Handchimes Handbells Moderately Easy Pentecost File download from Lorenz Publishing $69.95 Level 2+ • This varied collection is the answer to all of your ensemble's musical needs for the most important seasons of the church year: the time from Lent to Pentecost. Veteran writer Kevin McChe… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $19.00 Includes many long-time favorites of past generations. A variety of styles and all are readily accessible. Includes: Beneath the Cross of Jesus St. | |
SATB Easy Sheet Music Shipped by GIA Publications $2.10 Series: Choral. Accompaniment: Reduction. Pages: 4. Language: English. | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $26.95 This anthology includes all four volumes of published organ arrangements of Don Hustad - "Organ Preludes on Hymns Old and New," "Hymns for the Organ," "Three Organ Hymns," and "Hymn Sketches for Organ… | |
PowerPoint File download from Digital Songs and Hymns $2.99 * This song is a Powerpoint presentation with notes and lyrics, suitable for projection.
* Each song comes in 15 different formats. (See free sample) * It does not include audio or a printable score… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $28.00 Artistic Expressions of Faith and Joy
The enticing keyboard stylings of Mark Hayes are now available for organists. All of the abundant variety and creative sparkle of Mark's originals have been pr… | |
Piano Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $22.95 Moderately Easy • For Pentecost and all year 'round, Lani Smith's "Reflections on the Holy Spirit" focuses on hymns about the third Person of the Trinity. There are reflective pieces that will serve… | |
Piano Pentecost File download from Lorenz Publishing $22.95 Moderately Easy • For Pentecost and all year 'round, Lani Smith's "Reflections on the Holy Spirit" focuses on hymns about the third Person of the Trinity. There are reflective pieces that will serve… | |
Handbells Handchimes Moderately Easy Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $69.95 Level 2+ • This varied collection is the answer to all of your ensemble's musical needs for the most important seasons of the church year: the time from Lent to Pentecost. Veteran writer Kevin McChe… | |
Keyboard Choral Moderately Easy Pentecost Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $2.25 A new setting of a classic text, this anthem would serve well for a number of themes and occasions, including discipleship, faith and commitment, and Pentecost. The setting provides a new, lyrical mel… |