Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth

Short Name: Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth
Full Name: Ellsworth, E. C., Mrs.

Late 19th Century

Texts by Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth (196)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A crown of thorns He woreMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
A glance from thine eye, and tears flow unbiddenMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
A home in those mansions of lightMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
A sinful heart at Jesus' feetMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
After the likeness of JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
Almost thy feet have pressedMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Amid the swelling chorusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English8
An eager, restless crowd drew nearMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English11
Anywhere, dear Jesus, lead my willing feetMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
Anywhere, my Savior, lead my willing feetE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Anywhere, O Lord with TheeE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
Are you willing to wander from JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
At the feet of Jesus bendingE. C. Ellsworth (Author)3
At the lightest touch of morningMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
At the Savior's biddingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Awake, for the voice is divineRev. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
Awake, thou, O sleeperMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Broad is the opening fieldMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
By the law condemned to perishMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Christ laid a golden scepter downMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Come and follow JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Come, let us praise the Savior's nameE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Come, look on the KIng in His beautyMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Come sit at the banquet of loveMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Come stand beneath the bleeding sideMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Come to the last great battleE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Don't drink tonight, my boyE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Earthly ties are breaking, breakingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Ever let thy hand be busyMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
Falling into line, boysE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Fight the fight, thy foes are manyMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
For the troubled waters waitingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Forth to the fields, thou idlerE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
From the wells of Christ's salvationMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Go bring the best of treasuresMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Go in the Shepherd to findMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Go, proclaim it to the peopleMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Go ye to the woodlandsMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Hail, great Conqueror, all hailMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Hark! for gentle voices Whisper to thee withinMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Hark, the cry is soundingE. C. Ellsworth (Author)3
Hark, there's someone knocking At thy heart todayMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English1
Hark, there's someone knocking, Standing at thy doorMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Hast thou heard of that wonderful JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English19
Hast thou no gift for JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Hast thou no part to bearMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Hear Jesus knocking at the door of thy heartMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Heaven shall ring while they singMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Hold up thy light, thy little lightMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
How much in debt, my brother?Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
How shall the race be ever wonMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
I have fought a good fight, I have nothing to doMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
I have found the Savior precious, He has filled my soul with cheerMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
I heard thy voice calling me, Shepherd divineMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
I may not have silver nor goldMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
I'll go to my Savior todayMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
I'll sing of a wonderful Savior, His love is for you and for meMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
I'll sing when the dawn shall brighten the skyMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
I'm told that a fountain was opened for sinMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
In the broad way Christ is seekingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
In the strength of JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
In the way that's downward tendingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
In this world of burden bearingMiss E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English10
Is thy brother sad and weary?Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
It is the Master's loving handMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
It will not be a strangerMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Jesus, blessed Savior, guide me, Through this world of grief and woeMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Just step beyond the shadowsE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Keep a light in the window, my brotherMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Let the wide earth bring her tribute of praiseMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Like the angels pure and holyE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Lo! a gentle hand is knockingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Lo! from the desert drearyMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Lo! the flames of fierce temptationMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
Lo the strong and mighty passionsMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Lo! the zephyr softly breathingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English7
Look for the lights, my brotherMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Lord, Thou alone canst showMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Mein Sohn ist von der Heimat fernMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)German2
'Mid the currents of temptationMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
My boy has wandered far from homeMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
My boy is on the street tonightMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
My boy is out tonight, Once bright and fairMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
No eyes to see the fairest of the fair!Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
No fruit for the master's useMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Not where the work is the lightestE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
O come to the cross, near the spear wounded sideMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
O hear those gladsome voicesE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
O how fast they gatherMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O joyful is the tribute we would bringMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
O, look not back in all thy raceMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O many, many children in Zion shall be foundMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English7
O may I bring Jesus my sorrow and careE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
O rejoice, O rejoice evermore!Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O say, can you tell when the sweet Sabbath bellE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
O say, hast thou looked for the star that shall guide theeMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
O sound ye the trumpetMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)1
O tell me of JesusE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
O 'tis the hand of JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O to be like Him, tender and kindMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English11
O to behold the dayE. C. Ellsworth (Author)1
O, to cheer us, be Thou near usMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O to follow Jesus till my stepsMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O what of thy past life, my brotherMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O ye who follow JesusE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
Of all that eager, restless crowdMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O bring your cares to JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
O children, come to JesusE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O, fear not the waters, though darkly they rollMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
O, fling aloft the bannerMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
O freely speak for JesusMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English7
O gather the golden grainMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
O take the lamp of faithMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
O we'll meet, and know each otherMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
O what shall we bring to the MasterMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
O wondrous, wondrous sightMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
On my way to ZionMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
On the restless waves of passionMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
On, though thy way may be drearyMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
On to the battlefield, forwardE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Once he was so bright [light] and fairMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English16
Once more we meet, our friends to greetMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Our Jesus conquered every foeMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Our Savior came to tell usMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Our shortness of vision we may fail to perceiveMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Our soldiers well drilled may be drawn into lineMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Over the sinner repentingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Peace, ye troubled water, Surging round the soulMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Portals dark may close upon HimMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Put on the armor of our GodMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English8
Rejoice, O yes, rejoiceE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
Ring on, ring on, ye bellsMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
Sadly, O sadly, today we have comeMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Satan cometh war he wagethE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Savior, hear us, we pray, Keep us safe through this dayE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English12
Servants of Jesus, the day is at handMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
Sing though the way be drearyE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English9
Sinner, so thoughtless, change thy wayMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Speed thee with the messageMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Star, mid the darkness, GuidingE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Steps are before me, dear SaviorMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English7
Stranger voices oft I hearE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Striving at the narrow gateMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Take my hand, dear Father, lead me safely throughE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English10
Taste not the wine, the ruby wineMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Tempest tossed and heavy ladenMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
The battle cry is sounding, We hear the sounds afarMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
The brightness of heaven we almost can seeMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
The little ones, the flowers of earthMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
The war cry is sounding! I hear it afarMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
There are eyes forever weepingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
There are jewels, precious jewelsMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
There are precious promisesMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
There is a crown preparingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
There is a mansion bright and fair, For you and meMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
There is a path our feet invitingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
There were ten that besought Him, the Master divineMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
There were ten who stood, as the Lord passed byMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
There's joy for the soul when the Master has comeE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
There's much we can do if we work with a willMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English16
They are coming on the wings of the morningE. C. Ellsworth (Author)4
Thirsting 'neath the noonday sunMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Though fierce the temptationMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Though the threatening clouds may gathersMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Though old be the story 'tis precious to meMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Though plunged into trials appallingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Though the morn scarcely breakethMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Though the night be dark and dreary, Though the way be long and weary (Ellsworth)E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English24
Throw the door wide openMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
Thrust in thy sickle while daylight is dawningMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Thy blood, O my Savior, was poured out for meMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
'Tis never too late to be sowing the seedMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English8
'Tis not the gold that's mixed with drossMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
To the highways and hedgesE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Turn, O sinner, turn and lookE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Toward the mark my feet are pressingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)3
Up the narrow heavenly road Climb a little longerMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English5
Up to the work thyself addressingE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Visit us, O precious SaviorMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)3
We come to Thee, dear Savior, Because we need Thee soE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English4
Weighed by thy love for thy brotherMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English16
Welcome, friends, we give you greetingMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
We've heard the good old storyMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
When lost in the darkness and drifting at seaMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
When shall I look on that wonderful faceMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Where art thou steering, brotherMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English7
While I journey here below, Cares may rise unbiddenMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
While struggling with my sinE. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Who shall enter the cityMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)2
Who will be one of the multitude greatE. C. Ellsworth (Author)English6
Why stand ye here idle, work presses todayMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English7
Will Jesus find us watchingMrs. E. E. Ellsworth (Author)English7
Will you from the Savior turn away?Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Wonderful love, that touched my eyesMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English3
Ye cannot buy salvationMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English2
Yonder a vessel is breasting the galeMrs. E. C. Ellsworth (Author)English10
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