Praise ye Jehovah,
All ye men who fear Him!
Let us with gladness to His name be singing,
Be thanks and praises to His altar bringing.
Praise ye Jehovah!
The life we’re living
Who is ever giving;
Care all the night who like a father taketh,
And who with gladness us from sleep awaketh.
Praise ye Jehovah!
That we enjoy them,
And can still employ them,
Our mind and senses and our every member,
Thanks do we owe for this let us remember.
Praise ye Jehovah!
By flames o’erpowering,
Us and ours devouring,
From house and homestead that we’ve not been driven
We owe it to the care of God in Heaven.
Praise ye Jehovah!
That no thief, breaking
Through our doors and taking
Our property, and us assaulting hurt us,
Is that He sent His angels to support us.
Praise ye Jehovah!
Oh, faithful Saviour!
Fount of every favour!
Ah! let Thy kindness and protection hover,
By day and night our life at all times over.
Praise ye Jehovah!
Deign, Lord, to hear us,
And to-day be near us!
Supported by Thy grace, may nought e’er hinder
Our progress; and, in need, help speedy render.
Praise ye Jehovah!
Our will subduing,
Make us Thine be doing,
Teach us to labour faithfully; whenever
Beneath the load we’re sinking, then deliver.
Praise ye Jehovah!
Do Thou direct us
When Thou dost afflict us,
That we may never mock; but be preparing
Before Thy throne hereafter for appearing.
Praise ye Jehovah!
And all true-hearted
Who’re by grace converted
Wilt Thou, Lord, come for, and by grace be bringing
Where all Thine angels evermore are singing,
Praise ye Jehovah!
Paul Gerhardt’s Spiritual Songs, 1867