,
thy wonted Help impart.
4 Release me from the Snare
which they have closely laid;
Since I, O God my Strength repair
to Thee alone for Aid.
5 To Thee, the God of Truth,
my Life, and all that's mine
(For Thou preserv'dst me from my Youth,)
I willingly resign.
6 All vain Designs I hate,
of those that trust in Lies:
And still my soul, in ev'ry State,
to God for Succour flies.
Part II
7 Those Mercies Thou hast shown,
I'll chearfully express;
For Thou hast seen my Streights, and know
my Soul in deep Distress.
8 When Keilah's treach'rous Race
did all my Strength inclose,
Thou gav'st my Feet a larger Space,
to shun my watchful Foes.
9 Thy Mercy, Lord, display,
and hear my just Complaint;
For both my Soul and flesh decay,
with Grief and Hunger faint.
10 Sad Thoughts my Life oppress;
my Years are spent in Groans;
My Sins have made my Strength decrease,
and ev'n consum'd my Bones.
11 My Foes my Suff'rings mock'd;
my Neighbours did upbraid;
My Friends, at Sight of me, were shock'd,
and fled, as Men dismay'd.
12 Forsook by all am I,
as dead, and out of Mind;
And like a shatter'd Vessel lie,
whose Parts can ne'er be join'd.
13 Yet sland'rous Words they speak,
and seem my Pow'r to dread;
Whilst they together counsel take
my guiltless Blood to shed.
14 But still my stedfast Trust,
I on thy Help repose:
That Thou, my God, art good and just,
my Soul with Comfort knows.
Part III
15 Whate'er Events betide,
thy Wisdom times them all:
Then, Lord, thy Servant safely hide
from those that seek his Fall.
16 The Brightness of thy Face,
to me, O Lord, disclose;
And, as thy mercies still increase,
preserve me from my Foes.
17 Me from Dishonour save,
who still have call'd on Thee;
Let That, and Silence in the Grave,
the Sinner's Portion be.
18 Do Thou their Tongues restrain;
whose Breath in Lies is spent;
Who false Reports, with proud Disdain,
against the Righteous vent.
19 How great thy Mercies are
to such as fear thy Name;
Which Thou, for those that trust thy Care,
dost to the World proclaim!
29 Thou keep'st them in thy sight,
from proud Oppressors free:
From Tongues that do in Strife delight,
they are preserv'd by Thee.
21 With Glory and Renown
God's Name be ever bless'd;
Whose Love is Keilab's well-fenc'd Town
was wond'rously express'd!
22 I said, in hasty Flight,
"I'm banish'd from thine eyes:"
Yet still Thou keptst me in thy Sight,
and heardst my earnest Cries.
23 O! all ye Saints, the Lord
with eager Love pursue;
Who to the Just will Help afford,
and give the Proud their Due.
24 Ye that on God rely,
courageously proceed;
For He will still your Hearts supply
with Strength, in Time of Need.
Defend me, Lord, from Shame