Browsing topics in New Wine In Old Wineskins: a contemporary congregational song supplement (Vol. 1)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Comfort#64When mem'ry fades and recognition falters
Communion#5Called to gather as God's people
Communion#28How great the mystery of faith
Communion#32I come with joy, a child of God
Communion#38Living stones, we raise a temple
Communion#41Mighty God who called creation
Communion#44O Christ, at Your appearing
Communion#45O Christ, within these walls
Communion#58The thirsty cry for water, Lord
Communion#70You call us to the feast
Community#22God of hist'ry— recent, ancient
Community#26Help us accept each other
Community#32I come with joy, a child of God
Community#38Living stones, we raise a temple
Community#41Mighty God who called creation
Community#65When minds and bodies meet as one
Confession and repentance#34In an age of twisted values
Confession and repentance#53Cast me not away from Thee
Confession and repentance#63When illness meets denial and rejection
Courage#4As the waters rise around us
