[Come, poor sinner, seek salvation]

[Come, poor sinner, seek salvation]

Arranger: May Agnew Stephens
Published in 1 hymnal

Arranger: May Agnew Stephens

Born: 1865, Kings­ton, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Died: March 19, 1935, Ny­ack, New York. Stephens joined the Sal­va­tion Ar­my in New York’s 3 Corps in 1890. She helped ed­it The War Cry, and worked on the train­ing home staff and in the Can­di­dates De­part­ment. Around 1897, she be­gan serv­ing as song lead­er and pi­an­ist at the Gos­pel Ta­ber­na­cle with Al­bert Simp­son. Two years lat­er, she helped found the Eighth Av­e­nue Mis­sion, and in 1902 mar­ried Har­old Ste­phens (lat­er pas­tor of the Park­dale Al­li­ance Ta­ber­na­cle in To­ro­nto, Ca­na­da). For the next two and half de­cades she and her hus­band were tra­vel­ing evan­gel­ists in Amer­i­ca, Ca­na­da and Bri­tain. He… Go to person page >

Tune Information

Title: [Come, poor sinner, seek salvation]
Arranger: May Agnew Stephens
Incipit: 32121 65112 31532
Copyright: Public Domain


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Hymns of the Christian Life. No. 3 #84

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