1 In thee is gladness
amid all sadness,
Jesus, daystar of my heart!
By thee are given
the gifts of heaven,
thou the true Redeemer art!
Our souls thou wakest;
our bonds thou breakest.
Who trusts thee surely
has built securely
and stands forever:
Our hearts are longing
to see thy dawning.
Living or dying,
in thee abiding,
naught can us sever:
2 Jesus is ours!
We fear no powers,
not of earth or sin or death.
He sees and blesses
in worst distresses;
he can change them with a breath.
Wherefore the story—
tell of his glory
with hearts and voices;
all heaven rejoices
in him forever:
We shout for gladness,
triumph o'er sadness,
love him and praise him,
and still shall raise him
glad hymns forever: