May Agnew Stephens

May Agnew Stephens
Short Name: May Agnew Stephens
Full Name: Stephens, May Agnew, 1865-1935
Birth Year: 1865
Death Year: 1935

Born: 1865, Kings­ton, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da.
Died: March 19, 1935, Ny­ack, New York.

Stephens joined the Sal­va­tion Ar­my in New York’s 3 Corps in 1890. She helped ed­it The War Cry, and worked on the train­ing home staff and in the Can­di­dates De­part­ment. Around 1897, she be­gan serv­ing as song lead­er and pi­an­ist at the Gos­pel Ta­ber­na­cle with Al­bert Simp­son. Two years lat­er, she helped found the Eighth Av­e­nue Mis­sion, and in 1902 mar­ried Har­old Ste­phens (lat­er pas­tor of the Park­dale Al­li­ance Ta­ber­na­cle in To­ro­nto, Ca­na­da). For the next two and half de­cades she and her hus­band were tra­vel­ing evan­gel­ists in Amer­i­ca, Ca­na­da and Bri­tain. Her works in­clude:

Missionary Mess­ag­es in Song, cir­ca 1910

Texts by May Agnew Stephens (23)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A sinner once came to the SaviorMay Agnew Stephens (Author)English3
Afar from God in weariness and sinMay Agnew (Author)English4
Bring the children to Jesus, lead them gently to His sideMay Agnew Stephens (Author)English2
Come home, come home, Thy Savior now is callingMay Agnew (Author)1
Did you hear the voice of JesusMay Agnew Stephens (Author)English2
Do you ever feel downhearted or discouraged?M. A. S. (Author)English24
Far away in heathen countriesMay Agnew Stephens (Author)3
Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus, Follow, Follow, I will follow HimMay Agnew Stephens (Author)English2
Have faith in God, the sun will shine (Chorus)May Agnew Stephens (Author)English1
I choose Thee, blessed will of GodMay Agnew Stephens (Author)English6
I have a Friend so precious, so very dear to me (Shorey)May Agnew Stephens (Author (4th verse))English2
I seek not to follow the ways of the worldMay Agnew Stephens (Author)English2
Is there a heart that is waitingMay Agnew (Author (Chorus))English1
I've given all I have to JesusM. A. (Author)English2
Känner du dig stundom modloes och betungadMay Agnew Stephens (Author)Swedish2
Many a year thou hast wanderedM. A. (Author)English2
Many problems meet us on our heavenly wayM. A. S. (Author)English4
Over a Babe in BethlehemM. A. (Author)English2
Prayer changes things, Prayer changes things (Chorus)M. A. S. (Author)English2
The fetters that held me are brokenM. A. (Author)English2
There flows from Calvary a streamM. A. S. (Author)English11
'Tis better far to follow JesusMay Agnew Stephens (Author)English6
我願揀選神你美旨 (Wǒ yuàn jiǎnxuǎn shén nǐ měi zhǐ)May A. Stephens (Author)Chinese2
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