Martin W. Knapp

Martin W. Knapp
Short Name: Martin W. Knapp
Full Name: Knapp, Martin Wells, 1853-1901
Birth Year: 1853
Death Year: 1901

Born: March 27, 1853, Albion, Michigan.
Died: December 7, 1901, Cincinnati, Ohio, of typhoid fever.
Buried: Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio.

At age 17, Knapp began studies at a Methodist college in Albion, Michigan. He worked on the family farm in the summer, studying Greek and Latin at night, and attending classes in Albion in the winter. In 1877, the Methodist Michigan Conference assigned him a circuit. He went on to a career in ministry, founding the magazine God’s Revivalist in 1888; the International Holiness Union and Prayer League in 1897; and God’s Bible School (later known as God’s Bible School and College) in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1900. His works include:

Christ Crowned Within, 1886
The Double Cure
Out of Egypt into Canaan, or Lessons in Spiritual Geography
Diary Letters; A Missionary Trip Through the West Indies and to South America
The River of Death and Its Branches
Pentecostal Preachers
Revival Kindlings, 1890
Revival Tornadoes; or, Life and Labors of Rev. Joseph H. Weber (McDonald, Gill & Company, 1890)
Impressions—How to Tell Whether They Are from Above or Below (Revivalist Publishing House; sixth edition, 1892)
Lightning Bolts from Pentecostal Skies; or, Devices of the Devil Unmasked, 1898
Holiness Triumphant, or, Pearls from Patmos, 1900
Bible Songs of Salvation and Victory, with R. E. McNeill (Cincinnati, Ohio: M. W. Knapp, circa 1902)

Texts by Martin W. Knapp (81)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A girl stood at her brother's sideMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
All glory, praise, and honor to the Lamb who once was slain!Martin W. Knapp (Author)English2
All life's summer now is endedMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Aroused by the SpiritRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English2
As the dew in silence quietly distillsMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
At midnight the summons will echoMartin Wells Knapp (Author)English2
Come, Holy Spirit, as we meetMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Do you know your sins forgiven?M. W. Knapp (Author)English3
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Full of joy this hour we seeMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Freely, fully, justifying, and completely purifyingMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
From California's vineyardsMartha Wells Knapp (Author)English4
From China's dark dominionsRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English4
Full twenty years had passed awayRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English2
Go and tell the joyful tidingsM. W. Knapp (Author)English3
God commands that I holy must beM. W. Knapp (Author)English3
God is able to deliverMartin W. Knapp (Author)English4
God's kingdom resembles a rulerMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Hark, the Master calls for reapers, rich and ripe the harvest, seeMartha Wells Knapp (Author)English6
Have you heard of the appointment which we all must surely meetMartin Wells Knapp (Author)English5
Hear and heed the Gospel messageM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
How sad it will be when the end draws nearMartin W. Knapp (Author)English3
How sweet is the rest and the holy communionMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
I am living in the gardenM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
I am waiting at the station for the heavenly train to comeMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
I come, dear Lord, to thee for restMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
I have a Power House up in the skyM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
"I have now no regrets!" for the past is all clearM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
I was lost upon the mountainsMartin W. Knapp (Author)English3
I will say Yes to my SaviorM. W. Knapp (Author)English4
If while fighting for our Savior on the battlefield belowMartin W. Knapp (Author (Last Verse))English2
I'm a pilgrim bound for heaven, And a stranger in these landsM. W. K. (Author)English7
I'm so glad I have salvationMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
In the midst of a meeting a woman aroseMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Jesus commands us to forgiveMartha Wells Knapp (Author)English10
Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow TheeM. W. K. (Author (Chorus))English1
Jesus, Thine all victorious loveMartha Wells Knapp (Author)English1
John saw upon Patmos a vision so brightMartha Wells Knapp (Author)English5
Kept for Jesus and His gloryMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Millions in heathen lands, over the seaM. W. Knapp (Author)English3
More blessed far are they who giveMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
My burdened heart was sad and soreM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
My heart is light and free, I'm glad as I can beM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
My joy I'll tell, since the Holy Spirit fellM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
My Savior, 'tis of Thee, Dear Lamb of CalvaryMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Not by human power or mightMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
O hear him rave, a hopeless slave to cursed, deadly drinkMartin W. Knapp (Author)2
O how sweet the recollection As the seasons swiflty flyMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
O Lord, my God, I come to TheeMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
O sacred family altarRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English2
O what will you do with Jesus, Who knocks for you today?Rev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English9
O, come again to JesusRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English2
O, what are you doing in heaven, my friendM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
Once I lived in bitter bondageMartha Wells Knapp (Author)English4
Once I served in Egypt's bondageMartin W. Knapp (Author)English6
Once I wished my sins were pardonedRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English4
Once she was pure as the snow, but she fellMartin W. Knapp (Arranger)English2
One builder placed his structureRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English2
Our Savior promised to return, I look for His appearingMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Out of self and sin and sighingMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Precious promise of the FatherM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in TheeM. W. Knapp (Arranger)English1
Shining for our master, Crowns of wondrous worthMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Soon skies will rend and Christ descendMartin Wells Knapp (Author)English3
Standing outside and gently knockingMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Tarry till the promised powerMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Tears of contribution by souls led astrayM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
Tell the tidings far and nearM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
Tenderly, graciously, Jesus now callsRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English2
The flowers bloom in beautyMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
There's a cable laid by JesusMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
There's not a care that we may knowMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
There's not a craving of the heart [mind]Martha Wells Knapp (Author)English7
Time, has dragged me to the stationRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English2
Trust Him when Satan temptethM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
Two boys were born in days gone byMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Wandering from the Good Shepherd awayMartin Wells Knapp (Author)English3
Watch and pray, lest evil passionsRev. M. W. Knapp (Author)English2
What a good Friend I have in Jesus!Martin W. Knapp (Author)English2
When Israel in the wildernessM. W. Knapp (Author)English2
When sickness affects and its fierce fevers burnMartin W. Knapp (Author)English2
Within my soul rejoicing, four bright children always dwellMartin Wells Knapp (Author)English2
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