May Agnew Stephens › Tunes

May Agnew Stephens
Short Name: May Agnew Stephens
Full Name: Stephens, May Agnew, 1865-1935
Birth Year: 1865
Death Year: 1935

Born: 1865, Kings­ton, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da.
Died: March 19, 1935, Ny­ack, New York.

Stephens joined the Sal­va­tion Ar­my in New York’s 3 Corps in 1890. She helped ed­it The War Cry, and worked on the train­ing home staff and in the Can­di­dates De­part­ment. Around 1897, she be­gan serv­ing as song lead­er and pi­an­ist at the Gos­pel Ta­ber­na­cle with Al­bert Simp­son. Two years lat­er, she helped found the Eighth Av­e­nue Mis­sion, and in 1902 mar­ried Har­old Ste­phens (lat­er pas­tor of the Park­dale Al­li­ance Ta­ber­na­cle in To­ro­nto, Ca­na­da). For the next two and half de­cades she and her hus­band were tra­vel­ing evan­gel­ists in Amer­i­ca, Ca­na­da and Bri­tain. Her works in­clude:

Missionary Mess­ag­es in Song, cir­ca 1910

Tunes by May Agnew Stephens (39)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A sinner once came to the Savior]May Agnew (Composer)355671 71355 67117
[Afar from God in weariness and sin]May Agnew (Composer)213333 43462 11113
[Are you dwelling in the "Upper Room" of fellowship and light]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)234555 65321 11765
[Behold! O God! Thy chosen race]May Agnew Stephens (Arranger)212433 46556 57652
[Come, poor sinner, seek salvation]M. A. S. (Arranger)232121 65112 31532
[Come to Jesus Christ today]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)212333 33135 55553
[Con Cristo tengo Dulce comunión]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)217653 65312 56532
[Did you hear the voice of Jesus]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)234545 65345 66666
[Do you ever feel down-hearted or discouraged]May A. Stephens (Composer)2434653 17216 65671
[Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus] (Stephens)May Agnew Stephens (Composer)233333 32354 44445
[I have a friend so precious] (Stephens)May A. Stephens (Composer)735651 43322 343
[I have found a heaven below]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)955665 13222 23215
[A friend of Jesus, O what bliss] (Traditional)May Agnew Stephens (Arranger)313453 17665 33121
[I seek not to follow the ways of the world]May Agnew (Arranger)255532 12316 11336
BINGHAMTON (Sumner)May Agnew Stephens (Arranger)135553 33331 12222
[In the cross of Christ I glory] (Stephens)May Agnew Stephens (Composer)251176 55221 66654
[It is just a step to Jesus] (55332)M. A. S. (Arranger)255332 14765 44325
[I've given all I have to Jesus]May Agnew (Composer)233455 67655 27543
[Just "the same Jesus!" It fills us with gladness]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)356535 13217 66565
[Light has been given]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)2
[Many a year thou hast wandered]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)232317 16532 31712
[Many problems meet us on our heavenly way]May A. Stephens (Composer)332123 21235 56545
[O Love that gave itself for me]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)253431 65451 77171
[Oft in danger, oft in woe] (Stephens)May Agnew Stephens (Composer)235655 43124 32623
[Oft when the day is dreary] (Heathcote)May Agnew Stephens (Arranger)132351 21511 76515
[O blessed grace, so freely given]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)351122 34532 43215
[O there's many a thorn on the Jesus way]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)312333 43455 11113
[I am on a shining pathway]May Agnew Stephens (Arranger)132111 77665 32123
[Over a Babe in Bethlehem]May Agnew (Composer)254566 51344 41232
[Prayer changes things] (Chorus)May Agnes Stephens (Composer)232121 54343 56561
[Sowing the tares when it might have been wheat] (Stephens)May Agnew Stephens (Composer)332312 34643 54565
[Sweet Savior! bless us ere we go] (Stephens)May Agnew Stephens (Composer)255545 12311 12176
[The fetters that held me are broken]May Agnew (Composer)233234 34655 55456
O TANNENBAUM (German)May Agnew Stephens (Arranger)151112 33323 47211
[There flows from Calvary a stream]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)634517 65433 23432
['Tis better far to follow Jesus] (53211)May Agnew Stephens (Arranger)353211 71266 76546
[To the great Triune Jehovah]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)212333 33556 53231
[“Unto the half of My Kingdom”]May Agnew Stephens (Composer)2
WERE YOU THEREMay Agnew (Arranger)151333 21321 13555
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