The Hymnal of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America

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1All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDTH (Original Rhythm)
2Angel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICES
3Mighty God, while angels bless TheeAUTUMN
4Holy Majesty! Before TheeWACHET AUF
5Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bringDUKE STREET
6Before the Lord Jehovah's throneWINCHESTER NEW
7Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDTH (Altered Rhythm)
8Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKET
9O mighty God, when I behold the wonderO STORE GUD
10O worship the King all glorious aboveLYONS
11Praise the Lord, who reigns aboveAMSTERDAM
12Praise the Lord: ye heav'ns adore HimTACK, O GUD
13Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationLOBE DEN HERREN
14The God of Abraham praiseYIGDAL (Leoni)
15Praise, my soul, the King of heavenDULCE CARMEN
16Ye holy angels brightDARWALL
17Songs of praise the angels sangINNOCENTS
18Hail, holy Light! the world rejoicesLUGN VILAR SJÖN
19O day of rest and gladnessMENDEBRAS
20aSabbath day of rest and cheerSABBATSDAG
20bSabbatsdag, hur skön du ärSABBATSDAG
21Joyful, joyful, we adore TheeHYMN TO JOY
22Again Thy glorious sun doth riseNUN DANKET ALL' UND BRINGET EHR (Störl)
23Come, my soul, thou must be wakingHAYDN
24Now that the sun is gleaming brightST. PETER
25Safely through another weekDIX
26Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethALVERSTROKE (Windsor)
27What joy there is in comingHUR LJUVT DET ÄR ATT KOMMA
28When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINI
29Abide with me; fast falls the eventideEVENTIDE
30Day is dying in the westEVENING PRAISE (Chautauqua)
31Again a day has from us goneNUN DANKET ALL' UND BRINGET EHR (Störl)
32Father, give a tranquil spiritEARNEST
33Again, as evening's shadow fallsABENDS
34Softly now the light of daySEYMOUR
35God, that madest earth and heavenAR HYD Y NOS
36Now, on land and sea descendingVESPER HYMN
37The day Thou gavest, Lord, is endedST. CLEMENT
38Savior, breathe an evening blessingEVENING PRAYER
39Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dearHURSLEY
40My God, how endless is Thy loveCANONBURY
41The shadows of the evening hoursST. LEONARD
42Thy holy wings, dear SaviorBRED DINA VIDA VINGAR
43Come, Thou almighty KingTRINITY (Italian Hymn)
44Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessingNETTLETON
45Dearest Jesus, draw Thou near meWERDE MUNTER MEIN GEMÜTHE
46Father, again in Jesus' name we meetELLERS
47I with Thee would begin, O my Savior so dearLÅT MIG BÖRJA MED DIG
48Lead us, heav'nly Father, lead usDULCE CARMEN
49Now before Thee, Lord, we gatherHERRE, SAMLA OSS
50Open now Thy gates of beautyAMEN, JESUS HAN SKAL RAADE
51Praise the Lord, each tribe and nationHELA VÄRLDEN FRÖJDES HERRAN
52God be with you till we meet againGOD BE WITH YOU
53Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSICILIAN MARINERS' HYMN
54May the grace of Christ our SaviorSARDIS
55Now the day is overMERRIAL
56On our way rejoicingHERMAS
57Savior, again to Thy dear name we raiseELLERS
58The Lord be with us as we bendBELMONT
59Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in gloryANCIENT OF DAYS
60Glory be to God the FatherDISMISSAL
61Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God AlmightyNICAEA
62Holy Trinity, Thanks and praise to TheeSEELENBRÄUTIGAM
63God the Lord, a King remainethREGENT SQUARE
64Let us with a gladsome mindINNOCENTS
65O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNE
66Our mighty God works mighty wondersVÅR STORE GUD
67Praise the Lord with joyful songLOVEN GUD
68All nature's works His praise declareBETHLEHEM
69For the beauty of the earthDIX
70Praise the Lord, all praise and blessingLOVEN HERREN
71Summer suns are glowingRUTH
72This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATA
73Are you dismayed, lonely, afraidGUDS TROFASTHET
74Begin my tongue some heav'nly themeMANOAH
75For God so loved all the worldOLD HUNDREDTH (Altered Rhythm)
76God is my strong salvationMEIN LEBEN
77aGod, my God, in heav'n aboveGUDS GODHET
77bGud, min Gud och fader kärGUDS GODHET
78God of our life, through all the circling yearsSANDON
79Heavenly Father, hear my supplicationFLEMMING
80I greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer artTOULON
81I look to Thee in every needO JESU
82Lord of all being, throned afarLOUVAN
83Mine eyes look toward the mountainsBOHEMIAN HYMN
84O gracious Father of mankindST. MICHEL'S
85O my soul, bless God the FatherSTUTTGART
86The man who once has found abodeTALLIS' CANON
87There's a wideness in God's mercyWELLESLEY
88When all Thy mercies, O my GodST. PETER
89O Love of God most fullTRENTHAM
90Thou tender, gracious FatherBOHEMIAN HYMN
91With my deepest feelingFRAM EN SUCH SIG SMYGER
92The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT ME
93Great hills may tremble and mountains may crumbleBERGEN MÅ VIKA
94aGuide me, O Thou great JehovahZION
94bGuide me, O Thou great JehovahCWM RHONDDA
95O Love divine, that stooped to shareQUEBEC (Hesperus)
96God moves in a mysterious wayDUNDEE
97The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not wantBELMONT

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