Browsing topics in Rejoice Hymns

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Assurance and Confidence#151O safe to the Rock that is higher than I
Assurance and Confidence#152The Lord's my Shepherd; I'll not want
Assurance and Confidence#156He cares for you, He cares for you
Assurance and Confidence#158Be not dismayed whate'er betide
Assurance and Confidence#162Is there a heart o'er-bound by sorrow?
Assurance and Confidence#166Tho the road ahead may be uncertain
Assurance and Confidence#171The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide
Assurance and Confidence#172A mighty fortress is our God
Assurance and Confidence#174Under His wings I am safely abiding
Assurance and Confidence#177Children of the Heavenly Father
Assurance and Confidence#182Jesus made each star in heaven
Assurance and Confidence#185Loved with everlasting love
Assurance and Confidence#186My Father is rich in houses and lands
Assurance and Confidence#187I am adopted; I'm a child of the King
Assurance and Confidence#239In Christ alone, my hope is found
Assurance and Confidence#245Earthly friends may prove untrue
Assurance and Confidence#271There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus
Assurance and Confidence#344My hope is in the Lord
Assurance and Confidence#349Complete in Thee! no work of mine
Assurance and Confidence#352Jesus, my Lord, will love me forever
