1 Weighed by thy love for thy brother,
Weighed by thy love for thy God,
Weighed by thy faith in another,
Weighed by the shedding of blood.
Weighed in the balance, and wanting,
Weighed, but no Savior is there;
Weighed, but thy soul has been trifling,
Weighed, but found lighter than air.
2 Weighed by the hope of salvation,
Weighed by the Rock where ’tis built,
Weighed by the sweet invitation,
“Come, even now, if thou wilt.” [Refrain]
3 Weighed by the richest of treasures,
Weighed by their infinite loss,
Weighed by the brightest of pleasures,
Weighed by the dark, heavy cross. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.4 #181