Audi, benigne Conditor. St. Gregory the Great. [Lent.] This hymn is given in St.Gregory's Works (see Migne's Patrologia, tom. 78, col. 849, 850.) In the Roman Breviary, 1632 it occurs, almost unaltered, as the hymn at Vespers on the Saturday before the First Sunday in Lent, to the Saturday before Passion Sunday (the last exclusively), when the Ferial Office is said, Sundays included. [Rev. W. A. Shoults, B.D.]
Translations in common use:—
2. Thou loving Maker of mankind. By E. Caswall, from the Roman Breviary text. Appeared in his Lyra Catholica, 1849, p. 70, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and again in his Hymns & Poems, 1873, p. 39. It is given in several Roman Catholic and other collections, and altered as, "0 loving Maker of mankind," in the Hymnary, 1872,
-- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)