Organ Moderately Easy Christmas Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $20.50 Composers represented: Bender, Burkhardt, Callahan, Engel, Ferguson, Held, Kickstat, Manz. Includes: CONSOLATION/MORNING SONG DIVINUM MYSTERIUM FOREST GREEN FREU DICH SEHR/PSALM 42/GENEVAN 42 FREU… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Advent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $14.00 A creative collection of settings of four often-used Advent hymns. Tastefully arranged. Includes: Savior of the Nations, Come NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND Comfort, Comfort Now My People FREU DICH SE… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $8.00 Includes: Humbly I Adore Thee ADORO TE DEVOTE Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken EUCHARISTIC HYMN Let Us Break Bread Together LET US BREAK BREAD Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling PANGE LINGUA… | |
Piano Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $31.00 If you have served "on the bench" for any denomination that celebrates the Lord's Supper, these settings will help you get through the panic when Communion takes longer than planned or the choir doesn… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Christmas Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $12.50 Innovative and useful, this set offers a variety of treatments-introductions, voluntaries, and accompaniments- for seven well-known Advent and Christmas hymns. Includes: Comfort, Comfort Ye My People… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Advent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $17.25 Composers represented: Burkhardt, Callahan, Engel, Held, Langlois, Manz. Includes: Hark, the Glad Sound! RICHMOND/CHESTERFIELD Comfort, Comfort Now My People FREU DICH SEHR/PSALM 42/GENEVAN 42 We… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Advent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $23.50 This composer's meticulous compositional style is brought to bear on hymn settings for worship use. In most cases, he provides an introduction, standard harmonization, and one (or two) alternate verse… | |
Handchimes Handbells File download from Lorenz Publishing $6.50 Designed specifically to be played during the distribution of the communion elements, this sensitively crafted medley will create an effective backdrop for prayerful contemplation. It is scored in F m… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Reformation Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $20.50 Composers represented: Burkhardt, Callahan, Clarke, Corl, Held, Hobby, Keene, Manz. Includes: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Ein feste Burg (3 Settings) How Firm a Foundation Foundation Oh, Worship… | |
Organ Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $21.00 Solidly crafted settings that will support and inspire congregational singing. A number of the settings may be used as brief voluntaries and the collection includes a sparkling "Trio on Salzburg" that… |