W. O. Cushing

W. O. Cushing
From Cyberhymnal
Short Name: W. O. Cushing
Full Name: Cushing, W. O. (William Orcutt), 1823-1902
Birth Year: 1823
Death Year: 1902

Rv William Orcutt Cushing USA 1823-1902. Born at Hingham, MA, he read the Bible as a teenager and became a follower of the Orthodox Christian school of thought. At age 18 he decided to become a minister, following in his parents theology. His first pastorate was at the Christian Church, Searsburg, NY. He married Hena Proper in 1854. She was a great help to him throughout his ministry. He ministered at several NY locations over the years, including Searsburg, Auburn, Brookley, Buffalo, and Sparta. Hena died in 1870, and he returned to Searsburg, again serving as pastor there. Working diligently with the Sunday school, he was dearly beloved by young and old. Soon after, he developed a creeping paralysis that caused him to lose his voice. He retired from ministry after 27 years. He once gave all his savings ($1000) to help a blind girl receive an education. He was instrumental in the erection of the Seminary at Starkey, NY. He gave material aid to the school for the blind at Batavia. He was mindful of the suffering of others, but oblivious to his own. After retiring, he asked God to give him something to do. He discovered he had a talent for writing and kept busy doing that. He authored about 300 hymn lyrics. The last 13 years of his life he lived with Rev. and Mrs. E. E Curtis at Lisbon Center, NY, and joined with the Wesleyan Methodist Church there. He died at Searsburg, NY.

John Perry

Cushing, William Orcutt , born at Hingham, Massachusetts, Dec. 31, 1823, is the author of the following hymns which appear in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos:—

1. Beautiful valley of Eden. Heaven.
2. Down in the valley with my Saviour I would go. Trusting to Jesus.
3. Fair is the morning land. Heaven.
4. I am resting so sweetly in Jesus now. Rest and Peace in Jesus.
5. I have heard of a land far away. Heaven.
6. O safe to the Rock that is higher than I. The Rock of Ages.
1. Ring the bells of heaven, there is joy today. Heavenly Joy over repenting Sinners.
8. We are watching, we are waiting. Second Advent anticipated.

Mr. Cushing has also several additional hymns in some American Sunday School collections, and collections of Sacred Songs.

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology


Cushing, W. 0., p. 274, i. Other hymns are:—
1. O I love to think of Jesus . Thinking of Jesus.
2. There is joy in heaven! there is joy to-day. Angels joy over returning Sinners.
3. When He cometh, when He cometh. Advent.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Texts by W. O. Cushing (207)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A band of children free weWilliam Cushing (Author)2
A puni a'e au ina mea onouRev. William O. Cushing (Author)Hawaiian3
All over the valleys so green and fairRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English5
Alle Schatten schwinden wenn Jesus kommtW. O. Cushing (Author)German1
Ao vale calmo irei tranqüilo com JesusWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)Portuguese2
Apo Jesu anouya kotora varumeW. O. Cushing (Author)Shona2
Apples are ripeWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Art Thou He that should come, dear Lord?W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Bajo sus alas habito seguroW. O. Cushing (Author)Spanish2
Bajo sus alas ¡seguro descanso!W. O. Cushing (Author)Spanish3
Be ready to labor with heart and willW. O. Cushing (Author)English6
Be ready with the heart, be ready with the handRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Beautiful valley of Eden!Walter O. Cushing (Author)English89
Beyond the sea, life's boundless seaRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Blessed are the friends of JesusWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
Breaking through the mists and shadowsRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English11
Bright is the morning of the day of jubileeWilliam Cushing (Author)2
Bring some one to Jesus todayWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
Cheer, O cheer, ye sons of ZionWilliam Cushing (Author)3
Children, rally, rally for the armiesWilliam Cushing (Author)3
Chime on, sweet bells, let the notes rejoiceRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Climbing up the steeps of gloryWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English4
Come, come, come, the bellsWilliam Cushing (Author)2
Come to the meadows againWilliam Cushing (Author)2
Cuando venga JesucristoW. O. Cushing (Author)Spanish4
Dacă Isus ca împăratW. O. Cushing (Author)Romanian2
Down in the valley with my Savior I would goW. O. Cushing (Author)English153
Drunten im Tale, wo die stillen WasserWilliam O. Cushing (Author)German4
Es Cristo el amigo de todos los niñosW. O. Cushing (Author)Spanish3
Fainting with thy burdenW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Fair is the morn on that radiant shoreRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)2
Fair is the morning land, bright is the shoreWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English7
Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus (Chorus)W. O. Cushing (Author)English1
Follow, follow, I would follow JesusW. O. Cushing (Author)English1
Freude ist im Himmel! denn ein Sünder kehrtWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)German5
From the shining morning landWilliam Cushing (Author)3
Gathering home to the silent shoreRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English4
Goodbye, goodbye, we hope again to meet youW. O. Cushing (Author)English5
Hail the joyful tidingsWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
Hark, 'tis the angel chorus repeatingW. O. Cushing (Author)English3
He came in his beauty, strength and prideRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English4
He came in the hush of the silent nightW. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Hear them chiming forth His gloryW. O. Cushing (Author)English8
Heavenly Father teach the wayWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English6
Herrliches, liebliches ZionWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)German7
Home, Home, brightest and fairestRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Homes for the children our Lord is preparingW. O. Cushing (Author)English4
How sad it would be, if when thou dost callW. O Cushing (Author)English38
I am clinging to the Rock, Though the waves are wild and darkRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English8
I am glad we're on the rock when the storms are wildWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English8
I am longing for heaven, for the bright land of EdenRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
I am waiting all day for my Lord to comeWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
I am waiting by the river, And my heart has waited longW. O. Cushing (Author)English33
I ask not why some days are fairRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English13
I have heard of a land far awayWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English11
I heard them say in the holy cityWilliam Cushing (Author)2
I see the shining domes afarRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
I sometimes think 'tis too good to be trueRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)4
I want to so live that my heart can sayRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
I will praise my God when the morning breaksWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
I will tell what the Lord hath done for meW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
I would toil in the field where He calleth me to goW. O. Cushing (Author)English18
If I were an angel, with a bright and starry crownWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)4
If you want to see the lightWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
I'm [I am] resting so sweetly in Jesus nowWilliam Cushing (Author)English5
In seiner Hand, bin ich sicher geborgenW. O. Cushing (Author)German1
In the land where the bright ones are gatheredWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English4
Ingen moerk dal mera paa Jesu dagWilliam Cushing (Author)Swedish2
I've anchored my soul in the haven of rest (Chorus)William O. Cushing (Author)English1
Jesu Cristo ha venidoW. O. Cushing (Author)Spanish2
Jesús de los cielos W. O. Cushing (Author)Spanish2
Jesus knows thy sorrowWilliam O. Cushing (Author)English7
Keinen Heiland, keinen JesumW. O. Cushing (Author)German4
Let all within me praise the nameWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
Let my heart be pure from sinWilliam Cushing (Author)English3
Let us never sigh nor falterRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English5
Let us rally round the wordRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)3
Let us strew their path with rosesWilliam Cushing (Author)2
Lift up your faces over hill and valeWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
Lift up your head, desponding ChristianWilliam Cushing (Author)2
Little children, little children Who love their RedeemerWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Live to do good, this world should beWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English4
Live to do your dutyW. O. Cushing (Author)English4
Läutet, Himmelsglocken, freude kündet heutWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)German3
Make hay, while the sun shinesWilliam Cushing (Author)3
Malalo o Kona eheu malu wau laWilliam O. Cushing, 1823-1902 (Author)Hawaiian2
Man saget mir: "Gefahren Sind am Wege, den du gehst!"William Cushing (Author)German1
March on, march on, for the Lord is before usWilliam Cushing (Author)English3
Mein Herz, frohlockt, mir ist's bewusstWilliam Cushing (Author)German1
Mihira, ry mponina ao an-danitraW. O. Cushing (Author)Malagasy2
Mine be a hope that is changeless and sureW. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Minha esperança, Jesus, assegurasWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)Portuguese2
Morn so fairWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)3
My days are passing sweetly byWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
My Father, while on earth I stayWilliam Cushing (Author)English6
My heart is glad for this I knowW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
My mother's cot was by the seaWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Naar han kommer, naar han kommerWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
När han kommer, när han kommerWilliam Cushing (Author)Swedish7
Ned uti dalen med min Jesus vill jag gaWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Nede i dalen med min Jesus vil jeg gaaW. O. Cushing (Author)Norwegian2
Nere i dalen med min Jesus vill jag gåW. O. Cushing (Author)Swedish2
No one can tell what the heart may shareWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
O banner of Jesus, in triumph advancingWilliam Cushing (Author)English5
O blessed promise of my GodWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
O Christian, now be trueWilliam Cushing (Author)English3
O give thy heart to JesusWilliam Cushing (Author)English4
O herre min klippa min salighets borgWilliam Cushing (Author)2
O I love to think of Jesus as He sat beside the sea Where the waves were only murm'ring on the strand (Cushing)W. O. Cushing (Author)English20
O Jesus, star of the morningWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
O safe to the Rock that is higher than IW. O. Cushing (Author)English222
O Savior, we pray Thee, send out Thy sweet lightWilliam Cushing (Author)English4
O sokkertil Klippen, vel proevet, jeg ty'rWilliam Cushing (Author)2
O sweet are the moments, so hallowed in feelingW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
O the children may come to the Savior nowW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
O the name, the name of JesusWilliam Cushing (Author)English15
O they need not depart, no, they need not departWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
O to have no Christ, no SaviorWilliam Cushing (Author)English25
O wanderer, come to the Father's homeRev. W. O Cushing (Author)English2
O watchman on the mountain heightRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
O we have studied hard nowWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
O children, come to your Father's houseRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English4
¡Oh! salvo en la Roca más alta que yoWilliam O. Cushing (1823-1902) (Author)Spanish3
O the bells, the joyful bellsRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
O the Sabbath hours are so calm and sweetRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
O the wells of salvation that in Jesus I findRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Once more, O Lord, we prayRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English4
One soul redeemed by Jesus' bloodW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Our Lord is crowned Immanuel, KingWilliam Cushing (Author)2
Over the hills are the pasturesWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)4
Over the wide ocean where tempests are sleepingWilliam O. Cushing (Author)English4
Peaceful and beautiful haven of restW. O. Cushing (Author)English5
Peaceful are the tents of the people of the LordRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Precious is the hope that in Jesus we cherishW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Радостную песнь воспойте в небесах!William Orcutt Cushing (Author)Russian2
ര-ക്ഷകൻ കൂടെ ഞാൻ താഴ് വാരെ പോയിടും (Ra-kṣakan kūṭe ñān tāḻ vāre pēāyiṭuṁ)W. O. Cushing (Author)Malayalam2
Ring i himlens klockorWilliam Cushing (Author)2
Ring med Himlens KlokkerWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Ring the bells of heaven! There is joy todayRev. Wm. O. Cushing (Author)English202
Saliga himmelska edenWilliam Cushing (Author)2
Salinongna, agtaeng toy cararuacW. O. Cushing (Author)Tagalog2
Schallt, ihr Himmelsglocken, Engel, jubelt heut'William Orcutt Cushing (Author)German5
See, O see the shining angelsWilliam Cushing (Author)3
See, the sun is peepingWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Sei Du, Herr, mein Fels, meine Burg und mein HortW. O. Cushing (Author)German1
Sitaona giza Yesu ajapoW. O. Cushing (Author)Swahili1
Sitting by the gateway of a palace fairW. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Sitting by the wayside, sinful, weak and blindW. O. Cushing (Author)English4
Skjoenne og herlige EdenWilliam Cushing (Author)2
So many, many mercies crown my days!William Cushing (Author)English2
Someone must go to the far off landsRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English4
Suenen dulces himnos, gratos al SeñorWm. O. Cushing (Author)Spanish11
Summer days are coming, coming, smiling over the hillsRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Sunny weather, sunny weatherWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Sweet are the bells of the morning chimingRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English9
Sweet is the sunlight over valley and mountainRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
താന്‍ വരുമ്പോള്‍ താന്‍ വരുമ്പോള്‍ (Tān varumpēāḷ tān varumpēāḷ)W. O. Cushing (Author)Malayalam2
Ten thousand hearts are bowing at the feet of Christ our KingW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Tenting by the shore of the great, deep seaW. O. Cushing (Author)English4
The banners of peace are unfurledWilliam Cushing (Author)3
The day is departing, its hours are pastWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English2
The evening dews are fallingWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English4
The fishers sat within their boatWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English4
The hosts of God are marching onWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English1
The Savior is waiting and callingW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
The sky was dark aboveWilliam Cushing (Author)3
The temperance banner shall triumph yetRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
There are millions now who have heard his voiceRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English7
There in the glory of the shining landRev. Wm. O. Cushing (Author)English2
There is no dew on the mountains of ZionWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
There were many children's voicesW. O. Cushing (Author)English4
There'll be no dark valley when Jesus comesW. O. Cushing (Author)English83
There'll be no more sorrowWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
There's a bright, happy home high in heaven aboveWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)3
They have triumphed at lastWilliam Cushing (Author)English3
They tell me there are dangers, In the path my feet must treadRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English9
They were watching on the hillsides for the coming dayW. O. Cushing (Author)English8
This little lamb is DollieWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Though all men forsake Him, yet we must not fearWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
تحت جناحيه وجدت الأمناW. O. Cushing (Author)Arabic1
Times flies, they say, it fliesWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)3
'Tis only just a step that we need to take todayWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
'Tis wrong to be cross, dearWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)2
Tossed by the tempest, with sorrows oppressedRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Tread softly, tread softly that garden of prayerRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
உன் துயரம் எல்லாம் (Uṉ tuyaram ellām)W. O. Cushing (Author)Tamil2
Under hans vinger i tryghed jeg dvælerRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)Norwegian2
Under His wings I am safely abidingWilliam O. Cushing (Author)English133
Underfuldt, deilige edenW. O. Cushing (Author)Norwegian2
Waiting still whatever betideW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Wake, O wake, the bells of morningRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English3
Walio mbinguni hufurahi mnoW. O. Cushing (Author)Swahili1
We are all a band of scholarsWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)3
We are watching, we are waiting For the bright prophetic dayWilliam Cushing (Author)English42
We should think how we all feel the power of sinW. O. Cushing (Author)English2
Wenn der Heiland, wenn der HeilandW. O. Cushing (Author)German9
When He cometh, when He comethWilliam Orcutt Cushing (Author)English379
When my feet shall come to the golden gateRev. W. O. Cushing (Author)English2
When the children all come seekingWilliam Cushing (Author)English4
Who may be this wondrous stranger passing byWilliam Cushing (Author)English2
Who will meet me when I die?William Orcutt Cushing (Author)English9
Wie einst die Jünger, mit dem Heiland möcht' ich gehnW. O. Cushing (Author)German1
我今願跟隨耶穌 (Wǒ jīn yuàn gēnsuí yēsū)W. O. Cushing (Author)Chinese2
Wo mich Gott hingestellt, will ich wirken früh und spätWilliam Cushing (Author)German1
Wo sind Tod und SchreckenWilliam Cushing (Author)German2
在祂翼下,平安穩妥我居住 (Zài tā yìxià, píng'ān wěntuǒ wǒ jūzhù)William O. Cushing (Author)Chinese2
在憂傷、痛苦、危險四圍之時 (Zài yōushāng, tòngkǔ, wéixiǎn sìwéi zhī shí)W. O. Cushing (Author)Chinese2
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