Lutheran Book of Worship

Publisher: Augsburg Publishing House/Board of Publication, Lutheran Church in America, Minneapolis/Philadelphia, 1978
Denomination: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada, Lutheran Church in America
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401Before you, Lord, we bowDARWALL'S 148THTextPage Scan
402Look from your sphere of endless dayGONFALON ROYALText
403Lord, speak to us, that we may speakCANONBURYTextPage Scan
404As saints of old their first-fruits broughtREGWAL
405Lord of light, your name outshiningABBOTT'S LEIGH
406Take my life, that I may bePATMOSText
407Come, you thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S, WINDSORTextPage Scan
408God, whose giving knows no endingRUSTINGTONText
409Praise and thanksgivingBUNESSAN
410We give thee but thine ownHEATHTextPage Scan
411Lord of all good, our gifts we bring you nowMORESTEAD
412Sing to the Lord of harvestWIE LIEBLICH IST DER MAIENTextPage Scan
413Father eternal, ruler of creationLANGHAM
414O God of love, O King of peaceACK, BLIV HOS OSSText
415God of grace and God of gloryCWM RHONDDAText
416O God of ev'ry nationTUOLUMNE
417In a lowly manger bornMABUNE
418Judge eternal, throned in splendorRHUDDLANTextPage Scan
419Lord of all nations, grant me graceBEATUS VIR
420Lord, save your world; in bitter needKEDRON
421Lord Christ, when first you came to earthMIT FREUDEN ZART
422O God, empower us to stemWELLINGTON SQUARE
423Lord, whose love in humble serviceBEACH SPRING
424Lord of glory, you have bought usHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
425O God of mercy, God of lightJUST AS I AMTextPage Scan
426O Son of God, in GalileeLEWIS-TOWN
427O Jesus Christ, may grateful hymns be risingCITY OF GOD
428O God of earth and altarKING'S LYNNText
429Where cross the crowded ways of lifeWALTONTextPage Scan
430Where restless crowds are throngingLLANGLOFFAN
431Your hand, O Lord, in days of oldOLD 107THTextPage Scan
432We worship you, O God of mightVI LOVA DIG, O STORE GUD
433The Church of Christ, in ev'ry ageWAREHAM
434The Son of God, our Christ, the Word, the WaySURSUM CORDAText
435O God, whose will is life and goodLEUPOLDText
436All who love and serve your cityBIRABUS
437Not alone for mighty empireGENEVAText
438Lord, teach us how to pray arightSONG 67Text
439What a friend we have in JesusCONVERSETextPage Scan
440Christians, while on earth abidingWERDE MUNTERTextPage Scan
441Eternal spirit of the living ChristADORO TE DEVOTE
442O thou, who hast of thy pure graceVATER UNSER
443Rise, my soul, to watch and praySTRAF MICH NICHTTextPage Scan
444With the Lord begin your taskFANG DEIN WERK
445Unto the hills around do I lift upSANDONTextPage Scan
446Whatever God ordains is rightWAS GOTT TUT
447All depends on our possessingALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGENTextPage Scan
448Amazing grace, how sweet the soundNEW BRITAINTextPage Scan
449They cast their nets in GalileePEACE OF GODText
450Who trusts in God, a strong abodeWAS MEIN GOTT WILLTextPage Scan
451The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not wantBROTHER JAMES' AIRTextPage Scan
452As pants the hart for cooling streamsMARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
453If you but trust in God to guide youWER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT
454If God himself be for meIST GOTT FÜR MICHTextPage Scan
455"Come, follow me," the Savior spakeMACHS MIT MIR, GOTTTextPage Scan
456The King of love my shepherd isST. COLUMBATextPage Scan
457Jesus, priceless treasureJESU, MEINE FREUDETextPage Scan
458Jesus, priceless treasureGUD SKAL, ALTING MAGETextPage Scan
459O Holy Spirit enter inWIE SCHÖN LEUCHTETTextPage Scan
460I am trusting you, Lord JesusSTEPHANOSTextPage Scan
461Fight the good fight with all your mightGRACE CHURCH, GANANOQUEText
462God, the omnipotent! King, who ordainestRUSSIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
463God, who stretched the spangled heavensHOLY MANNAText
464You are the way, through you aloneDUNDEEText
465Evening and morning, Sunset and dawningDIE GÜLDNE SONNE
466Great God, our source and Lord of spaceGREAT GOD, OUR SOURCE
467Eternal Father, strong to saveMELITATextPage Scan
468From God can nothing move meVON GOTT WILL ICH NICHT LASSEN
469Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joySLANE
470Praise and thanks and adorationFREU DICH SEHR
471Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, LordVERLEIH UNS FRIEDEN
472Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspireVENI, CREATOR SPIRITUSTextPage Scan
473Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspireKOMM, GOTT SCHÖPFERText
474Children of the heav'nly fatherTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA
475Come, gracious Spirit, heav'nly doveWAREHAMText
476Have no fear, little flockLITTLE FLOCK
477O God of Jacob, by whose handST. PETERText
478Come, oh, come, O quick'ning SpiritKOMM, O KOMM, DU GEIST DES LEBENS
479My faith looks up to theeOLIVETTextPage Scan
480Oh, that the Lord would guide my waysEVANTextPage Scan
481Savior, like a shepherd lead usHER VIL TIESTextPage Scan
482When I survey the wondrous crossROCKINGHAM OLDText
483God moves in a mysterious wayBANGORText
484God, my Lord, my strength, my place of hidingPÁN BŮH
485Lord, as a pilgrim through life I goOI HERRA, JOS MÄ MATKAMES MAAN
486Spirit of God descend upon my heartMORECAMBETextPage Scan
487Let us ever walk with JesusLASSET UNS MIT JESU ZIEHEN
488Breathe on me breath of GodDURHAMText
489Wide open are your handsLEOMINSTERTextPage Scan
490Let me be yours foreverLOB GOTT GETROST MIT SINGENTextPage Scan
491O God, I love thee, not that my poor loveIN MANUS TUASText
492O Master, let me walk with youMARYTONText
493Hope of the world, thou Christ of great compassionDONNE SECOURS
494Jesus calls us; o'er the tumultGALILEETextPage Scan
495Lead on, O King EternalLANCASHIRETextPage Scan
496Around you, O Lord JesusO JESU, ÄN DE DINA
497I heard the voice of Jesus sayTHIRD MODE MELODYTextPage Scan
498All who would valiant beST. DUNSTAN'SText
499Come thou Fount of ev'ry blessingNETTLETONTextPage Scan
500Faith of our fathers, living still ST. CATHERINETextPage Scan

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