The Congregational Mission Hymnal: and Week-night service book

Editor: Geroge S. Barrett, B.A.
Music Editor: Joseph Barnby
Publisher: Congregational Union of England and Wales, Farringdon Street, 1890
Denomination: Congregationalist Churches
Language: English
Notes: Some hymns are missing from the page scans
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
82Hush'd was the ev'ning hymn[Hush'd was the ev'ning hymn]Page Scan
83Great is Thy mercy, LordCLIFTONPage Scan
84"Call them in"—the poor and wretchedCALL THEM INPage Scan
85Some one will enter the pearly gateSHALL YOU? SHALL I?Page Scan
86Have you any room for JesusHAVE YOU ANY ROOM?Page Scan
87What means this eager, anxious throngJESUS OF NAZARETH PASSETH BYPage Scan
88"Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the soundWHOSOEVER WILLPage Scan
89"Almost persuaded!" now to believeALMOST PERSUADEDPage Scan
90"Yet there is room!"ST. REGULUSPage Scan
91She only touched the hem of His garmentTHE HEM OF HIS GARMENTPage Scan
92O what a Saviour that He died for meVERILY, VERILYPage Scan
93Why do ye wait, dear brotherWHY DO YOU WAIT?Page Scan
94O do not let the Word departWHY NOT TO-NIGHT?Page Scan
95So near to the kingdom! yet what dost thou lack[So near to the kingdom! yet what dost thou lack]Page Scan
96O Jesu, Thou art standingST. CATHERINEPage Scan
97The Lord is rich and mercifulPETERSHAMPage Scan
98Behold Me standing at the door[Behold Me standing at the door]Page Scan
99aArt thou weary, art thou languidART THOU WEARY?Page Scan
99bArt thou weary, art thou languidBULLINGERPage Scan
100Hark, my soul, it is the LordST. BEESPage Scan
101Come unto Me, ye wearyBENTLEYPage Scan
102aCome, ye sinners, poor and wretchedCOMMUNIONPage Scan
102bCome, ye sinners, poor and wretchedEVERTONPage Scan
103aSouls of men! why will ye scatterCHAMOUNIPage Scan
103bSouls of men! why will ye scatterFABERPage Scan
104Jesus, sinners will receiveVERONAPage Scan
105Look away to Jesus
106There is life for a look at the Crucified One
107Knocking! knocking! who is there
108Jesus is tenderly calling thee home
109While Jesus whispers to youCOME, SINNER, COMEPage Scan
110Come to the Saviour, make no delayCOME TO THE SAVIORPage Scan
111Are you coming Home, ye wand'rers[Are you coming Home, ye wand'rers]Page Scan
112Come, O come with thy broken heartCOME, O COMEPage Scan
113O come, sinner, come, 'tis mercy's call[O come, sinner, come, 'tis mercy's call]Page Scan
114Come, every soul by sin oppressedCOME, EVERY SOULPage Scan
115Return, O wanderer! returnMELCOMBEPage Scan
116Room for the wanderer, roomST. ANDREWPage Scan
117aO word of words the sweetestO WORD OF WORDSPage Scan
117bO word of words the sweetestHATHERLEYPage Scan
118Will ye not come to Him for life?WILL YE NOT COME?Page Scan
119aI was wandering and wearyBRANDONPage Scan
119bI was wandering and wearyWROXHAMPage Scan
119dI was wandering and wearyTHE GOOD SHEPHERDPage Scan
120Why perish with cold and with hungerCOME, WANDERER, COME!Page Scan
121Come ye disconsolate! where'er ye languishCOME, YE DISCONSOLATEPage Scan
122Ring the bells of heaven! there is joy todayRING THE BELLS OF HEAVENPage Scan
123aO come to the merciful Saviour who calls youWINTERTONPage Scan
123bO come to the merciful Saviour who calls youST. BOTOLPHPage Scan
124O Saviour, I have nought to pleadELMHURSTPage Scan
125O Lord, turn not Thy face awayST. MARY'SPage Scan
126aMy sins have taken such a hold on meBRYN TANATPage Scan
126bMy sins have taken such a hold on meATHERSTONEPage Scan
127Sinful, sighing to be blestCLARENCEPage Scan
128My sins, my sins, my SaviourRUTHERFORDPage Scan
129I bring my sins to TheeRALEIGHPage Scan
130Blessed be the Fountain of BloodTHE BLOOD OF THE LAMBPage Scan
131What can wash away my stainWHAT CAN WASH AWAYPage Scan
132Not what these hands have doneST. ANDREWPage Scan
133Whence this flaming joy that makethKENSINGTON NEWPage Scan
134When, gracious Lord, when shall it beSTAINCLIFFEPage Scan
135Sweet is Thy mercy, LordST. ANDREWPage Scan
136Take me, O my Father, take me
137Love for all! and can it be
138Hear, gracious God, a sinner's crySAXONYPage Scan
139O Jesu! Lord most merciful
140We name Thy name, O GodST. DENYSPage Scan
141A sinful man am IWESTENHANGERPage Scan
142Weary and sad, a wanderer from TheeLYNTONPage Scan
143Show me myself, O holy LordHOLY CROSSPage Scan
144aBecause I knew not when my life was goodMAGDALENPage Scan
144bBecause I knew not when my life was goodLODDONPage Scan
145aThou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrowDOMINUS MISERICORDIAEPage Scan
145bThou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrowSILVERHAMPage Scan
146aDrawn to the cross which Thou hast blessedAGNUS DEIPage Scan
146bDrawn to the cross which Thou hast blessedMOLDEPage Scan
147I need Thee every hourNEEDPage Scan
148Beneath the Cross of JesusST. CHRISTOPHERPage Scan
149Looking unto JesusVESPERSPage Scan
150Trustingly, trustinglyCAMBORNEPage Scan
151Simply trusting every daySIMPLY TRUSTINGPage Scan
152Not all the blood of beastsST. ANDREWPage Scan
153Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I[Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I]Page Scan
154Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cryTAKE ME AS I AMPage Scan
155All my doubts I give to JesusFULLY TRUSTINGPage Scan
156aO strong to save and blessMONTROSEPage Scan
156bO strong to save and blessHARLANPage Scan
157aOn the great love of God I leanMARSHAMPage Scan
157bOn the great love of God I leanHOTHFIELDPage Scan
158I lay my sins on JesusST. GEORGE'S, BOLTONPage Scan
159Thou who didst on Calvary bleedLEDBURYPage Scan
160aJust as I am—without one pleaAGNUS DEIPage Scan
160bJust as I am—without one pleaMOLDEPage Scan
161aJesu, Lover of my soulBENEVENTOPage Scan
161bJesu, Lover of my soulNEW ST. ANDREWSPage Scan
162Never further than Thy crossCYPRUSPage Scan
163aLord, I hear of showers of blessingETIAM ET MIHIPage Scan
163bLord, I hear of showers of blessingEVEN MEPage Scan
164Rock of Ages, cleft for meAJALONPage Scan
165Thy works, not mine, O ChristBRACONASHPage Scan

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