Psalm 33 was first set to GENEVAN 33 in the 1551 edition of the Genevan Psalter. The tune is generally attributed to Louis Bourgeois (PHH 3), the composer who served as editor of that psalter. The Psalter Hymnal includes two versions of a harmonization by Claude Goudimel (PHH 6): an adapted one to place the melody in the soprano, and the original 1564 setting (opposite 32) with the melody in the tenor, which was custom¬ary for that time. GENEVAN 33 is in Dorian mode; the two long opening lines of this bar form (AABC) are contrasted by even longer lines of three phrases each. A majestic tempo is helpful in negotiating the rhythms and the bountiful text. Sing (and play) stanzas 1-4 antiphonally (with some use of the alternate harmonization), and have everyone join in unison on stanza 5.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook