1 Crowns of glory in the land of the blest,
We shall receive when our toils are o’er;
There the weary from their labors rest,
Singing to Jesus praise evermore;
Pressing onward, strangers here below,
Looking upward, cheerfully we go
Where the crystal waters murmur low,
In the land of song.
Crowns of glory in the land of the blest,
We shall receive when our toils are o’er;
There the weary from their labors rest,
Singing to Jesus praise evermore
2 There we’ll gather, when the battle is done;
Robes of rejoicing await us there;
Palms of triumph, when the victory’s won,
Each valiant soldier ever shall wear;
Praise to Jesus then will be our theme;
While we walk beside the living stream,
In the smiles of love that ever beam
From His face divine.
Crowns of glory in the land of the blest,
We shall receive when our toils are o’er;
There the weary from their labors rest,
Singing to Jesus praise evermore.