The Hymnal and Order of Service

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301O Fount of truth and mercyVALET WILL ICH DIR GEBENTextPage Scan
302Blessed Jesus, at Thy wordLIEBSTER JESUTextPage Scan
303Lord, teach us how to pray arightMANOAHTextPage Scan
304Come, my soul, thy suit prepareHORTONTextPage Scan
305O Christ, Thy grace unto us lendHERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WENDTextPage Scan
306Open now thy gates of beautyUNSER HERRSCHER, UNSER KÖNIGTextPage Scan
307Prayer is the soul's sincere desireLAMBETHTextPage Scan
308Safely thro' another weekDIXTextPage Scan
309Blest day of God! most calm, most brightCHESTERFIELDTextPage Scan
310In Thy name, O Lord, assemblingDULCE CARMENTextPage Scan
311O enter, Lord, Thy templeMIG KLÄD I HELIG PRYDNADTextPage Scan
312O day of rest and gladness!LAUSANNETextPage Scan
313Guardian of pure hearts, and HearerWERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMÜTHETextPage Scan
314Unto the Lord of all creationWIE WEISS, WIE NAHE MIR MEIN ENDETextPage Scan
315Holy Majesty, before TheeWACHET AUFTextPage Scan
316Jehovah, Thee we glorifyVI LOFVE DIG, O STORE GUDTextPage Scan
317Beautiful Saviour! King of Creation!SCHÖNSTER HERR JESUTextPage Scan
318Where the angel hosts adore TheeDOROTHEATextPage Scan
319Thee we adore, eternal Lord!PARK STREETTextPage Scan
320Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessingBROCKLESBURYTextPage Scan
321Christ, whose glory fills the skiesLUX PRIMATextPage Scan
322Lord of the worlds aboveDARWALL'S 148thTextPage Scan
323Mine eyes unto the mountainsOLD 130TH PSALMTextPage Scan
324Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!LOBE DEN HERRENTextPage Scan
325Heav'nly light, benignly beamingJESUS! DU DIG SJÄLF UPPVÄCKTETextPage Scan
326Pleasant are Thy courts aboveMAIDSTONETextPage Scan
327Praise, my soul, the King of heavenREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
328When all Thy mercies, O my GodWARWICKTextPage Scan
329God of mercy, God of graceDEMMINTextPage Scan
330Heav'n and earth, and sea and airST. BEESTextPage Scan
331Dear Lord and Father of mankindREST (MAKER)TextPage Scan
332Children of the heav'nly KingHÄNDELTextPage Scan
333O worship the King, all-glorious aboveLYONSTextPage Scan
334What shall I render to my GodDEVEREUXTextPage Scan
335Name of Jesus, softly stealingBEATRICETextPage Scan
336Blessing, and honor, and glory, and powerREGNATOR ORBIS (O QUANTA QUALIA)TextPage Scan
337Holy, holy, holy, blessed Lord!HELIG, HELIG, HELIG HERRE GUDTextPage Scan
338For the beauty of the earthGOD OF HOSTSTextPage Scan
339O God, how wonderful Thou artBEATITUDOTextPage Scan
340Jesus, Saviour, pilot mePILOTTextPage Scan
341Crown Him with many crownsDIADEMATATextPage Scan
342All blessing, honor, thanks, and praiseES IST GEWISSLICH AN DER ZEITTextPage Scan
343What a friend we have in JesusWHAT A FRIENDTextPage Scan
344Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloomLUX BENIGNATextPage Scan
345Strike up, O harp and psaltery!UPP, PSALTARE OCH HARPA!TextPage Scan
346Light of light, enlighten meMEINHOLDTextPage Scan
347Light of light, O Sun of heavenFREU DICH SEHR, O MEINE SEELETextPage Scan
348O Lord, give heed unto our pleaAF HIMLENS HÄR DEN HÖGSTES MAKTTextPage Scan
349In the temple where our fathersWERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMÜTHETextPage Scan
350Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayerSWEET HOUR OF PRAYERTextPage Scan
351Tell me the old, old storyEVANGELTextPage Scan
352Here behold me, as I cast meSIEH, HIER BIN ICH, EHRENKÖNIGTextPage Scan
353Lead us, heav'nly Father, lead usGUIDE METextPage Scan
354Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSICILIAN MARINERS' HYMNTextPage Scan
355On what has now been sownST. GODRICTextPage Scan
356Blest be the tie that bindsDENNISTextPage Scan
357Now our worship sweet is o'erLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIERTextPage Scan
358Abide with us, our SaviourCHRISTUS DER IST MEIN LEBENTextPage Scan
359For a season called to partSOLITUDETextPage Scan
360Heav'nly Father, we beseech TheeHEAVENLY FATHERTextPage Scan
361O Saviour, bless us ere we goST. PETERSBURGTextPage Scan
362May the grace of Christ our SaviourBATTY (RINGE RECHT WENN GOTTES GNADE)TextPage Scan
363Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raiseELLERSTextPage Scan
364God be with you till we meet againGOD BE WITH YOUTextPage Scan
365Saviour, sprinkle many nationsGREENVILLETextPage Scan
366The morning light is breakingWEBBTextPage Scan
367From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNTextPage Scan
368Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
369Lord of the harvest, hear SCHUMANNTextPage Scan
370Thou, whose almighty wordITALIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
371Now be the gospel bannerO, DU MITT HJÄRTAS TRÄNGTANTextPage Scan
372How wondrous and great Thy works, God of praise!LYONSTextPage Scan
373Speed Thy servants, Saviour, speed themREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
374O Lord our God, ariseTHATCHERTextPage Scan
375Mighty Lord, extend Thy kingdomCORONÆTextPage Scan
376O Zion, haste, Thy mission high fulfillingANGELIC SONGSTextPage Scan
377Winter reigns o'er many a regionTHEODORETTextPage Scan
378Go forth, ye heralds, in My NameWENN WIR IN HÖCHSTEN NÖTHEN SEINTextPage Scan
379Hasten, Lord, the glorious timeWEBER (SEYMOUR)TextPage Scan
380Awake, Thou Spirit, who didst fireICH WILL DICH LIEBENTextPage Scan
381Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning!WESLEYTextPage Scan
382Our country's voice is pleadingBEAUMONTTextPage Scan
383O that the Lord's salvationCHRISTUS DER IST MEIN LEBENTextPage Scan
384Look from Thy sphere of endless dayPENTECOSTTextPage Scan
385Thine arm, O Lord, in days of oldST. MATTHEWTextPage Scan
386Blessed Fount of heav'nly gladnessSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
387Where cross the crowded ways of lifeEN FRÄMLING KLAPPAR PÅ DIN DÖRRTextPage Scan
388O Fount of good, to own Thy loveNUN DANKET ALL' UND BRINGET EHR (STÖRL)TextPage Scan
389Thou to whom the sick and dyingJESU MEINE LUST UND WONNETextPage Scan
390Jesus, Master, Son of GodHORTONTextPage Scan
391O God of mercy! hearken nowQUEBEC (HESPERUS)TextPage Scan
392Great joy and consolationO JESU! ÄN DE DINATextPage Scan
393O precious Saviour, heal and blessAF HIMLENS HÄR DEN HÖGSTES MAKTTextPage Scan
394Lord Jesus Christ, the children's FriendSAXBYTextPage Scan
395Awake! the watchman criethOLD 130TH PSALMTextPage Scan
396Behold a stranger at the door!HOLLEYTextPage Scan
397"Jesus sinners doth receive"MEINHOLDTextPage Scan
398Just as thou art, without one traceWOODWORTHTextPage Scan
399Come, ye sinners, poor and needyST. ANSGARTextPage Scan
400Shun, my heart, the thought foreverFREU DICH SEHR, O MEINE SEELETextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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