1 We should think how we all feel the power of sin,
And we all should pity one another;
Tho’ his feet have gone astray from the strait and narrow way,
Yet in every man we meet there’s a brother.
O the sinner may return, may return;
O tell him the wondrous story;
Tho’ he wander far astray, hallelujah! there’s a way,
There’s a free and open way to glory.
2 We should think how we all have been lost and blind,
How we all need pity in our sorrow;
By the grace of God we stand, looking toward the better land,
And we need Him for today and tomorrow. [Refrain]
3 We should think how the Lord has been good to us,
Not to one, but every human brother;
We should pity all who sin, and the wanderer seek to win,
With a loving tender heart help each other. [Refrain]
Source: The Glad Refrain for the Sunday School: a new collection of songs for worship #138