The Congregational Mission Hymnal: and Week-night service book

Editor: Geroge S. Barrett, B.A.
Music Editor: Joseph Barnby
Publisher: Congregational Union of England and Wales, Farringdon Street, 1890
Denomination: Congregationalist Churches
Language: English
Notes: Some hymns are missing from the page scans
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
166aI am trusting Thee, Lord JesusART THOU WEARY?Page Scan
166bI am trusting Thee, Lord JesusBULLINGERPage Scan
167aJesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soulSTAR OF THE EASTPage Scan
167bJesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soulJESUS, I WILL TRUST THEEPage Scan
168Jesu, Thy blood and righteousnessCOMMANDMENTSPage Scan
169My God, my Father, dost Thou callCOMMANDMENTSPage Scan
170Yes, I do feel, my God, that I am ThineDALKEITHPage Scan
171O my Saviour, liftedBEMERTONPage Scan
172Jesu, my Lord, my God, my allST. CHRYSOSTOMPage Scan
173Long have I searched the world in vainELMHURSTPage Scan
174Lord, Thou art mineSTRATHAIRDPage Scan
175Sad and weary with my longingSAD AND WEARYPage Scan
176aI heard the voice of Jesus say[I heard the voice of Jesus say]Page Scan
176bI heard the voice of Jesus sayAUDITE AUDIENTES MEPage Scan
177'Tis the promise of God full salvation to giveHALLELUJAH, 'TIS DONE!Page Scan
178I will praise Thee every dayLUBECKPage Scan
179I've found the Pearl of greatest priceROMEPage Scan
180The gospel of Thy grace my stubborn heart has won[The gospel of Thy grace my stubborn heart has won]Page Scan
181I've found a Friend; oh, such a FriendCONSTANCEPage Scan
182Ye of the Father lovedMANSFIELDPage Scan
183I feel like singing all the timePRAISE HIMPage Scan
184Go, bury thy sorrow, the world hath its shareGO BURY THY SORROWPage Scan
185Yes, for me, for me, He carethST. OSWALDPage Scan
186aOn Thee my heart is restingAURELIAPage Scan
186bOn Thee my heart is restingCHENIESPage Scan
187Leaning on Thee, my Guide and FriendLEANING ON THEEPage Scan
188Fully persuaded—Lord, I believeFULLY PERSUADEDPage Scan
189Lord, I was blind, I could not seeGIBRALTARPage Scan
190Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sinPAX TECUMPage Scan
191aO happy day that fixed my choiceFESTUSPage Scan
191bO happy day that fixed my choiceO HAPPY DAYPage Scan
192I could not do without TheeDAY OF RESTPage Scan
193Singing for Jesus, our Saviour and KingSINGING FOR JESUSPage Scan
194aI was a wandering sheepPASTOR BONUSPage Scan
194bI was a wandering sheepI WAS A WANDERING SHEEPPage Scan
195Jesus, Saviour, brother, GodELLINGHAMPage Scan
196Jesus, Thou art my Lord, my GodDALEHURSTPage Scan
197I left it all with Jesus[I left it all with Jesus]Page Scan
198Safe in the arms of JesusSAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUSPage Scan
199I filled me with the fear of hellBROOKFIELDPage Scan
200Oh, to be nothing, nothingOH TO BE NOTHINGPage Scan
201O love who formedst me to wearST. MARKPage Scan
202Lord, in the strength of graceFRANCONIAPage Scan
203Oh, the bitter shame and sorrowST. JUDEPage Scan
204aTake my life, and let it beCONSECRATIONPage Scan
204bTake my life, and let it beST. BEESPage Scan
205Jesus! and shall it ever beBROOKFIELDPage Scan
206aI gave My life for theeST. OLAVEPage Scan
206bI gave My life for theeDUNMERTONPage Scan
207Nothing but leaves! the Spirit grievesNOTHING BUT LEAVESPage Scan
208In full and glad surrenderVULPIUSPage Scan
209Thine for ever: God of loveLUBECKPage Scan
210Saviour! Thy dying loveWINTERTONPage Scan
211O Christ, in Thee my soul hath foundO CHRIST, IN THEEPage Scan
212Thine, most gracious Lord[Thine, most gracious Lord]Page Scan
213O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in meST. AGNESPage Scan
214All that I was, my sin, my guiltST. AGNESPage Scan
215Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly wholeLORD JESUSPage Scan
216Jesus, Master, whose I amRATISBONPage Scan
217I give my heart to TheeLEOMINSTERPage Scan
218Take, O Lord, my faithless heartCYPRUSPage Scan
219More love to Thee, O ChristST. AUGUSTINEPage Scan
220O loving SaviourMARLINGFORDPage Scan
221I said, my God, at lengthEDENPage Scan
222I hunger and I thirstEDENPage Scan
223I am Thine, O Lord; I have heard Thy voice[I am Thine, O Lord; I have heard Thy voice]Page Scan
224Saviour, more than life to me[Saviour, more than life to me]Page Scan
225O Lord, Thy heavenly graceCRINGLEFORDPage Scan
226Jesus calls us o'er the tumultGALILEEPage Scan
227Breathe on me, Breath of GodALDERSGATEPage Scan
228aO love that wilt not let me goSOMERLEYTONPage Scan
228bO love that wilt not let me goWINTERSLOWPage Scan
228cO love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARETPage Scan
229aPurer yet and purerST. MARY MAGDALENEPage Scan
229bPurer yet and purerVESPERSPage Scan
230Take up thy cross, the Saviour saidWHITBURNPage Scan
231And is there, Lord, a cross for meWHITBURNPage Scan
232Dare to do right! dare to be trueDARE TO BE TRUEPage Scan
233Feeble, helpless, how shall IEARLSFIELDPage Scan
234Lord Jesu, think on me
235Teach me, O Lord, Thy holy wayHOLLEYPage Scan
236Nearer, my God, to TheePRPIOR DEOPage Scan
237It fell upon a summer dayINNOCENTSPage Scan
238The faithful men of every landST. JOHN'S COLLEGEPage Scan
239One thing I of the Lord desireSOUTHPORTPage Scan
240O wherefore, Lord, doth Thy dear praiseST. LEOFRIC (St. Cuthbert)Page Scan
241Fling out the banner! let it floatMELANESIAPage Scan
242Must I go—and empty-handedMUST I GO?Page Scan
243Rescue the perishing[Rescue the perishing]Page Scan
244Work, for the night is coming[Work, for the night is coming]Page Scan
245Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindnessSOWING IN THE MORNINGPage Scan
246To the work, to the workTO THE WORK!Page Scan
247aWhile the sun is shiningFARNSWORTHPage Scan
247bWhile the sun is shiningRUTHPage Scan
248Oh, not to fill the mouth of fameALBANOPage Scan
249aLord, speak to me, that I may speakCASWELL BAYPage Scan
249bLord, speak to me, that I may speakHOLLEYPage Scan
250O Master, let me walk with TheeMARYTONPage Scan
251O Jesus, I have promisedDAY OF RESTPage Scan
252O Thou who camest from aboveSTAINCLIFFEPage Scan

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