Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Adoration | | #23 | Worth of worship, worthy of praise |
Adoration and praise | | #1 | Joyful, joyful we adore Thee |
Adoration and praise | | #2 | Come, Christians, join to sing |
Adoration and praise | | #3 | Who spread out the clouds before Him? |
Adoration and praise | | #4 | Glorious things of Thee are spoken |
Adoration and praise | | #5 | When I saw the cleansing fountain |
Adoration and praise | | #6 | Father, I adore You |
Adoration and praise | | #7 | Father hold me safe in Your arms |
Adoration and praise | | #8 | Blessed Savior, we adore Thee |
Adoration and praise | | #9 | Come, Thou Almighty King |
Adoration and praise | | #10 | Immortal, invisible, God only wise |
Adoration and praise | | #11 | I sing the mighty pow'r of God |
Adoration and praise | | #12 | Great and mighty is the Lord our God |
Adoration and praise | | #13 | What a privilege come into God's presence |
Adoration and praise | | #14 | Praise God, from whom all blessings flow |
Adoration and praise | | #15 | You're the Word of God the Father |
Adoration and praise | | #16 | Father we love You; we worship and adore You |
Adoration and praise | | #17 | All glory, laud, and honor |
Adoration and praise | | #18 | O for a thousand tongues to sing |
Adoration and praise | | #19 | O for a thousand tongues to sing |