The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4

Editor: John J. Overholt
Publisher: Christian Hymnary Publishers, Uniontown, Oh., 1972
Denomination: Beachy Amish Mennonite Churches
Language: English; German
Notes: The phonetic spelling "ss" is used instead of the German "ß" in Ausbund translations. Uses seven-shape notation. Hymns ordered according to Fourth Printing, 1980.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
898Have you wandered away from your Father's careCHILD COME HOME
899Softly and tenderly Jesus is callingSOFTLY AND TENDERLY
900Wanderer in sinful waysWILL YOU GO TO JESUSText
901God is calling the prodigal: come without delayGOD IS CALLING
902O, come today to the fountainWHISPERING HOPE
903Are you living now in sinCALL ON HIS NAMEText
904Oh, my brother, do you know the SaviorHONEY IN THE ROCK
905Have you heard about the stoneFELSENText Info
906Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppressedONLY TRUST HIM
907Have you counted the costNEARING THE PORT
908Lord, speak to me that I may speakHOLLY
909It's not an easy road we are trav'ling to HeavenIT'S NOT AN EASY ROAD
910When saints of God in danger stoodVARINA
911A pilgrim was I and a-wand'ringSURELY GOODNESS AND MERCY
912"Come ye apart!" it is the Lord who calls usCHISHOLMText
913Often weary and worn on the pathway belowREST BY AND BYText
914Tho drearisome shadows may hang o'er my wayTHE LORD IS MY LIGHT
915By the crowd of worshippersNEITHER DO I CONDEMN THEE
916Sometimes when the shadows are gathering lowTHE LOVE OF THE SAVIOURText
917Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is fallingDWELLING IN BEULAH LAND
918I cannot tell, I do not knowGOD PLANS THE BESTText
919I've reached the land of corn and wineBEULAH LAND
920Ye sons and daughters of the KingGELOBT SEI GOTT
921O soul, do not delay! (O Seele, säume nicht!)DENNISText Info
922Often when we sit and ponderLOOK TO JESUSText
923Not to the strong is the battleNOT TO THE STRONG
924I opened my heart to the Word divineCHRIST IS ALIVE
925My Father is rich in houses and landsA CHILD OF THE KING
926Years I spent in vanity and prideAT CALVARY
927I will sing of my RedeemerMY REDEEMER
928Just lean upon the arms of JesusLEAN ON HIS ARMS
929For God so loved this sinful worldI KNOW GOD'S PROMISE IS TRUE
930There's a cleft in the Rock of AgesTHE CLEFT OF THE ROCKText
931My soul in sad exile was out on life's seaTHE HAVEN OF REST
932O what a wonderful, wonderful dayHEAVEN CAME DOWN
933Under an eastern skyFOR METext
934And can it be that I should gainAND CAN IT BE
935God is love, His mercy brightensEFFIE
936'Tis the old-time religionOLD TIME RELIGION
937Heaven is a holy placeSIN CAN NEVER ENTER THERE
938If I gained the world, but lost the SaviorOM JAG ÄGDE ALLT
939In the day of all days, when the world shall be judgedAT THE SAVIOUR'S RIGHT HAND
940Flee as a bird to your mountainFLEE AS A BIRDText
941When the sun of your life has gone downIF THE LIGHT HAS GONE OUT
942Say now, ye lovely social bandSOCIAL BAND
943As you journey through this worldYOUR DEEDS ARE RECORDED
944There are loved ones in the gloryWILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN
945I am looking for the city built of GodGLORY GATES
946Death shall not destroy my comfortHAPPY SPIRITS
947The heav'ns are lowering overcast (Der Himmel hängt voll Wolken schwer)ICH GINGE GERNTune Info
948Come, come, sweet death, Which leads to GodYEARNING FOR HOMEText
949Shadows never darken heavenNO NIGHT IN HEAVENText
950When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no moreWHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED
951There's a land that is fairer than daySWEET BY AND BY
952We may tarry a while here as strangersWE SHALL SHINE AS THE STARS
953Some day the silver cord will breakSAVED BY GRACE
954When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tideMY SAVIOUR FIRST OF ALL
955When the ransom'd get home to that land fair and brightWHEN THE RANSOMED GET HOMEText
956On the happy, golden shoreMEET ME THEREText
957Life at best is very briefMEET ME THERE
958We'll walk in the light, beautiful lightWE'LL WALK IN THE LIGHTTune Info
959At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered homeWHAT A GATHERING
960What a happy meeting when the saints shall comeON THAT CLOUDLESS MORNINGText
961"I am nearing the port," I will soon be at homeNEARING THE PORTText
962We are climbing Jacob's ladderJACOB'S LADDERText
963'Midst the darkness, storm, and sorrowTERSTEEGENText
964When all my labors and trials are o'erGLORY SONG
965In the land of fadeless dayNO NIGHT THERE
966There's a land where all are blestLAND OF LOVEText
967I think of a city I have not seenTHE UNSEEN CITYText
968Beautiful valley of Eden!BEAUTIFUL VALLEY OF EDEN
969There's a mansion in gloryMANSION IN GLORY
970Jerusalem the goldenEWINGText
971Jerusalem, the goldenJERUSALEM THE GOLDENText
972Peacefully lay (her him) down to restSLEEP TILL THAT MORNINGText
973Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCOME YE DISCONSOLATE
974Some sweet day when life is o'erSOME SWEET DAY
975Sunset and ev'ning starWORDENText
976Sunset and ev'ning starCROSSING THE BARText
977Beyond the sunset, O blissful morningBEYOND THE SUNSET
978Not now, but when 'tis God's sweet willWE'LL SURELY KNOWText
979The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not wantO HOW LOVE I THE LORD
980I come to the garden aloneIN THE GARDEN
981I grieved my Lord from day to dayPRAYERSText Info
982My Saviour once for allMY SAVIOUR ONCE FOR ALLText
983The service of Jesus true pleasure affordsIT PAYS TO SERVE JESUS
984For balmy sunshine, for nourishing rainFOR BALMY SUNSHINE
985Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dearHURSLEY
986Now rest beneath night's shadowO WELT ICH MUSS DICH LASSENText
987Father eternal, great God of creationLUX FIAT
988O God, to thee I lift my joyful voiceO DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HÄTTE
989O that a thousand tongues I'd treasureO DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HÄTTEText Info
990Holy God, we praise Thy name (Grosser Gott, wir loben dich!)GROSSER GOTT, WIR LOBEN DICHText InfoText
991Blessed Savior, we adore TheeGLORIOUS NAME
992I will sing of the mercies of the Lord foreverI WILL SING OF THE MERCIESText
993When God formed the earth at the dawn of creationTHE CREATION STORY
994So let our lives and lips expressUXBRIDGEText
995Take the name of Jesus with youPRECIOUS NAME
996God be with you till we meet againGOD BE WITH YOU
997O Saviour, bless us ere we goSTELLA

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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