1 Wandering far from the Shepherd away,
Perishing far from the fold,
Many the sheep that are dying today,
Dying away in the cold.
Wandering out on the mountain so drear;
Dying away from the Shepherd so dear;
Longing, it may be, His sweet voice to hear;
Dying away from the fold.
Perishing now, perishing now,
Perishing far from the fold;
Perishing now, perishing now,
Perishing far from the fold;
2 Jesus, to save them, from Heaven came down;
Suffered for them on the tree,
Leaving His heavenly mansion and crown;
Wonderful! How could it be?
Leaving His scepter and city of gold;
Welcoming sorrow and torture untold;
All to bring wanderers back to the fold;
Dying for you and for me. [Refrain]
3 Speed with the Gospel, His mandate obey;
Preach it to all of the world;
Herald it quickly, no longer delay;
Tell it to all of the world;
Preach it, eternity’s night draweth near;
Preach it, for news of His coming we hear;
Preach it, for soon our Lord King will appear;
Preach it to all of the world. [Refrain]
4 India’s waiting the message to hear,
Message of joy and of love;
Africa’s waiting for Jesus to cheer,
Tidings from Heaven above;
Isles of the ocean are waiting for light;
Japan and China are merging from night,
Waiting to welcome the heavenly light,
Coming from Heaven above. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12942