1. The saints, at times, do look within,
And are beset with dread
By reason of indwelling sin,
Throughout their nature spread.
For as the great apostle said,
And ev'ry saint does find,
A law, we in ourselves can't keep,
That wars against the mind.
2. No, warring only is not all;
Sin oft times wins the field,
And by its force so powerful,
The captive soul does yield.
But in all saints is a new mind,
Which ev'ry evil hates;
In what the old does pleasure find,
The new abominates.
3. In Adam's image we were born;
'Tis through our Nature spread,
By virtue of our unity
To him, our earthly head.
But this shall be destroyed; alas:
Christ's Image we will bear;
Our heav'nly head, his glory bright
We perfectly shall wear.
4. When we shall see Christ as he is,
We shall be like him made,
In soul and body like to his,
Who is our glorious head.
The nearness of our union there
To Christ this does secure;
And all the bliss laid up for us,
Which ever shall endure.
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #221