1 O wondrous story of the Lord,
It thrills our hearts with love;
That Jesus came to rescue man,
And left his throne above.
Help me, dear Saviour, thee to own,
and ever faithful be;
And when thou sittest on thy throne,
Dear Lord, remember me.
2 In human form he deigned to dwell,
To raise our fallen race;
And shed about his manger wide,
The brightness of his grace. [Chorus]
3 The angels sang, and men rejoiced,
In hope of endless bliss,
And hailed the star of Bethlehem,
The pledge of love and peace. [Chorus]
4 It shines today to guide us on,
Thro' earthly storms to him,
The pole star for the sinner’s bark,
Whose light is never dim. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #70