1 When over sin I sorrow,
Lord Christ, I look to you;
From you I comfort borrow
That your death my death slew.
Dear Lord, your precious blood was spilt
For me, oh, most unworthy,
To take away my guilt.
2 Oh, what a wondrous offering!
See how thte Master spares
His servants, and their suffering
And grief for them he bears.
God comes down from his throne on high
For me, his guilty creature,
And deigns as man to die.
3 My manifold transgression,
Forgiven, harms me none
Since Jesus' blood and Passion
For me God's grace has won.
His life-blood all my debt has paid;
Of hell and all its torments
I am no more afraid.
4 Lord, I will now forever
Your way with honors pave,
For by your cross, O Savior,
God all my sins forgave.
I'll spend my breath in songs of thanks
For all your guiltless suffering
And your self-giving death.
Source: Lutheran Worship #367