
Parent Structure:


Methodist/Pietist Hymnals:

HymnalAsPublication Date
A Collection of Choral Hymns for the ... Hanson Place Methodist Episcopal CongregationMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1874
A Collection of Hymns Adapted to the Use of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist hymnals (general)1830
A Collection of Hymns Adapted to the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church Including the Whole Collection of the Rev. J. WesleyMethodist hymnals (general)1836
A Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Generally Used at Camp and Prayer MeetingsMethodist hymnals (general)1834
A Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: from various authorsAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church1801
A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social and Domestic WorshipMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1847
A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social and Domestic WorshipMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1853
A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social, and Domestic WorshipMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1848
A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social, and Domestic WorshipMethodist Episcopal Church, South1875
A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in AmericaAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church1839
A Collection of Hymns for the use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in AmericaAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church1872
A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the Methodist Episcopal Church: principally from the collection of Rev. John Wesley, M. A., late fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford; with... (Rev. & corr.)Methodist Episcopal Church1832
A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the Methodist Episcopal Church: Principally from the Collection of the Rev. John Wesley. M. A.Methodist hymnals (general)1821
A Collection of Hymns for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. with a SupplementMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1844
A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren. (New and Rev. ed.)Moravian Church1819
A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren. Rev. ed.Moravian Church1813
A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the United Brethren in ChristUnited Brethren in Christ1837
A Collection of Hymns for the use of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of AmericaWesleyan Methodist Church1843
A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists, with a SupplementMethodist churches of Canada1874
A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren. New and Revised ed.Moravian Church1832
A Collection of Hymns, for the use of the United Brethren in Christ: taken from the most approved authors, and adapted to public and private worshipUnited Brethren in Christ1858
A Collection of Hymns, for the use of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of America.Wesleyan Methodist Church1846
A Collection of Hymns: for camp meetings, revivals, &c., for the use of the Primitive MethodistsPrimitive Methodist Church1844
A Collection of Hymns: for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church, principally from the collection of the Rev. John Wesley, A. M., late fellow of Lincoln College..(Rev. and corr. with a supplement)Methodist Episcopal Church1845
A Collection of Hymns: for the use of the people called Methodists; in miniatureMethodist Church1814
A Collection of Psalms and HymnsMethodist/Pietist1737
A Collection of Spiritual Songs and HymnsAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church1801
A Companion to the Canadian Sunday School Harp: being a selection of hymns set to music, for Sunday schools and the social circleMethodist Church of Canada1899
A General Selection of the Newest and Most Admired Hymns and Spiritual Songs Now in UseMethodist hymnals (general)1807
A General Selection of the Newest and Most Admired Hymns and Spiritual Songs Now in Use. 2nd ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1811
A New Book of Hymns for the Use of the Methodist Episcopal and Other ChurchesMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1879
A New Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: designed for prayer, conference and camp-meetingsMethodist Episcopal Church1832
A Pocket Hymn Book, Designed as a Constant Companion for the Pious, Collected from Various Authors. 28th ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1806
A Pocket hymn book, designed as a constant companion for the pious: collected from various authorsMethodist Episcopal Church1788
A Pocket Hymn Book: designed as a constant companion for the pious, collected from various authors (9th ed.)Methodist Episcopal Church1791
A Pocket hymn-book, designed as a constant companion for the pious: collected from various authorsMethodist Episcopal Church1800
A Pocket hymn-book, designed as a constant companion for the pious: collected from various authors (11th ed.)Methodist Episcopal Church1790
A Pocket Hymn-book: designed as a constant companion for the pious, collected from various authors (18th ed.)Methodist Episcopal Church1793
A Pocket Hymn-Book: designed as a constant companion for the pious: collected from various authors. (21st ed.)Methodist Episcopal Church1797
A Selection of Hymns ... Supplement to the Methodist Pocket Hymn Book. 1st edMethodist hymnals (general)1808
A Selection of Hymns for Worship (2nd ed.)Methodist Society1825
A Selection of Hymns from Various Authors, Designed as a Supplement to the Methodist Pocket Hymn Book. 3rd ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1811
A. M. E. C. HymnalAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church1954
A.M.E. Hymnal: with responsive scripture readings...(The Richard Allen A.M.E. Hymnal)African Methodist Episcopal Church1946
Abendmahls-LiturgienMoravian Church1886
African Methodist Episcopal Church HymnalAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church2011
African Methodist Episcopal hymn and tune book: adapted to the doctrine and usages of the church.African Methodist Episcopal Church1898
An Nou Chanté! : Let's Sing!United Methodist Church1979
Asian American SongsUnited Methodist Church1980
Best Revival SongsMethodist Episcopal Church, South1924
Bible Choruses and SongsEvangelical Covenant Church of America (Swedish)1934
Canadian Sabbath-School Hymn BookMethodist churches of Canada1866
Cheerful SongsMethodist Episcopal Church, South1891
Children's PraisesMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1900
Christmas Carols and Songs for SingingUnited Methodist Church
Conference Hymns, Original and Selected. Vol. 2Methodist hymnals (general)1835
Conference Hymns, Selected and Original. 3rd ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1835
Covenant HymnalEvangelical Covenant Church of America (Swedish)1973
Cree Syllabic Hymn BookMethodist Church (Canada)1954
Cymbalen. Andliga SaangerEvangelical Covenant Church of America (Swedish)1885
Das Geistliche Saitenspiel: oder, Eine Sammlung auserlesener, erbaulicher, geistreicher Lieder zum Gebrauch aller Gottliebenden Seelen, insonderheit für dei Gemeinen der Evangelischen... (1st Aufl.)Evangelical Association of North America1817
David's Companion: being a choice selection of hymn and psalm tunes adapted to the words and measures in the Methodist Pocket Hymn-Book...Methodist hymnals (general)1808
De Ungas Sångbok: utgiven för Söndagsskolan Ungdomsmötet och hemmetEvangelical Covenant Church of America (Swedish)1914
Deutsches Gesangbuch der Bisch. Methodisten-Kirche: eine neue Auswahl geistlicher Lieder fuer Kirche, Haus und SchuleMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1867
Die Geistliche Viole: oder, eine kleine Sammlung alter und neuer Geistreicher Lieder, zum Gebrauch in ... Evangelischen GemeinschaftEvangelical Association of North America1833
Die Geistliche Viole: oder, eine kleine Sammlung alter und neuer Geistreicher Lieder. 7th ed.Evangelical Association of North America1839
Die Geistliche Viole: oder, eine kleine Sammlung Geistreicher Lieder (10th ed.)Evangelical Association of North America1848
Die Geistliche Viole: oder, eine kleine Sammlung Geistreicher Lieder. 12th ed.Evangelical Association of North America1855
Die Geistliche Viole: oder, eine kleine Sammlung Geistreicher Lieder. llth Aufl.Evangelical Association of North America1850
Die kleine geistliche Viole: oder, eine kleine Sammlung alter und neuer geistreicker Lieder. l. Aussl.Evangelical Association of North America1818
Discipleship Ministries CollectionUnited Methodist Church
Eine Sammlung von Geistlichen, Lieblichen Liedern aus verschiedenen Gesangbuecher gesammelt ...United Brethren in Christ1830
Epworth Praises: a Collection of Popular Sacred Songs New and OldMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1909
Epworth Songs: For use in the Epworth League, the Junior League, the Sunday-school, and in social servicesMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1893
Evangelisches Gesangbuch mit vierstimmigen Melodien: für den öffentlichen und häuslichen GottesdienstEvangelical Association of North America1894
Evangelisches Gesangbuch: Die kleine Palme, mit AnhangUnited Evangelical Church1895
Evangelisches Gesangbuch: oder eine sammlung geistreicher lieder zum gebrauch der Evangelischen Gemeinscaft und aller heilsuchenden seelen (4th und verb. Aufl.)Evangelical Association of North America1850
Evangelisches Gesangbuch: oder eine sammlung geistreicher lieder zum gebrauch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft und aller heilsuchenden seelenEvangelical Association of North America1850
Familiar Hymns for Social MeetingsMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1864
Frohe Lieder und Brüder-Harfe: eine Sammlung von Liedern für Sonntagschulen und Jugendvereine (Spezialle Aufl.)Bohemian and Moravian Brethren Church1898
Gates of Praise: for the Sabbath-school, praise-service, prayer-meeting, etc.United Brethren in Christ1884
Gebet- und Danklieder, Nr. 2, fuer Erweckungs- und GebetsversammlungEvangelical Association of North America1894
Gebet- und Danklieder: für Erweckungs- und GebetsversammlungenEvangelical Association of North America1886
Geistliche viole: oder eine kleine Sammlung Geistreicher Lieder zum Gebrauch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft und heilsuchender Seelen uberhaupt.Evangelical Association of North America1855
Gems of Praise (Choice Collection of Sacred Melodies)Methodist Episcopal Church (North)1876
Gems of Praise and Joyful Songs CombinedMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1904
Gesang und Melodienbuch: der Bischoeflichen Methodisten-kircheMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1888
Gesangbuch der Evangelisch-Methodistischen KircheEvangelisch-methodistische Kirche in Deutschland2009
Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Brüdergemeinen in Nord Amerika (Neue vermehrte Aufl.)Moravian Church1904
Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft für öffentlichen und häuslichen GottesdienstEvangelical Association of North America1877
Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelischen BruedergemeinenMoravian Church1878
Golden Leaves: a collection of choice hymns and tunes adapted to Sabbath-schools, social meetings, Bible classes, &c.United Brethren in Christ1880
Golden Songs: for the Sabbath School, Sanctuary and Social WorshipUnited Brethren in Christ1874
Grace and Glory: a choice collection of sacred songs, original and selected, for Sabbath-schools, revivals, etc.Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1882
Great Hymns of the Church, Selected from the Methodist HymnalMethodist hymnals (general)1927
Herzens Opfer, eine Sammlung geistreicher Lieder, aus den mehrsten jetzt ueblichen Gesangbuecher ...United Brethren in Christ1816
Himnario Cristiano para uso de las Iglesias EvangélicasIglesia Metodista Episcopal del Sur1908
Himnario MetodistaMethodist1955
Himnos para el Uso de las Congregaciones Españolas de la Iglesia Protestante MetodistaMethodist Church of Great Britain1842
Hymn and Tune Book of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South (Round Note Ed.)Methodist Episcopal Church, South1902
Hymn and tune book of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.Methodist Episcopal Church, South1897
Hymn Book of the Colored M.E. Church in AmericaColored Methodist Episcopal Church1891
Hymn Book of the Methodist Episcopal Church, SouthMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1889
Hymn Book of the Methodist Protestant ChurchMethodist Protestant Church1859
Hymn Book of the Methodist Protestant Church. (11th ed.)Methodist Protestant Church1868
Hymn Book of the Methodist Protestant Church. (2nd ed.)Methodist Protestant Church1838
Hymn book of the Methodist Protestant Church. (4th ed.)Methodist Protestant Church1842
Hymn Book of the United Evangelical ChurchUnited Evangelical Church1897
Hymn studies: an illustrated and annotated edition of the Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church1891
Hymn-Book of the Evangelical AssociationEvangelical Association of North America1882
Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian ChurchMoravian Church in America (Unitas Fratrum)1920
Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian ChurchMoravian Church in America (Unitas Fratrum)1969
Hymnal for Sunday School and Social WorshipMethodist churches of Canada1881
Hymnal of the First General Missionary Convention of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Cleveland, Ohio, October 21 to 24, 1902.Methodist Episcopal Church1901
Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church1891
Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church: with tunesMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1878
Hymnal: adapted to the doctrines and usages of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Revised EditionAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church1899
Hymns and Offices of Worship: for use in schools: with an appendix of tunesMoravian Church in America1866
Hymns Arranged for the Communion Service of the Church of the United BrethrenChurch of the United Brethren in Christ1802
Hymns Composed for the Use of Sunday Schools, and Youthful ChristiansMethodist Episcopal Church1837
Hymns for Children and Young Persons. First Am. from the London ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1822
Hymns for Schools and FamiliesMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1853
Hymns for Schools and Families, Specailly Designed for the Children of the ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1859
Hymns for Sunday Schools, Selected from Various AuthoorsMethodist hymnals (general)1842
Hymns for Sunday Schools, Youth and ChildrenMethodist Episcopal Church1854
Hymns for Sunday Schools, Youth, and ChildrenMethodist Episcopal Church1857
Hymns for Sunday Schools, Youth, and ChildrenMethodist Episcopal Church1852
Hymns for the Sanctuary and Social Worship: with tunesUnited Brethren in Christ1874
Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed.African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church1858
Hymns for the Use of the Brethren in ChristUnited Brethren in Christ1876
Hymns for the Use of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. ed.Methodist Episcopal Church1849
Hymns for the Use of the Sunday School of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Jersey CityMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1868
Hymns of the Heart: for public worship, evangelistic campaigns, prayer meetings, young people's services, etc.Methodist hymnals (general)1914
Hymns selected from various authors: for the use of the Evangelical Association, and all lovers of pious devotion (5th ed.)Evangelical Association of North America1850
Institute Hymns and SongsMethodist hymnals (general)1925
Jubeltöne: für Sonntagschulen und den FamilienkreisEvangelical Association of North America1871
Jubeltöne: für Sonntagschulen und den Familienkreis (16th ed.)Evangelical Association of North America1871
Leben und Loben: Neue Lieder für die GemeindeEvangelisch-methodistischen Kirche in Deutschland1989
Living Songs for the Sunday School, the Epworth League, Prayer Meetings, RevivalsMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1892
Living Songs for the Sunday School, the Epworth League, Prayer Meetings, Revivals ...Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1897
Llyfr tonau cynulleidfaolWelsh Calvinistic Methodist Church1862
Methodist Hymn and Tune BookMethodist churches of Canada1894
Methodist Hymn and Tune Book: official hymn book of the Methodist ChurchMethodist Church (Canada)1917
Methodist Hymn-BookMethodist Church of Canada1884
Methodist Social Hymn BookMethodist hymnals (general)1856
Methodist Tune Book: a collection of tunes adapted to the Methodist Hymn bookMethodist Church of Canada1881
Mil Voces para Celebrar: Himnario MetodistaUnited Methodist Church1996
Ministry in SongMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1909
Mir Vam!: sbornik gimnov Rossiiskoi Ob"edinennoi Metodistskoi Tserkve (Peace be with You: collection of hymns for the Russian United Methodist Church)United Methodist Church2002
Moravian Book of WorshipMoravian Church in America (Unitas Fratrum)1995
New Century Carols: a collection of songs for suday schools, young people's societies, Sunday-evening congregation, and all religious servicesUnited Brethren in Christ1899
New Hymn and Tune book: an Offering of Praise for the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1866
New Hymn and Tune Book: an Offering of Praise for the Use of the African M. E. Zion Church of AmericaAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church1889
New Junior Songs: for use in junior societies and on special occasionsMethodist hymnals (general)1914
New Life No. 2: songs and tunes for Sunday schools, prayer meetings, and revival occasionsMethodist Episcopal Church, South1886
New Life: or, Songs and Tunes for Sunday-Schools, Prayer Meetings, and Private OccasionsMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1879
Notes of Joy, for the Sabbath SchoolMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1869
Notes of Triumph: for the Sunday SchoolUnited Brethren in Christ1891
Notes of Triumph: for the Sunday SchoolUnited Brethren in Christ1886
O Sing unto the Lord a New Song No. 2: a group of songsEvangelical Free Church of America1941
Ocean Grove Christian Songs: "The Big Little Book"Methodist hymnals (general)1902
Ocean Grove Christian Songs: and responsive readings (Revised Edition)Methodist Episcopal Church1903
Ocean Grove SongsMethodist Episcopal Church1900
Offices of Worship and Hymns: principally for use in schools. with an appendix of tunes (2nd and rev. ed.)Moravian Church in America (Unitas Fratrum)1883
Offices of Worship and Hymns: with tunes, 3rd ed., revised and enlargedMoravian Church in America (Unitas Fratrum)1891
Pocket Hymn Book of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist hymnals (general)1790
Pocket Hymn Book, Designed as a Constant Companion. 25th ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1802
Prayer and Praise: or Hymns and Tunes for Prayer Meetings, Praise Meetings, Experience Meetings, Revivals, Missionary Meetings and all special occasions of Christian work and worshipMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1883
Revival Hymns ... with a Supplement. 2nd ed.Methodist Protestant Church1852
Revival Hymns: Selected and ArrangedMethodist churches of Canada1889
Revival PraisesMethodist Episcopal Church, South1907
Rock of Ages A Worship and Songbook for Retirement LivingUnited Methodist Church2002
Sacred Hymns and Tunes: designed to be used by the Wesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church) of AmericaWesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church) of America1902
Sacred Melodies for Social WorshipMethodist hymnals (general)1859
Sacred Poems and HymnsMoravian1854
Sacred Praise: for Use in Gospel Meetings, Evangelistic Services ...Methodist hymnals (general)1912
Sammlung von geistlichen Liedern ... kirchlicher und haeuslichen GottesdienstMethodist hymnals (general)1839
Select Melodies, comprising the Best of Those Hymns and Spiritual Songs in Common UseMethodist hymnals (general)1846
Select Melodies, Comprising the Best of Those Hymns and Spiritual Songs in Common Use not Found in the Standard Methodist Episcopal HymnalMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1843
Select Melodies; Comprising the Best Hymns and Spiritual Songs in Common Use, and not generally found in standard church hymn-books: as also a number of original pieces, and translations from...GermanMethodist hymnals (general)1856
Selection of Hymns for the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1836
Selection of Hymns for the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist hymnals (general)1832
Selection of Hymns, for the use of the first M. E. Church, Cape May CityMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1887
Singing the FaithMethodist Church (Great Britain)2011
Singing Worship with Boys and GirlsMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1935
Sions Basun: psalmer och sånger till Guds församlings tjänstEvangelical Covenant Church1922
Songs for the Sunday SchoolMethodist Episcopal Church, South1921
Songs of Cheer for the Master's WorkersUnited Brethren in Christ1881
Songs of ConquestMethodist Episcopal Church1912
Songs of Conquest No. lUnited Brethren in Christ1903
Songs of Conquest: for Use in Public Worship, Prayer Services, Camp Meetings, Evangelistic Campaigns, Young People's Meetings. Etc.Methodist hymnals (general)1923
Songs of Help: for the Sunday school, evangelistic and church servicesMethodist hymnals (general)1917
Songs of LifeMethodist hymnals (general)1921
Songs of Refreshing Nos. 1 and 2 Combined. Rev.United Brethren in Christ1890
Songs of Refreshing: adapted for use in revival meetings, camp meetings, and the social services of the church.United Brethren in Christ1886
Songs of the Cross, for the Sabbath-schoolUnited Brethren in Christ1876
Songs of the Pilgrim WayAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church1915
Songs of ZionUnited Methodist Church1981
Standard Hymns and Gospel Songs. Evangelical Congregational Church ed.Evangelical Congregational Church (German)1930
Sunday School ChimesEvangelical Association of North America1894
Sunday School HarmonistMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1851
Sunday School Hymn BookMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1864
Sunday School Hymns. New and improved ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1871
Sunday School Songs: a Treasury of Devotional Hymns and Tunes for the Sunday SchoolEvangelical Association of North America1880
The A. M. E. Zion HymnalAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church1957
The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal: official hymnal of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion ChurchAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church1999
The Abingdon Hymnal: a Book of Worship for YouthMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1928
The African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymn BookAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church1837
The African Methodist Episcopal Hymn and Tune Book: adapted to the doctrines and usages of the church (6th ed.)African Methodist Episcopal Church1902
The AmaranthMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1871
The Camp Meeting Hymn Book: containing the most approved hymns and spiritual songs Used by the Methodist Connexion in the United StatesMethodist Episcopal Church1831
The Canadian Hymnal: a collection of hymns and music for Sunday schools, Epworth leagues, prayer and praise meetings, family circles, etc.Methodist churches of Canada1892
The Canadian Hymnal: a collection of hymns and music for Sunday schools, Epworth leagues, prayer and praise meetings, family circles, etc. (Revised and enlarged)Methodist churches of Canada1895
The Canadian Hymnal: a collection of hymns for Sunday schools and social worshipMethodist Church (Canada)1889
The Canadian Sunday School HarpWesleyan Methodist Church in Canada1866
The Centenary Singer: a collection of hymns and tunes popular during the last one hundred yearsMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1867
The Child's Pocket Companion, Being a Selection of Choice Hymns for Sabbath School, with an Analysis to Most of ThemMethodist hymnals (general)1831
The Children's HourMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1914
The Children's HourMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1915
The Christian Songster: a collection of hymns and spiritual songs, usually sung at camp, prayer, and social meetings, and revivals of religion. Designed for all denominationsUnited Brethren in Christ1858
The Church HarpUnited Brethren in Christ1852
The Church Harp. Rev. ed.United Brethren in Christ1856
The Church HymnalUnited Brethren in Christ1935
The Church Hymnal: the official hymnal of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ (13th ed.)United Brethren in Christ1935
The Cokesbury HymnalMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1923
The Cokesbury Worship HymnalMethodist Episcopal Church (South)1938
The Covenant Hymnal, authorized by the Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant of AmericaEvangelical Covenant Church of America (Swedish)1931
The Covenant Hymnal: a worshipbookEvangelical Covenant Church1996
The Dominion Hymnal: for Sunday-school and social worshipMethodist Church (Canada)1883
The Emory Hymnal No. 2: sacred hymns and music for use in public worship, Sunday-schools, social meetings and family worshipMethodist Episcopal Church1891
The Emory Hymnal: a collection of sacred hymns and music for use in public worship, Sunday-schools, social meetings and family worshipMethodist Episcopal Church1887
The Epworth Hymnal No. 2: containing standard hymns of the Church, Songs for the Sunday-school, songs for social services, Songs for Young People's Societies, Songs for the home circle, Songs for ...Methodist hymnals (general)1891
The Epworth Hymnal No. 3: For use in Young People's Meetings, Sunday Schools, Prayer Meetings and RevivalsMethodist hymnals (general)1900
The Epworth Hymnal: containing standard hymns of the Church, songs for the Sunday-School, songs for social services, songs for the home circle, songs for special occasionsMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1885
The Evangelical Church School HymnalEvangelical Church1931
The Evangelical Hymn and Tune BookEvangelical Association of North America1882
The Evangelical HymnalEvangelical Association of North America1921
The Faith We SingUnited Methodist Church2001
The Heart and Voice: or, Songs of Praise for the Sanctuary: hymn and tune book, designed for congregational singing in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for congregations generallyMethodist Episcopal Church 1865
The Hymn Book of the African Methodist Episcopal Church: being a collection of hymns, sacred songs and chants (5th ed.)African Methodist Episcopal Church1877
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal ChurchChristian Methodist Episcopal Church2000
The Hymnal of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of AmericaEvangelical Covenant Church of America1950
The Hymnal of The Evangelical United Brethren ChurchEvangelical United Brethren1957
The Junior Methodist HymnalMethodist hymnals (general)1915
The Lesser Hymnal: a Collection of Hymns for the Sunday School and Social Worship ... from The Hymn Book of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1875
The Liturgy and Hymns of the American Province of the Unitas FratrumMoravian Church in America (Unitas Fratrum)1876
The Liturgy and the Offices of Worship and Hymns of the American Province of the Unitas Fratrum, or the Moravian ChurchMoravian Church1908
The Meaning of Christmas: A Musical ServiceMethodist hymnals (general)1914
The Methodist Harmonist, containing a collection of tunes from the best authors, embracing every variety of metre, and adapted to the worship of the Methodist Episcopal Church. New ed.Methodist Episcopal Church1833
The Methodist Hymn-Book with TunesMethodist Church (Great Britain)1933
The Methodist Hymnal (Text only edition)Methodist Episcopal Church, South1905
The Methodist Hymnal (Text only edition)Methodist Episcopal Church1905
The Methodist Hymnal: official hymnal of the Methodist ChurchMethodist Church (1939-1968)1966
The Methodist Hymnal: official hymnal of the Methodist ChurchMethodist Church (1939-1968)1939
The Methodist Hymnal: official hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church1935
The Methodist Pocket Hymn Book. 35th ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1808
The Methodist Pocket Hymn Book. Rev.Methodist hymnals (general)1811
The Methodist pocket hymn-book, revised and improved: designed as a constant companion for the pious, of all denominations ; collected from various authorsMethodist Episcopal Church1803
The Methodist Pocket Hymn-book, revised and improved: designed as a constant companion for the pious, of all denominations (30th ed.)Methodist Episcopal Church1803
The Methodist Protestant Church HymnalMethodist Protestant Church1901
The Methodist Sunday School HymnalMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1911
The Missionary CallAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church1911
The New Canadian Hymnal: a collection of hymns and music for Sunday schools, young people's societies, prayer & praise meetings, family circlesMethodist churches of Canada1916
The New Harp of ColumbiaMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1895
The New Hymn Book: a Collection of Hymns for Public, Social, and Domestic WorshipMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1881
The New Song: consisting of very choice notes of redemption, embracing new original,and also selcted songs, appropriate for prayer and revivial meetingsMethodist Episcopal Church1875
The People's Hymnal: for use in public and social worshipUnited Brethren in Christ1890
The Praise Offering: Designed Expressly for Prayer, Experience, Revival and Camp Meetings.United Brethren in Christ1876
The Primitive Methodist Church Hymnal: containing also selections from scripture for responsive readingPrimitive Methodist Church1902
The Revivalist: a Collection of Popular Hymns for Revival OccasionsMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1859
The Sanctuary Hymnal, published by Order of the General Conference of the United Brethren in ChristUnited Brethren in Christ1914
The Select Hymn and Song BookMethodist hymnals (general)1885
The Song Service, a Manual of Choice and Favorite HymnsMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1873
The Songs of Zion: or, The Christian's New Hymn Book, for the Use of the MethodistsMethodist hymnals (general)1817
The Songs of Zion: or, the Christian's New Hymn Book, for the Use of the Methodists. 2nd ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1822
The Southern Methodist hymn and tune book: a collection of the best and most popular hymns and tunes, for public and family worshipMethodist Episcopal Church, South1875
The Sweet Singer of Israel: a collection of hymns and spiritual songs, usually sung at camp, prayer, and social meetings, and revivals of religion (New ed. much enlarged)Methodist Episcopal Church1840
The Tribute of Praise and Methodist Protestant Hymn BookMethodist Protestant Church1882
The United Methodist HymnalUnited Methodist Church1989
The United Methodist Hymnal Music SupplementUnited Methodist Church1991
The United Methodist Hymnal Music Supplement IIUnited Methodist Church1993
The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist ChurchMethodist Protestant Church1873
The Wave of Sunday School SongMethodist churches of Canada1878
The Wesleyan Harp, a Collection of Hymns and Tunes Suitable for Social Worship. 1st ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1834
The Wesleyan Harp. 2nd ed.Methodist hymnals (general)1834
The Wesleyan Methodist Hymnal: Designed for Use in the Wesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church) of AmericaWesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church) of America1910
The Wesleyan Minstrel: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes. 2nd ed.Methodist Episcopal Church (North)1850
The Wesleyan Psalmist, or Songs of Canaan: a collection of hymns and tunes designed to be used at camp-meetings, and at class and prayer meetings, and other occasions of social devotionMethodist hymnals (general)1842
The Wesleyan Sacred Harp: a collection of choice tunes and hymns for prayer class and camp meetings, choirs and congregational singingMethodist Episcopal Church (North)1855
The Wesleyan Sacred Harp: a collection of choice tunes and hymns for prayer class, and camp meetings, choirs, and congregational singingMethodist hymnals (general)1857
The Western Harp: a Collection of Social and Revival HymnsMethodist hymnals (general)1855
The Young People's Hymnal No. 3: adapted to the use of Sunday Schools, Epworth Leagues, prayer meetings and revivalsMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1906
The Young People's Hymnal: adapted to the use of Sunday schools, Epworth leagues, prayer meetings, and revivalsMethodist Episcopal Church, South1897
The Zion Songster: a Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, generally sung at camp and prayer meetings, and in revivals of religion (Rev. & corr.)Methodist hymnals (general)1850
The Zion Songster: a Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Generally Sung at Camp and Prayer Meetings, and in Revivals or Religion (95th ed.)Methodist Episcopal Church (North)1854
Upper Room Worshipbook Music and Liturgies for Spiritual FormationUnited Methodist Church2008
Voices: Native American hymns and worship resourcesUnited Methodist Church1992
Wesleyan Hymn and Tune Book: Comprising the Entire Collection of Hymns in the Hymn Book of the Methodist Episcopal Church, SouthMethodist Episcopal Church, South1859
Worship and SongUnited Methodist Church2011
Worship in SongMethodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther1918
Zion still SingsUnited Methodist Church2007
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