1 I will tell what the Lord hath done for me,
How He saved my soul, how He set me free;
He hath drawn my feet from the mire and clay,
Henceforth to follow in the King’s Highway.
Glory, glory, Glory be to god my King;
Glory, glory, I will praise His name,
I will shout and sing;
He hath drawn my feet from the mire and clay,
And my soul is marching in the King’s Highway.
2 O the comfort and peace my soul hath known,
With my heart in Him, in His love alone;
‘Tis the sweetest joy that the heart can sing,
To feast each moment with my Lord and King. [Refrain]
3 What are pleasures of earth to Jesus’ love?
I have meat to eat that ye know not of;
I will spend my days for my Saviour still,
And hope forever in His bliss to dwell. [Refrain]
Source: Joyful Lays: a new collection of songs, prepared and adapted for the Sunday School #106