The Hymnal of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America

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296I must needs go home by the way of the crossTHE WAY OF THE CROSS
297Lord, teach us how to pray arightST. AGNES
298Nearer, my God, to TheeBETHANY
299Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsAMSTERDAM
300Still with Thee, o my GodST. ANDREW
301O for a faith that will not shrinkEVAN
302Jesus, where'er Thy people meetHEBRON (Mason)
303Down in the valley with my Savior I would goFOLLOW ON
304Awake my soul, stretch ev'ry nerveCHRISTMAS
305Encamped along the hills of lightFAITH IS THE VICTORY
306Faith of our fathers! living stillST. CATHERINE
307Father in Heav'n who lovest allQUEBEC (Hesperus)
308God send us men of steadfast willDUKE STREET
309My soul, be on thy guardLABAN
310O Jesus, I have promisedDAY OF REST
311Stand fast for Christ thy SaviorALFORD
312Sound the battle cry! See, the foe is nighBATTLE CRY
313We are climbing Jacob's ladderJACOB'S LADDER
314Stand up, stand up for JesusWEBB
315Take the name of Jesus with youPRECIOUS NAME
316The Son of God goes forth to warALL SAINTS NEW
317Through the night of doubt and sorrowHARWELL
318Truehearted, wholehearted, faithful and loyalTRUE-HEARTED, WHOLE-HEARTED
319A mighty fortress is our GodEIN' FESTE BURG
320All that our Savior hath spokenLÖFTENA KUNNA EJ SVIKA
321A wonderful Savior is Jesus my LordHE HIDETH MY SOUL
322Blessed assurance, Jesus is mineASSURANCE
323aChildren of the heav'nly FatherTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA
323bTryggare kan ingen varaTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA
324God's name is a refuge to hide meGUDS NAMN
325Day by day Thy mercies, Lord, attend meBLOTT EN DAG
326"Great is Thy faithfulness," O God my FatherGOD'S FAITHFULNESS
327I am trusting Thee, Lord JesusBULLINGER
328How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordADESTE FIDELES
329I know not why God's wondrous graceWHOM I HAVE BELIEVED
330I sought the Lord, and afterward I knewPEACE
331If asked whereon I rest my claimMIN SALIGHETSGRUND
332In heav'nly love abidingHUR LJUVLIGT DER ÄR ATT MÖTA
333Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloomLUX BENIGNA
334My Father is rich in houses and landsCHILD OF THE KING
335My times are in Thy handFRANCONIA
336My hope is built on nothing lessTHE SOLID ROCK
337O precious thought! Some day the mist shall vanishO SÄLLA LAND
338O safe to the Rock that is higher than IHIDING IN THEE
339O for a heart to praise my GodARLINGTON
340Standing on the promises of Christ my KingPROMISES
341Savior, in Thy love abidingJESUS, GÖR MIG STILLA
342Trust in the Savior, O precious soulHÅLL DIG VID KLIPPAN
343Under His wings I am safely abidingUNDER HIS WINGS
344Wheresoe'er I roam thro' valleys drearyVAR JAG GÅR
345When the storms of life are ragingHE WILL HIDE ME
346We may trust in ev'ry wayO JAG LITAR
347All the way my Savior leads meMY SAVIOR LEADS
348Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy sideFINLANDIA
349Come unto Me, when shadows darkly gatherHENLEY
350Come unto Me, ye wearyMEIRIONYDD
351Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCONSOLATION (Webbe)
352Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mineMOMENT BY MOMENT
353Name of Jesus, softly stealingBEATRICE
354Give, O Lord, Thy weary servantDUVANS TILLFLYKT
355I sing with joy and gladnessNU ÄR JAG NÖJD
356In lovingkindness Jesus cameHE LIFTED ME
357O, for the peace that floweth as a riverA LITTLE WHILE
358Safe in the arms of JesusHEART'S REFUGE
359Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?PAX TECUM
360Sitting at the feet of JesusAT THE FEET OF JESUS
361There comes to my heart one sweet strainSWEET PEACE
362"There shall be showers of blessing"SHOWERS OF BLESSING
363'Tis so sweet to trust in JesusJESUS, PRECIOUS JESUS
364What a friend we have in JesusERIE
365When peace, like a river, attendeth my wayIT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL
366Why should I be anxious? I have such a FriendMEN VARFÖRE GRÅTA
367I have a Friend who cares for meHAN ÄR NÄR
368Come, we that love the LordMARCHING TO ZION
369Rejoice, ye pure in heartMARION
370I have a friend who loveth meJAG HAR EN VÄN (Frykman)
371O happy day, that fixed my choiceHAPPY DAY
372I stand amazed in the presenceMY SAVIOR'S LOVE
373O how happy are theyO HUR LYCKLIG ÄR DEN
374I sing of the Savior whose death made me wholeO NU VILL JAG SJUNGA
375My soul now magnifies the LordMARIAS LOVSÅNG
376What a fellowship, what a joy divineLEANING ON JESUS
377When my Lord is dear to meNÄR MIN GUD JAG HÅLLER KÄR
378Ask ye what great thing I knowHENDON
379Down in the valley 'midst lilies sweet scentedNERE I DALEN
380I have a Friend so patient, kind, forbearingJAG HAR EN VÄN
381Jesus, keep me near the crossNEAR THE CROSS
382I love to tell the storyHANKEY
383From every stormy wind that blowsRETREAT
384In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweetGOD LEADS
385How sweet the Name of Jesus soundsST. PETER
386Jesus, Lord and precious SaviorHELA VÄRLDEN FRÖJDES HERRAN
387Jesus, the very thought of TheeST. AGNES
388Love divine, all love excellingBEECHER
389Jesus, Thy boundless love to meSTELLA (English)
390O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARET
391Thou my everlasting PortionCLOSE TO THEE
392Savior, like a shepherd lead usBRADBURY
393Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowMANOAH
394In tenderness, Jesus, enfold meACK, GÖM MIG

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