1 "Not far from the kingdom of Heaven,"
Its glories gleam faint on thy sight;
Thou’rt just on the borders of Canaan,
But oh, there is danger tonight.
Flee the danger, the danger,
Oh, enter the haven of rest;
Flee the danger, to Jesus return,
Oh, come and forever be blest.
2 The power of the tempter grows stronger,
God’s pleading you soon may not hear;
The way to the kingdom grows longer,
While thus you stand doubting in fear. [Refrain]
3 O brother, no longer stand waiting
But come to the blest mercy seat;
Oh, hasten, the storm now is raging,
The borders may sing ’neath thy feet. [Refrain]
4 Thy Savior is earnestly calling,
In accents so tender and strong,
Oh, can you resist all His pleadings,
Or slight offered mercy too long? [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14001