M. B. C. Slade › Texts

M. B. C. Slade
Short Name: M. B. C. Slade
Full Name: Slade, M. B. C. (Mary Bridges Canedy), 1826-1882
Birth Year: 1826
Death Year: 1882

Mary Bridges Canady Slade USA 1826-1882. Born in Fall River, MA, she was well-educated and became a minister's wife, teacher, and poet. She was assistant editor of The New England Journal of Education. She also authored hymns, Sunday school materials and books on education, primarily used for training teachers. She authored a children's magazine, “Wide-awake”. She and her husband were active in the underground railroad (helping slaves achieve their freedom). She spent her whole life living in the same town.

John Perry

Texts by M. B. C. Slade (156)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A quem sua vida nos fez doaçãoM. B. C. Slade (Author)Portuguese2
A voice that I hear, across the seaMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English4
Above the bruised faceM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
Alguien está a mi puertaM. B. C. Slade (Author)Spanish3
All around were field and forestM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
All over the sacred pages, the lives, almost divineM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Along the silent pathMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English7
Are you staying, safely stayingMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English25
As forth from the city, went Jesus one dayMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English4
At dewy dawn, in misty mornMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Be with us, O Father dearM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Beautiful lake of GalileeMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Beautiful river, flowing foreverM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
Behold the glorious banner of salvationMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English9
Behold the little flock, precious lambs of Jesus!Mary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English6
Beyond this land of parting, losing and leavingMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English47
Birds are rejoicingMary Bridges Canedy Slade (Author)3
Charlie wants a piece of breadMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)3
Cheerful raise a joyful tuneM. B. C. Slade (Author)English4
Children, children why do you singMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Come dearest Lord, and bless this daySlade (Author)English2
Come down beside the waters, so calm, and sweet and stillMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English3
Come happy children, fold each little handM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Come hither, little childrenMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Come, merry lad, I am waiting for youM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
Come, O come, and gaily goM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
De obscuras regionesM. B. C. Slade (Author)Spanish2
Don't you see the blue cloudsMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)3
Down by the dancing billowsMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Down the bay, far awayMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Draw nigh to us, our FatherMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English4
Drummer boy, drummer boy, where are you speedingMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)4
Dulcemente Jesús nos llamaMary Bridges Canedy Slade, 1826-1882 (Author)Spanish2
Flag of freemen gone before usM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
For me, my Father callsMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English3
Four little feet on the entryMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
From all the dark placesMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English123
From the Bethlehem manger homeMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English6
From western wilds and watersMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Great Naaman the SyrianM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
Hark, the gentle voice of Jesus fallethMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English64
Harvest fields with golden glow [gold aglow]M. B. C. Slade (Author)English4
Hast erkoren, du erkoren Unsers Jesu treue Hirtenhut?M. B. C. Slade (Author)German4
Hear how a sower onceMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English3
Hear, now, the blessed Jesus tenderly sayM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
Her sad vigil keeping, Mary sat weepingM. B. C. Slade (Author)English5
Holy Father, grant thy blessing To us children of Thy careMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English3
How happy were theyMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)2
How strange it seems that I couldM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
I know not what the morrow'll bringMary Slade (Author)English2
I love my Father, for, on highM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
I love to see in pictured restMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)3
I wandered just at evenMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)5
If I, like Galilee fishersM. B. C. Slade (Author)English13
If the boys and girls will listenMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)3
I'm glad the holy angelsMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Im heil'gen BibelworteM. B. C. Slade (Author)German1
I'm looking for the kingdomM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
In Bethlehem's manger so lowMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
In the desert days of oldMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English8
In the springtime, little sisterMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
In the vineyard of the Master There was growing once a treeMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English9
Into the tent where a gypsy boy layMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English110
I've strayed till late, the night is fallingMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English6
Jesus in the temple, with the doctors wiseMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English4
Let us raise a song for the pathway longMrs. Mary B. C. Slade (Author)2
Lift up, lift up each cheerful voiceM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Lightly, gently, gaily glideMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Liken the kingdom to the springingMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English6
Listen, O listen, our father all holyMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English5
Long ago when little childrenMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English6
Look abroad over the fields of the nationMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English4
Lord, must I go, the desert ways along?Mrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Marching on, marching on, come the glad children hereM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Ninety nine in the safe fold abidingM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
No sounding battle-cry we ringMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Not on the mount nor [not] besideMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)3
Now, all our work is doneM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
O Christmas child, so wise and dear!M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
O say who is heMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
O'er fragrant summer fieldsM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
Over the desert and dreary wayMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English4
Over the hills and adown the snowy dellsMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English6
Over the waters, dark and foamingM. B. C. Slade (Author)English5
O I love to think how JesusMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English7
O ye who have lost your possessions of peaceMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English3
Once a feast was made and the board was laidM. B. C. Slade (Author)English3
Once, forth to meet the bridegroomMary Bridges Canedy Slade (Author)English4
Once over Judea's hills by nightMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English4
One bright and pleasant summer dayMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
One day I saw a little childMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
One more year has goneMrs. B. C. Slade (Author)English5
One! two! three! four! five! six! seven!M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Otro año más queda ya atrásM. B. C. Slade (Author)Spanish2
Our Lord hath sent a ShepherdMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Peaceful the morning, quiet the dayMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English5
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Happy children now in the temple singMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English8
Raise your little hands and point them to the northM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Rocked upon the raging billowMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English5
Say, have you read in the story oldenMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English5
Say, who hath sorrow, contentions and woe?Mrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English5
School is done, school is doneM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
See, O see, as here we standMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
See the merry farmer boyMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Seven fishers went out by night at seaM. B. C. Slade (Author)4
Sing, brother, sing, for the nightM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
Sowing, sowing, sowing the precious seedMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Springtime brings the robinMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Sweet is the promise faith sees enrolledMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)3
Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee callingMary B. C. Slade (Author)English228
Tell it again, tell it again, Salvation's story repeat over and over (Chorus)Mary B. C. Slade (Author)English1
Thank God for our countryM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
The children are waitingMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
The Lord, our God, hath made the pleasant wildwood shadeMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English2
The Master stood at the vineyard gateMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English6
The ninety and nine, His dear ones that stayMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
The sun is rising over the oceanMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
The voice of the Lord sweetly sayeth to meM. B. C. Slade (Author)English3
The year is hastingMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
There's a beautiful place for you and for meMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English12
There's a city of GodM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
There's a fountain free, 'tis for you and meMrs. M. B. C. L. Slade (Author)English58
There's a wail from the islands of the seaMrs. M. B. Slade (Author)English14
This day no thorn crowned cross of painMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English4
This is the way the mist goes upM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
This is the way the snow comes downM. B. C. Slade (Author)English8
Thou Bethsaida, the lovely, down beside the seaMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
Thou, O Lord, all our sin and sorrow knowingMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)2
Thou who in Thy church of oldMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English4
'Tis the story ever newMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
To the heavenly JerusalemMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English9
Tumesikia ukisemaM. B. C. Slade (Author)Swahili1
Una fuente hay que la vida daMary Slade (Author)Spanish2
Up to the bountiful Giver of lifeMiss Mariana B. Slade (Author)English110
Very early in the morn, Came to marys, weepingMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)2
We are little soldier menM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
We are marching to Canaan, through the desert vastMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English6
We love the sunny days of SpringMrs. B. C. Slade (Author)4
We show you now, with lips and handsMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
We sing the year's long [glad] story of Sabbath service doneMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English3
We will go down among the meadowsMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
What is pure and fair and whiteMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
What saith Jehovah, the holy oneMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)4
What story so sweet is the songM. B. C. Slade (Author)2
When flowery summer is at handMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
When Jesus Christ was on earthMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
When our beloved Jesus rodeMary B. C. Slade (Author)2
When the blessed Savior walked on earth belowM. B. C. Slade (Author)English2
When the cry shall be made at the midnightMiss Mariana B. Slade (Author)English9
When the earth awakes with singingMary Slade (Author)English2
Where almond groves are vineyardsMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Where Potomac's streamMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Where shall the good children go when they dieMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)2
Where the jasper walls are beaming, Where the pearly portals are glowingMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English21
Who at my door is standingMary B. C. L. Slade (Author)English127
With His dear and loving careMrs. M. B. C. Slade (Author)English11
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