Organ Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $21.00 Solidly crafted settings that will support and inspire congregational singing. A number of the settings may be used as brief voluntaries and the collection includes a sparkling "Trio on Salzburg" that… | |
Handbells File download from Lorenz Publishing $5.50 We welcome Ben Tucker to the catalog with his highly musical and colorfully scored set of concert variations on the tune by Georg Neumark. Swings, LVs, martellatos, and shakes are included.
Voicing… | |
SAB SATB Easy Sheet Music Christmas Shipped by GIA Publications $1.30 Series: Christmas. Accompaniment: Organ. Pages: 8. Liturgical/Seasonal: Christmas Day… | |
Piano Moderately Easy Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Funeral Hymns Arranged For The Church Pianist
The music of the familiar hymns in this collection will call to mind the mind the comforting words of the accompanying texts - a most compassionate ser… | |
Piano Lent Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Level 2 • "What wondrous grace!" "…grace to cover all my sin and grace to lead me home." These are a few of the texts associated with the hymns, spirituals, and choral classics arranged or transcr… | |
Piano Lent File download from Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Level 2 • "What wondrous grace!" "…grace to cover all my sin and grace to lead me home." These are a few of the texts associated with the hymns, spirituals, and choral classics arranged or transcr… | |
Organ Lent Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 To help you meet the many musical demands of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, Dennis Eliot presents a generous, imaginative, and exciting collection of organ works specifically designed for this key seaso… | |
Organ Lent File download from Lorenz Publishing $33.00 To help you meet the many musical demands of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, Dennis Eliot presents a generous, imaginative, and exciting collection of organ works specifically designed for this key seaso… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $29.95 This is the fourth installment in a series of publications by Michael Burkhardt that seeks to provide much needed new editions of essential organ literature. This edition focuses on Chorale settings f… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Reformation Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $20.50 Composers represented: Burkhardt, Callahan, Langlois, Manz. Includes: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God EIN FESTE BURG Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word ERHALT UNS, HERR Holy God, We Praise Your N… |