1 My soul at last a rest hath found,
A rest that will not fail;
A sure and certain anchorage ground
In Christ within the vail.
O Rock of Ages cleft for me,
In Thee my soul securely hide;
My tower of strength, I fly to Thee,
And safely there abide.
2 I’ll hide me in this refuge strong,
From every stormy blast;
And sit and sing until the waves
Of wrath are over-past. [Chorus]
3 Ye comfortless and tempest-tossed,
By sins and woes opprest;
Ye tempted, troubled, ruined, lost,
Come find in Christ your rest. [Chorus]
4 Ye thirsty, from this smitten Rock,
Life’s crystal waters spring;
There hide from every stormy shock,
And rest, and drink, and sing. [Chorus]
Source: Northfield Hymnal No. 3 #236