1. Turn a new leaf for me, Father, I pray;
This one is blotted, O take it away;
Cleanse all its stains in the blood of the cross;
Let me in Jesus find gain for my loss.
Turn a new leaf for me, Father, I pray;
Turn a new leaf in my life-book today;
Pardon me graciously,
Deal with me wondrously,
Turn a new leaf in my life-book today.
2. Turn a new leaf for me, spotless and white;
Hold Thou my hand as Thy bidding I write;
Teach me with patience that never shall tire,
Let Thine own Spirit the record inspire. [Refrain]
3. Turn a new leaf for me; then, line by line,
Help me to copy the pattern divine;
O that Thine eye some resemblance might see
To the sweet lessons inscribed there for me. [Refrain]
4. Turn a new leaf for me, Father above;
Place there new proofs of Thy mercy and love;
Then shall this page of my life-book be bright,
Judged by the test of eternity’s light. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #6964