1 Lord, must I go, the desert ways along?
The path is dreary, ways are weary,
Father, must I go?
How can I know if I am right or wrong?
Thy children seeking, to them speaking,
Father, must I go?
Joy! joy! joy! for the Lord shall be with thee now!
Unto you He is saying, Certainly saying, I will be with thee now!
Joy! joy! joy! for the Lord shall be with thee now!
Unto you He is saying, Certainly saying, I will be with thee now!
2 How can I cry Before the face of kings,
Thy message bearing, way preparing,
Father, must I go?
Lord who am I, to do these mighty things?
Thy people leading, guiding, feeding!
Father, must I go? [Chorus]
3 At thy command, Thy mighty will to tell,
Thy law proclaiming, terrors naming,
Father, must I go?
How can I stand before thine Israel,
And what the token thou hast spoken?
Father, must I go? [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life: a collection of new hymns and tunes for sunday schools, prayer meetings, praise meetings and revival meetings #26