When Israel freed from Pharaoh's hand. J. Watts. [Psalms cxiv.] Written in 1712, and sent by Watts, with a letter, to the Spectator, in which it appeared on "Tuesday, August 19, 1712," No. 461, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines as a rendering of Psalms cxiv. In the letter Watts explained the origin of his rendering, it being to show the force and wisdom of retaining the Name of God to the end of the paraphrase as in the Psalm, and not to introduce it at the beginning as had been previously done by others. The paraphrase was given in Watts's Psalms of David, 1719, with the alteration of stanza ii. 1 l. 3, 4 from—
"The streams of Jordan saw, and fled
With backward current to their head," to—
"Jordan beheld their march, and fled
With backward current to his head."
The New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859, and others give the text of 1719.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)