The Cyber Hymnal

The Cyber Hymnal™ ( is a website established in 1996 by Dick Adams. It has over 10,000 Christian hymns from many denominations and languages. It provides lyrics, sheet music, audio, pictures, biographies, history and more. The worship and educational resource is provided as a public service and gets an average of 24,000 visitors per month. Mr. Adams has graciously allowed to add his resources to our site. (Note: the site that calls itself NetHymnal at is not affiliated with The Cyber Hymnal™ in any way.)
Editor: Dick Adams
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
16021O Love that passeth knowledgeRAMALLAHTextScoreAudio
16022Blessed Jesus, how I love Thee!EREZTextScoreAudio
16023Rich treasures are waiting just over the way[Rich treasures are waiting just over the way]TextScoreAudio
16024Give the world your sunshine[Give the world your sunshine]TextScoreAudio
16025When God in mercy let me seeRISHON LEZIONTextScoreAudio
16026Have you pain, or care, or sorrow?[Have you pain, or care, or sorrow]TextScoreAudio
16027Children’s songs are heav’n­ly ech­oesPETAH TIKVATextScoreAudio
16028Jesus, Savior, blessed Bridegroom[Jesus, Savior, blessed Bridegroom]TextScoreAudio
16029Fight on, fight on, O soul[Fight on, fight on, O soul]TextScoreAudio
16030Shall we know our dear grand­mo­ther,ASHDODTextScoreAudio
16031I know not whe­ther joy or tearsNUNAVUTTextScoreAudio
16032There stands a Rock amid the wavesPHNOM PENHTextScoreAudio
16033Away from the fold, out in­to the cold[Away from the fold, out in­to the cold]TextScoreAudio
16034If my soul be true un­til I see[If my soul be true un­til I see]Text
16035There is a home, it’s just above[There is a home, it’s just above]TextScoreAudio
16036Our children Thou dost claimAYLESBURYTextScoreAudio
16037Look, my brethren, see the tokensHOLD THE FORTTextScoreAudio
16038When from scat­tered lands afarABERYSTWYTHTextScoreAudio
16039His flock the heav’n­ly Shep­herd feedsHESPERUSTextScoreAudio
16040They who hate Thee, oh my Fa­therST. AUSTINTextScoreAudio
16041O why will you long­er your choice de­lay?[O why will you long­er your choice de­lay]TextScoreAudio
16042My Guid­ing Star shines for me in­to night[My Guid­ing Star shines for me in­to night]TextScoreAudio
16043He’s real to me, my Fa­ther GodGRINDAVIKText
16044When the trump shall sound[When the trump shall sound]TextScoreAudio
16045Sleep, baby, sleep! Sleep, dar­ling, sleep![Sleep, baby, sleep! Sleep, dar­ling, sleep!]TextScoreAudio
16046There is no sweet­er story toldCAMPI FLEGREIText
16047Song-land fair, over there[Song-land fair, over there]TextScoreAudio
16048Is the world any bet­ter, my bro­ther[Is the world any bet­ter, my bro­ther]TextScoreAudio
16049Does the temp­ter seek your soul?[Does the temp­ter seek your soul]TextScoreAudio
16050Jesus is the sin­ner’s friend[Jesus is the sin­ner’s friend]TextScoreAudio
16051Listen to the won­drous mu­sicPOZZUOLITextScoreAudio
16052Our Fa­ther in Hea­ven, the dear child­ren’s Friend[Our Fa­ther in Hea­ven, the dear child­ren’s Friend]TextScoreAudio
16053From the by­gone days of child­hood[From the by­gone days of child­hood]TextScoreAudio
16054If Je­sus should come in the rise of the morn­ing[If Je­sus should come in the rise of the morn­ing]TextScoreAudio
16055Deep in the west now the sun is sink­ing low[Deep in the west now the sun is sink­ing low]TextScoreAudio
16056Go out on the streets and the high­ways[Go out on the streets and the high­ways]TextScoreAudio
16057O Savior, Thou art pa­tient still[O Savior, Thou art pa­tient still]TextScoreAudio
16058Sounding the watch-cry, on we go[Sounding the watch-cry, on we go]TextScoreAudio
16059Crowns of glo­ry in the land of the blest[Crowns of glo­ry in the land of the blest]TextScoreAudio
16060Ring out a joy­ful chorusST. EDITHTextScoreAudio
16061See, He comes! whom every nationSANCTUARYTextScoreAudio
16062Good will to men, the an­gels sang[Good will to men, the an­gels sang]TextScoreAudio
16063Lord, who didst the pro­phets teachPOSENTextScoreAudio
16064"Repent, re­pent," the Bap­tist criesWREXHAMTextScoreAudio
16065The Ga­li­lean fish­ers toilA LITTLE KINGDOMTextScoreAudio
16066Glory be to God on highCONSECRATIONTextScoreAudio
16067The heav’ns de­clare Thy glo­ry, LordFRUMENTIUSTextScoreAudio
16068Ye shep­herds, lend a lis­ten­ing earMANOAHTextScoreAudio
16069Angels in bright at­tireDARWALL'S 148THTextScoreAudio
16070The Sav­ior, of the Vir­gin bornCANONBURYTextScoreAudio
16071Hosanna to the Son of GodNEWBURYTextScoreAudio
16072The bells of time ring out the chimeTA'IZZTextScoreAudio
16073There’s a song the an­gels sing[There’s a song the an­gels sing]TextScoreAudio
16074Soft the light of ear­ly morn­ing[Soft the light of ear­ly morn­ing]TextScoreAudio
16075Buds and flow’rs lie hid­den quite[Buds and flow’rs lie hid­den quite]TextScoreAudio
16076Gather around the Christ­mas tree![Gather around the Christ­mas tree!]TextScoreAudio
16077'Tis a sto­ry told of the long ago['Tis a sto­ry told of the long ago]TextScoreAudio
16078There dwelt in old Ju­dea[There dwelt in old Ju­dea]TextScoreAudio
16079O Babe! in man­ger ly­ing[O Babe! in man­ger ly­ing]TextScoreAudio
16080The vir­gin is hush­ing her ba­by to rest[The vir­gin is hush­ing her ba­by to rest]TextScoreAudio
16081O love­ly star, in heav’n so brightMOCHATextScoreAudio
16082Hail, blessed morn![Hail, blessed morn]TextScoreAudio
16083Startling news the an­gel bringsMUŞTextScoreAudio
16084"Glory to God!" sang the an­gel throng,["Glory to God!" sang the an­gel throng,]TextScoreAudio
116085O lit­tle Babe of Beth­le­hem[O lit­tle Babe of Beth­le­hem]TextScoreAudio
16085Quickly my days have passed awayOLD MARTYRSTextScoreAudio
16086Our life is like a va­por, goneCAMPMEETINGTextScoreAudio
16087Awake, be­liev­ing souls, awakeEAGLEYTextScoreAudio
16088Another year is quick­ly goneEVANTextScoreAudio
16089Another year has now be­gunIOSCOTextScoreAudio
16090Harp, awake! tell out the sto­ryEVERTONTextScoreAudio
16091Another year hath fled; re­newST. SULPICETextScoreAudio
16092We shall have a won­drous home in glory[We shall have a won­drous home in glory]TextScoreAudio
16093It was Jesus from beginningNIǦDETextScoreAudio
16094When the gold­en ev­en­ing ga­theredSTOCKWELL NEWTextScoreAudio
16095I’m telling of Je­sus, so lov­ing and trueBILECIKTextScoreAudio
16096We come with song re­joic­ing[We come with song re­joic­ing]TextAudio
16097Who took my burdens all away?[Who took my burdens all away]TextScoreAudio
16098The migh­ty God is Jesus[The migh­ty God is Jesus]TextScoreAudio
16099Ye saints of God, awakeDENNISScoreAudio
16100Lo, they come, the vic­tors! Banners are all furledSANAATextScoreAudio
16101I will not let Thee go, Thou Guest di­vineI WILL NOT LET THEE GOTextScoreAudio
16102Hear the pre­cious in­vi­ta­tionNEVŞEHIRTextScoreAudio
16103Thy great­ness, Lord, what thought can reachMAITLANDTextScoreAudio
16104O Son of Man, who walked each daySOLDAUTextScoreAudio
16105I know that my Re­deem­er livesBRADFORDTextScoreAudio
16106Satan con­fined in mas­sy chainsDEUS TUORUM MILITUMTextScoreAudio
16107Lo, Jesus spreads abroad His wrathHILKIAHTextScoreAudio
16108I name Thy hallowed nameSWABIATextScoreAudio
16109By roads that wound up­hill and downHESPERUSTextScoreAudio
16110Dear Lord, who sought at dawn of daySTIREWALTTextScoreAudio
16111List to the Sav­ior’s plead­ing call[List to the Sav­ior’s plead­ing call]TextScoreAudio
16112Soon shall the trum­pet spreadWIRKSWORTHTextScoreAudio
16113A won­der­ful Sav­ior is Je­sus my king[A won­der­ful Sav­ior is Je­sus my king]TextScoreAudio
16114When the Sav­ior sends us[When the Sav­ior sends us]TextScoreAudio
16115When God comes forth, with ter­rors cladHUNNYSTextScoreAudio
16116He comes, He comes! the Son of GodWINDSORTextScoreAudio
16117Lo! in the last of days be­holdST. NICHOLASTextScoreAudio
16118Great God, the ter­rors of Thy wrathBANGORTextScoreAudio
16119Let the sin­ner prize his trea­sureKIRK ELLATextScoreAudio

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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