1 Take my hand in Thine, O Lord I seek a closer union.
Hold me in Thy bonds of truth and right;
Lend Thy precious love and help me walk in close communion.
That I may be perfect in Thy sight.
Take my hand in Thine, O Lord, and like a shepherd gently lead me,
Lest the world should lead my feet astray;
Linger by my side, for ev'ry day and hour I need Thee
Till I reach the ending of the way.
2 Take my hand in Thine and make me Thy humble servant,
Whatesoe'er my duty, let it be;
Guide my ev'ry step and grant my zeal may be more fervant [sic],
That I may be sanctified in Thee. [Refrain]
3 Take my hand in Thine, dispel my fear and desperation,
Let me in Thy bosom safely hide;
Keep me ev'ry hour and give me strength and consolation
Till I cross death's dark and chilly tide. [Refrain]
Source: Melodies of Love #115