Browsing topics in New Wine In Old Wineskins: a contemporary congregational song supplement (Vol. 1)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Jesus Christ#7Christ, we climb with You the mountain
Jesus Christ#8Christ's word to us is like a burning fire
Jesus Christ#12I count ev'rything as joy in Christ Jesus
Jesus Christ#14Follow Jesus, take no chance getting lost
Jesus Christ#19God has not said, you shall be free
Jesus Christ#36"Jesus only" is my motto
Jesus Christ#38Living stones, we raise a temple
Jesus Christ#40It was love that brought the Savior from on high
Jesus Christ#44O Christ, at Your appearing
Jesus Christ#50O radiant Christ, incarnate Word
Jesus Christ#71You Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd
Journey#3As a fire is meant for burning
Journey#9Come and find the quiet center
Journey#10Come, let us praise what God has done
Journey#13Faith begins by letting go
Journey#18Go to the world! Go into all the earth
Journey#22God of hist'ry— recent, ancient
Journey#33I was glad when they said unto me
Journey#37Lead on, O cloud of Presence
Journey#43I don't want no trouble at the river
