Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.)

Editor: Paul Henkel
Publisher: Solomon Henkel (Printer), New Market, Va., 1816
Denomination: German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Tennessee
Language: English
Notes: Psalms are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CCCIIf we profess to love the LordTextPage Scan
CCCIIIt is a gift from God aboveTextPage Scan
CCCIIIBe thou my troubled soul at peaceTextPage Scan
CCCIVCommit thy way unto the LordTextPage Scan
CCCVGreat God, thy providence and careTextPage Scan
CCCVILord, I am pain'd; but I resignTextPage Scan
CCCVIIA Precious gift on man bestow'dTextPage Scan
CCCVIIIGo ye my servants, go ye forthTextPage Scan
CCCIXUnto thy Zion, Lord, returnTextPage Scan
CCCXThe Lord will build his church againTextPage Scan
CCCXIWhat crosses and afflictions meetTextPage Scan
CCCXIIWhy should my soul feel so dismay'dTextPage Scan
CCCXIIILet all in heav'n their praises bringTextPage Scan
CCCXIV[CCIV]My God, my portion, and my loveText
CCCXVLet us join to praise our MakerTextPage Scan
CCCXVICome let us praise our God!TextPage Scan
CCCXVIIWe praise thee, O God; we acknowledge thee to be the LordTextPage Scan
CCCXVIIICome, we that love the LordTextPage Scan
CCCXIXSince God has thus ordain'd it soTextPage Scan
CCCXXCome Holy Spirit condescend!TextPage Scan
CCCXXILet thanks and praises be to GodTextPage Scan
CCCXXIILord, how distressed is my mindTextPage Scan
CCCXXIIIThy grace dear Saviour let me feelTextPage Scan
CCCXXIVI'm call'd to camp to leave my homeTextPage Scan
CCCXXVThou sov'reign, great almighty God!TextPage Scan
CCCXXVIBe thou my safeguard, O my God!TextPage Scan
CCCXXVIIPraise be unto my gracious Lord!TextPage Scan
CCCXXVIIILord, I commit myself to thee!TextPage Scan
CCCXXIXLord! for the just thou dost provideTextPage Scan
CCCXXXI travel into distant landsTextPage Scan
CCCXXXII Sojourn as a stranger hereTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIIThank God, my journey now is o'erTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIIILife is the time to serve the LordTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIVYe humble souls, approach your GodTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVBlow ye the trumpet, blowTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVICome, sinners, to the gospel feastTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVIIHow beauteous are their feetTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVIIIGreat God defend us in this stormTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIXThe Lord be prais'd the storm is past!TextPage Scan
CCCXLLord, look on this, our panting earth!TextPage Scan
CCCXLIShould we not thank and praise our God?TextPage Scan
CCCXLIIThe great command Jehovah gaveTextPage Scan
CCCXLIIIRejoice, the Lord is KingTextPage Scan
CCCXLIVCome let us join our cheerful songsTextPage Scan
CCCXLVGod of my life to theeTextPage Scan
CCCXLVIFather of mercies! bow thine earTextPage Scan
CCCXLVIIMy child lie still to rest and sleepTextPage Scan
P.IBlest is the man who shuns the placeTextPage Scan
P.IIWhy did the nations join to slayTextPage Scan
P.IIIMy God how many are my fears?TextPage Scan
P.IVLord, thou wilt hear me when I pray!TextPage Scan
P.VLord, in the morning thou shalt hearTextPage Scan
P.VIIn anger, Lord, do not chastiseTextPage Scan
P.VIIMy trust is in my heav'nly friendTextPage Scan
P.VIIIO Lord, our Lord, how wond'rous greatTextPage Scan
P.IX.IWith my whole heart I'll raise my songTextPage Scan
P.IX.IIWhen the great Judge, supreme and justTextPage Scan
P.XWhy doth the Lord depart so farTextPage Scan
P.XIMy refuge is the God of loveTextPage Scan
P.XIIHelp, Lord, for men of virtue failTextPage Scan
P.XIIIHow long wilt thou conceal thy face?TextPage Scan
P.XIV.IFools, in their hearts believe and sayTextPage Scan
P.XIV.IIAre sinners now so senseless grownTextPage Scan
P.XVWho shall inhabit in thy hillTextPage Scan
P.XVI.IPreserve me, Lord, in time of needTextPage Scan
P.XVI.IIHow fast their guilt and sorrows riseTextPage Scan
P.XVI.IIIWhen God is nigh, my faith is strongTextPage Scan
P.XVIILord, I am thine; but thou wilt proveTextPage Scan
P.XVIII.IThee will I love, O Lord, my strengthTextPage Scan
P.XVIII.IILord, thou hast seen my soul sincereTextPage Scan
P.XVIII.IIIJust are thy ways, and true thy wordTextPage Scan
P.XIX.IBehold the lofty skyTextPage Scan
P.XIX.IIBehold the morning sunTextPage Scan
P.XXNow may the God of pow'r and graceTextPage Scan
P.XXIIn thee, great God, with songs of praiseTextPage Scan
P.XXII.IWhy has my God my soul forsookTextPage Scan
P.XXII.IINow from the roaring lion's rageTextPage Scan
P.XXIIIMy Shepherd will supply my needTextPage Scan
P.XXIVThis spacious earth is all the Lord'sTextPage Scan
P.XXV.II lift my soul to GodTextPage Scan
P.XXV.IIWhere shall the man be foundTextPage Scan
P.XXV.IIIMine eyes and my desireTextPage Scan
P.XXVIJudge me, O Lord, and prove my waysTextPage Scan
P.XXVII.IThe Lord of glory is my lightTextPage Scan
P.XXVII.IISoon as I heard my father sayTextPage Scan
P.XXVIIITo thee, O Lord, I raise my criesTextPage Scan
P.XXIXGive to the Lord, ye sons of fameTextPage Scan
P.XXX.II will extol thee, Lord, on highTextPage Scan
P.XXX.IIFirm was my health, my day was brightTextPage Scan
P.XXXI.ITo thee, O God of truth and loveTextPage Scan
P.XXXI.IIMy heart rejoices in thy nameTextPage Scan
P.XXXIIHow blest the man to whom his GodTextPage Scan
P.XXXIII.IRejoice, ye righteous, in the LordTextPage Scan
P.XXXIII.IIBlest is the nation, where the LordTextPage Scan
P.XXXIV.ILord, I will bless thee all my daysTextPage Scan
P.XXXIV.IIChildren, in years or knowledge youngTextPage Scan
P.XXXVBehold the love, the gen'rous loveTextPage Scan
P.XXXVIHigh in the heav'ns, eternal GodTextPage Scan
P.XXXVII.IWhy should I vex my soul, and fretTextPage Scan
P.XXXVII.IIWhy doth the wealthy wicked boastTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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