Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Baptism | #481 | Just as I am without one plea | |
Baptism | #487 | I can hear my Savior calling | |
Baptism | #523 | Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divine | |
Baptism | #547 | O happy day that fixed my choice | |
Benediction | #569 | O Lord, as we go from this place | |
Benediction | #570 | Blest be the tie that binds | |
Benediction | #571 | The Lord bless you and keep you | |
Benediction | #572 | Glory be to the Father | |
Benediction | #573 | Glory be to the Father | |
Benediction | #574 | God be with you till we meet again | |
Call to Worship | #54 | I worship Thee, sweet Son of God | |
Call to Worship | #500 | Open our eyes, dear Lord | |
Call to Worship | #514 | Open our eyes, Lord | |
Call to Worship | #515 | Open my eyes, that I may see | |
Call to Worship | #519 | Spirit of the Living God | |
Call to Worship | #520 | Spirit of God, descend upon my heart | |
Call to Worship | #522 | Breathe on me, Breath of God | |
Call to Worship | #523 | Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divine | |
Children's Songs | #187 | I am adopted; I'm a child of the King | |
Children's Songs | #428 | God gives to all His children |