Browsing topics in New Wine In Old Wineskins: a contemporary congregational song supplement (Vol. 1)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Grace#64When mem'ry fades and recognition falters
Healing#15For the healing of the nations
Healing#20God of freedom, God of justice
Healing#24Gracious Spirit, give Your servants
Healing#27Help us forgive, forgiving Lord
Healing#34In an age of twisted values
Healing#46O God, whose healing power
Healing#49Help me to put not myself before Thee
Healing#52Rebuke me not in anger, Lord
Healing#66When terror streaks through morning skies
Holy Spirit#24Gracious Spirit, give Your servants
Holy Spirit#41Mighty God who called creation
Holy Spirit#51On Pentecost they gathered
Holy Spirit#66When terror streaks through morning skies
Holy Spirit#67Wind of the Spirit, blow across creation
Hope#9Come and find the quiet center
Hope#13Faith begins by letting go
Hope#14Follow Jesus, take no chance getting lost
Humility#70You call us to the feast
Jesus Christ#6Christ is alive! Let Christians sing
