Albert E. Brumley

Albert E. Brumley
Albert E. Brumley
Short Name: Albert E. Brumley
Full Name: Brumley, Albert E. 1905-1977
Birth Year: 1905
Death Year: 1977

Born: October 29, 1905, near Spiro, Oklahoma. Died: November 15, 1977, Springfield, Missouri. Buried: Fox Cemetery, Powell, Missouri.

Brumley attended the Hartford Musical Institute in Hartford, Arkansas, and sang with the Hartford Quartet. He went on to teach at singing schools in the Ozarks, and lived most of his life in Powell, Missouri. He worked for 34 years a staff writer for the Hartford and Stamps/Baxter publishing companies, then founded the Albert E. Brumley & Sons Music Company and Country Gentlemen Music, and bought the Hartford Music Company. He wrote over 800 Gospel and other songs during his life; the Country Song Writers Hall of Fame inducted him in 1970.

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Wikipedia Biography

Albert Edward Brumley (October 29, 1905 – November 15, 1977) was an American shape note music composer and publisher, prolific in the genre of southern gospel.

Texts by Albert E. Brumley (269)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A Dios las gracias yo doy que he renacidoAlbert E. Brumley (Author)Spanish2
Adown that lonesome road to heaven's blest abodeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English7
Algún día cuando esto terminéAlbert E. Brumley (Author)Spanish2
All the world is bright and cheeryA. E. B. (Author)English3
Amid the shadows of life I wend my wayA. E. B. (Author)English2
As I go traveling day by dayA. E. B. (Author)3
As I journey through this vale of sorrowAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English17
As I travel through this pilgrim landA. E. B. (Author)English53
As you wend your way to the soul's abodeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Back through the years I'd like to wend my wayA. E. B. (Author)English2
Beyond this land of shadowsAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Brother, while this world you're traveling through, speak a little word for the Master trueA. E. B. (Author)English2
By the crystal river we shall live forever over in a land where comes no nightAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Come and listen in to a radio stationAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English7
Cual ave triste en su prisiónAlbert Brumley (Author)Spanish2
Dear Lord of Calvary, again I come to theeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)4
Do you live a life that's true for the One who died for you?A. E. B. (Author)English5
Do you need a friend indeedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Do you stand on the brink of decisionA. E. B. (Author)5
Dreamin' in the glimerin' twilight, dreamin' of a flickerin' firelightAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
El mundo no es mi hogar, soy peregrinoAlbert Brumley (Author)Spanish2
En todo este mundo séAlbert E. Brumley (Author)Spanish2
Ever since Jesus saved and pardoned I have been singing every dayA. E. B. (Author)English11
Every springtime gayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Every time I feel the least bit unworthyAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Every evening when I count my blessingsA. E. B. (Author)English2
Every time I do a deedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English8
Everybody it seems has a cabin of dreamsAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Far beyond the clouds a home is waitingAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Far beyond this land of sorrow, There's a city of delightA. E. B. (Author)English3
Flowers blooming in the wild woodAlbert E. Brumley (Author)3
For the truth and the rightAlbert E. Brumley (Author)5
Give me a life filled with old fashionedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Give me back the old time powerAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Gone is all my weight of sinAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Hark! the voice of Jesus crying, "Who will go and work today?"A. E. B. (Arranger)English1
Hark, I hear the voice of Jesus To the harvest fields awayAlbert E. Brumley (Arranger)English3
Have you ever been down to community singAlbert E. Brumley (Author)3
Hello, I'm just a strangerAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Here I plod along on life's uneven journeyAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Here I stand beside death's chilly waters waiting for my final callAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English14
Here so many are breaking traditionsAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English7
Here so oft we are turned fromAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Here so often I'm lonely, here so often I'm blueAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Here we move from place to placeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Here you pass me on the highways in this unfriendly landA. E. B. (Author)English2
Honest and truly, Lord, Sometimes my feet would strayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English4
How much could we gain with a pray'r, If God wasn't really there?Albert E. Brumley (Author)2
How sweet the memory of daysAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
I am just another wayworn pilgrimA. E. B. (Author)English7
I am laying my treasures up in the skyAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
I am on my journey To that city foursquareA.E.B. (Author)4
I am on my way to heaven, I am on my way to heavenAlbert E. Brumley (Arranger)English3
I am on the way to mansions in the sweet by and byA. E. B. (Author)English5
I am so glad I heard my Savior gently pleadingAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English4
I am telling the grand old story of the wonderful King of gloryAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I am thinking about the day when our Savior knelt down to prayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I am thinking of a celebrationAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
I am weak but Thou art strongAlbert E. Brumley (Arranger)English1
I believe that Jesus died on the crossAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
I believe that Jesus is the Son of GodA. E. B. (Author)2
I cannot touch the hem of His garmentAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English5
I don't know exactly how sweetAlbert E. Brumley (Author)5
I have been redeemed, I haveA. E. B. (Author)3
I have fondest recollection of the days that used to beA. E. B. (Author)English2
I have just enlisted in the service of the KingA.E.B. (Author)English6
I have read about that city gransAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
I have read about the beauties of the South SeasA. E. B. (Author)English2
I have started for a city in a land of fadeless dayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I have started for a city on that bright eternalAlbert Brumley (Author)6
I hear a mighty chorus sweetly singing over on that bright, eternal shoreAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
I hear the angel band, I'm nearing glorylandAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I hear the Savior calling todayA. E. B. (Arranger)English1
I know the Lord will make a way for me, I know the Lord will make a way for meAlbert E. Brumley (Arranger)English2
I know there is a land of beautiful flowersA. E. B. (Author)English8
I stand beside death's sullen streamAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I used to be a sinner, an erring child of GodAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
I used to be a sinner and my load was hard to bearAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I wandered again to my home in the mountainsA. E. B. (Author)English2
I wandered again to my old cabin homeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)4
I want to be an example for the turthAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
I was listening in to a radio stationAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
I was once lost in sin, despairingAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English5
I was turning through my mother's dear old BibleAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I was wandering far from Jesus in the paths of sin and shameAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English10
I went on a visit, On a heavenly visitA. E. B. (Author)English2
I will meet you in the morning by the bright river sideA. E. B. (Author)English49
If I had all the words in our languageA. E. B. (Author)English3
If I owned all the gold and the silverA. E. B. (Author)English2
If the Love of God has saved youAlbert E. Brumley (Author)4
If the Savior came to your house unexpectedA. E. B. (Author)English2
If working and praying has any rewardAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English12
If you are burdened down with careA. E. B. (Author)English11
If you are burdened, weary and oppressedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
If you have never heard the story of the Christ of GalileeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
If you travel sin's uncertain wayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
If you wander all alone in sin and darkest nightA. E. B. (Author)3
If you want to be a ChristianAlbert E. Brumley (Author)1
If you will give to me your undivided attentionA. E. B. (Author)English2
If you would be a true disciple, you've got to do it rightAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
If you would ever do your very bestAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English4
If you've never known the glory ofAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
I'm going to a celebration Up yonder in the skyAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English6
I'm only an orphanAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
I'm pressing on through this world of careAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English5
I'm traveling on to the new JerusalemA. E. B. (Author)English5
I'm waiting by the river sideA. E. B. (Author)English2
In a land far away is a soldier todayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
In a little while this fleeting life will all be overA. E. B. (Author)English3
In sin I once was straying, no thought of ever prayingAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English4
In the long ago the precious Savior'sAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
In the new found way, the gospel highwayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English9
In this busy life with its changing scenesAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English4
In this world I've tried most everything And I'm happy now to sayA. E. B. (Author)English22
Is there anybody here today that wants to change their wayA. E. B. (Author)English5
It seemed I had traveled for agesAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
It was springtime, the flowers were gayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
It was the blood of the crucified OneAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
I've a friend close by my sideAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I've a smile of gladnessAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
I've been reading my BibleAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I've had the blood applied and I am satisfiedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
I've heard them sing He paid the priceA. E. B. (Author)English6
I've heard them sing of home sweet homeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
I've just about tarried long enough hereAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
I've read about a city foursquare, a city of eternal lightA. E. B. (Author)English3
Jesus gave His life a ransom yonder on CalvaryA. E. B. (Author)English19
Jesus gave His life to pardon every nationAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Just beyond death's rolling riverAlbert E. Brumley (Author)3
Just suppose that the world turned against youAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Let me go down to the banks of the riverAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Let the little sunbeam inA. E. B. (Arranger)4
Life's few allotted years is but a trailAlbert E. Brumley (Author)3
Like a ship on the sea you are driftingA. E. B. (Author)English5
Lily-white hands will lead me safe through the valleyA. E. B. (Author)English4
Listen to the voices sweetly callingA. E. B. (Author)English2
Long ago in old Judea, by the Galilean shoreAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Look, look, look by His light we're ledAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Look to the western horizonAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Looking back through the years to a mangerAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Lord, how well do I know I'll have little to showAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English5
Lord, I sometimes feel just like a stranger hereAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English10
Lord, I would not ask a special blessingAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Lord, the nights are so long and my burdens so greatA. E. B. (Author)2
Many are wanedring out in darknessAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Many have loads to bearAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Many the time I am torn with disappointmentA. E. B. (Author)English3
Many times my soul is over burdenedA. E. B. (Author)English2
Many years I roamed, many years I trodA. E. B. (Author)English3
May we all walk closer to Thy sideA. E. B. (Author)English2
May we meet again some bright tomorrowA. E. B. (Author)3
Mine has been a life of sorrowA. E. B. (Author)English2
My race is nearly run, my workAlbert E. Brumley (Author)3
My Savior died upon the crossA. E. B. (Author)2
No matter how dark the nightAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
No place to hide when days are long and drearyAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English4
Now, brother, I am confessing that I've wandered in paths of sinAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
O listen to the voice of Jesus, as He calls for you todayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
O you compromising Christian on life's wayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Often the burdens of life Seem hard to bearAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English4
Often times I sit down in my parlorAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Often when the evening shadows are fallingA. E. B. (Author)English2
O the dawn of the mornA. E. B. (Author)English2
On that eternal morning in yonder landAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English4
On the cross of Calvary our blessed Savior diedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English20
On the rugged cross of Calvary, Jesus gave His life for youAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English22
Once from God I wanderedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Once I wandered out in sin Far, far awayA. E. B. (Author)English2
Once I was sighing, My Savior denyingA. E. B. (Author)English2
Once like a bird in prison I dweltAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English21
Once my soul was astray from the heavenly wayA. E. B. (Arranger)English3
One by one, the Savior calls his childrenAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
One day I met an old fashioned motherAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
One glad day Jesus cameAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Out in this cold world, and far away from homeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English5
Over on the bright elysian shoreA. E. B. (Author)English19
Part of my life brings tears of regretAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Press along, weary pilgrim, through the struggles and strifeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English7
Ride on, God's children, to that beautiful landAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English6
Seems that I can see a little chapelA. E. B. (Author)3
Since I have turned from sinful pleasure Jesus has freely blest my soulAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Since I reached life's goal I'd like to strollAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Singing, singing every dayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
So many years I wandered, precious moments squanderedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
So oft I dream of heavenAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Some day I shall stand in God's cityAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English10
Some day our last goodbyes on earth will all be spokenA. E. B. (Author)English3
Some delightful morning we shall have a better lifeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Some glad morning when this life is o'erA.E.B. (Author)English79
Some mother's boy has gone astrayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Some people often ask me where I goAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Somebody ought to go and work for JesusAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English6
Somebody's been a friend indeedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English6
Somebody's blue, weary and blueAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Somehow tonight I'm lonesomeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Sometimes the roses bloom and every thing is gayAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
Sometimes when my pathway I hardly can seeAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Sometimes when sorrow overcomes us and the darkness hovers lowAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Somewhere deep in the hillsAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Soon we'll come to the end of life's journeyA. E. B. (Author)English48
Sure, there's a God who is ruling on highA. E. B. (Author)English4
Take me back I pray if only for a dayA. E. B. (Author)English2
Take my hand in Thine, O LordAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Tell me - if there is no Higher Power, then who hung the stars in the sky?A. E. B. (Author)2
Thank God! I truly can say that I've been born againA. E. B. (Author)English5
The world's greatest story in the BibleAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
The world's greatest story in the Bible is toldA. E. B. (Author)5
There are mansions high, there are mansions wideAlbert E. Brumley (Author)3
There are mothers with beautiful featuresAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
There are people who would rather live in splendorAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
There is a city, bright eternal way over on the golden strandA. E. B. (Author)English2
There is a city of wonderful love eternalA. E. B. (Author)English2
There is a Friend to whom I clingAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
There is a most wondrous cityAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English3
There is a song that the world is singingA. E. B. (Author)English3
There is an old fashioned cabinA. E. B. (Author)English3
There is gladness all aroundAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
There is many a cross to carryA. E. B. (Author)English4
There is plenty of sunshineAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
There's a blessed land of song and storyA. E. B. (Author)2
There's a certain feeling that I never can expressA. E. B. (Author)English2
There's a city of light, where there cometh no night (Brumley)Albert Brumley (Author)English11
There's a city over there, a city bright and fairA. E. B. (Author)English2
There's a heavenly land of peace and joy eternalAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
There's a little old church in a valleyAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
There's a little pine log cabinAlbert E. Brumley (Author)6
There's a valley where the mocking birds are singingA. E. B. (Author)English2
There's a way that leads to joys of everlasting lifeA. E. B. (Author)English3
There's an old ramshackle shackAlbert E. Brumley (Author)4
They crucified my Savior, They crucified my Savior (Brumley)A. E. B. (Arranger)English3
They killed my Lord on CalvaryAlbert E. Brumley (Author)4
They're having a big revivalAlbert E. Brumley (Author)3
This world is not my home, I'm just passing byAlbert E. Brumley (Arranger)English6
Though a pilgrim, a stranger, a beggar I beAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English8
Though you wander in the bywaysAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
To the flaming field of battle! We are marching to warAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Ve conmigo, mi buen SalvadorAlbert E. Brumley (Author)Spanish2
We are a band of Christians marching on to victoryAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
We love the Red, White and BlueAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Well, I went down to the big camp meetin'A. E. B. (Author)English4
Well, who could it be that tenderly holds my trembling handA. E. B. (Author)English2
We've answered to the battle cry to conquer over sinA. E. B. (Author)English2
What a beautiful thought I am thinkingA. E. B. (Arranger)1
What a happy day of jubilationAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
What makes the flowersAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
When heavy burdens oppress meAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
When I have reached myAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
When I reach that golden shoreAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
When I was steeped in sin my Savior took me inA. E. B. (Author)2
When my hair to silver is turningA. E. B. (Author)English4
When my spirits are low and my footsteps are slowA. E. B. (Author)English4
When my time comes to cross o'er the riverA. E. B. (Author)4
When the Savior gave hisAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
When the storms of life are raging all around youAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
When the way of life I cannot understandAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
When the world would try to leadAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
When you by sorrow are distressedAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
When you have reached the end of your journeyAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
When you're feeling discouraged and lonelyAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
While treading upon the sands of timeA. E. B. (Author)English6
While we stand by the riverA. E. B. (Author)English2
Why am I weeping, why do I sighAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English2
Why must the world be tornAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2
Wonderful the praise that is coming from heaven, over on the bright eternal shoreA. E. B. (Author)English2
Wonderful things of folks are saidA. E. B. (Arranger)English1
Won't it be a happy, happy dayA. E. B. (Author)English8
Won't it be a happy morning over the seaAlbert E. Brumley (Author)English9
You better get acquainted with your Lord a little betterA. E. B. (Author)English7
You may not feel the gentle handAlbert E. Brumley (Author)2

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